A Short Song Ballad
Before wine, sing a song;
How long is life, how long?
It ems like morning dew
With bygones gone with woe.
O sing loud and sing free,
And yet my cau frets me.
What can kill sorrow mine?
Nothing but Dukang Wine.
Blue, blue the scholar gown
Seek, ek I up and down.
In your esteem I bow
And have chanted till now.
The deer each to each bleat;
Afield they wormwood eat.
I have good guests today;i miss you是什么意思
The lute and flute we play.
omg是什么意思Fair, fair the moon does shine;
Could I have it? I pine!
My heart's laden with care,
Which ems to stay for e'er.
Through the field lies the lane;
It's for you, not in vain
We talk throughout repast;
Rememb'ring your grace past.
The moon's bright and stars few;
Fly south magpie and crow.
小学四年级英语视频Thrice they go round the birch,
But on which bough to perch?
Let mounts be high and steep
And the as broad and deep.
O our sage Prince of Zhou,
To your side all would go.
A Short Song
We should sing before wine.
For how long can life last?
Like dew on morning fine,
So many days have pasd.
How can we be unbound
By grief which weighs us down?
Grief can only be drowned日语二级听力下载
In wine of good renown.
Talents with collars blue,
For you I pine away;
So much I long for you,
My heart aches night and day.
How gaily call the deer
While grazing in the shade!
When I have talents here,
Let lute and lyre be played!
Bright as the moon on high,
How can I bring it down?
Grief from within comes nigh;
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Cealessly it flows on.
Across the fields and lanes,
You are kind to come here.
Talking of far-off plains,
You cherish friendship dear.
The moon's bright and stars nice,
The crows in southward flight
They circle the trees thrice;
There's no branch to alight.
With crags high mountain ri;
With water the a's deep.
With the help of the wi,
An ordered world we'll keep.
A Song
Wine before us, sing a song.
How long does life last?
It is like the morning dew;
Sad so many days have past.
Sing hey, sing ho!
Deep within my heart I pine.
Nothing can dispel my woe,
Save Du Kang, the god of wine.无准考证号查四六级
Blue, blue the scholar's robe;
Long, long for him I ache.
Preoccupied with you, my lord,
Heavy thoughts for your sake.
To each other cry the deer,
Nibbling grass upon the plain.
When a good friend visits me,
We'll play the lyre once again.
In the sky, the moon is bright;
Yet I can reach it never.
fullcircleIn my heart such sorrow dwells;
Remaining with me ever.
In the fields, our paths crosd;
Your visit was so kind.
Together after our long parting,
Your favours come to mind.