——改编自How to face sad emotion
Death is a natural part of life but the death of someone we love can be one of the most difficult experiences. While everyone deals with death differently, it is important to understand that how we deal with grief can depend on our personality and individual circumstances.
Grief is an emotion that we feel when we experience loss, and it can manifest in many ways such as shock, guilt, anger, and disbelief. Some people may want to grieve privately, while others may want to share their feelings with friends and family. It is important to remember that there is no "right" way to grieve – each person has their own unique journey.
Experts recommend that people should express their emotions rather than hiding them. It's important to talk about your loss or even cry and sob to show that you are grieving. Keeping the memory of a loved one alive is also an esntial part of the grieving process.
You might speak to them in your mind or write letters to them. Sharing memories with other people who knew them can be positive too.
For some, making a permanent reminder of someone has helped them with the grieving process. Memorial tattoos, for instance, offer a continuing bond with the decead. This could be helpful for tho who still struggle to come to terms with their loss.
While the physical pain of losing someone will eventually ea, the memories we hold can last forever. It is okay to talk about them and to express your feelings as this is all part of the healing process. However, as singer Patti Smith once said, "loss is something we never get over." It remains within us but we must learn to cope and find ways to move forward.
1. natural [ˈnætʃrəl] adj. 自然的
2. difficult [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] adj. 困难的
3. experience [ɪkˈspɪəriəns] n. 经历
4. deal with 处理
5. grief [ɡriːf] n. 悲伤
6. emotion [ɪˈməʊʃn] n. 情感
7. manifest [ˈmænɪfest] v. 显示出
8. shock [ʃɒk] n. 震惊
9. guilt [ɡɪlt] n. 内疚
10. anger [ˈæŋɡər] n. 愤怒
11. disbelief [ˌdɪsbɪˈliːf] n. 不信,怀疑吸血鬼日记第二季10
12. privately [ˈpraɪvətli] adv. 私下地
13. share [ʃeə(r)] v. 分享
14. person [ˈpɜːsn] n. 人
15. journey [ˈdʒɜːni] n. 旅程
16. expert [ˈekspɜːt] n. 专家
17. recommend [ˌrekəˈmend] v. 建议
18. express [ɪkˈspres] v. 表达
19. hide [haɪd] v. 隐藏
20. talk [tɔːk] v. 谈话
21. cry [kraɪ] v. 哭泣
22. sob [sɒb] v. 泣泪
八年级下册英语课本23. memory [ˈmeməri] n. 记忆
24. alive [əˈlaɪv] adj. 活着的
25. esntial [ɪˈnʃl] adj. 必要的
26. speak [spiːk] v. 说话
27. mind [maɪnd] n. 意识
taurus怎么读28. letter [ˈletə(r)] n. 信件
29. positive [ˈpɒzətɪv] adj. 积极的
30. permanent [ˈpɜːmənənt] adj. 永久的
31. reminder [rɪˈmaɪndə(r)] n. 提醒者
32. continue [kənˈtɪnjuː] v. 继续
33. bond [bɒnd] n. 纽带
34. decead [dɪˈsiːst] n. 已故者
35. struggle [strʌɡl] v. 斗争
otherwi36. term [tɜːm] n. 术语
37. physical [ˈfɪzɪkl] adj. 物理的
38. pain [peɪn] n. 痛苦
39. eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli] adv. 最终
40. hold [həʊld] v. 持有
41. last [lɑːst] v. 持续
42. singer [ˈsɪŋə(r)] n. 歌手
43. cope [kəʊp] v. 应对
44. find [faɪnd] v. 找到
45. ways [weɪz] n. 方法
46. move [muːv] v. 移动
47. heartbreak [ˈhɑːtˌbreɪk] n. 心碎
48. individual [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl] adj. 个人的
49. encourage [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] v. 鼓励
50. unexpected [ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd] adj. 意外的
1. According to the article, why can grief affect different people in different ways?
A. Becau everyone has a unique way of coping with grief
B. Becau some people are more ud to dealing with death than others
C. Becau grief is not a common feeling that people experience
D. Becau some people have experienced loss more than once
2. What does the author suggest about how people should deal with their emotions after experiencing loss?
A. They should keep their feelings inside and not express them
B. They should talk to friends and family and share their feelings
C. They should try to forget about their loss and move on
D. They should distract themlves with other activities
3. According to the article, what is an esntial part of the grieving process?
耀华国际A. Expressing your emotions
B. Forgetting about your loss
C. Keeping your feelings to yourlf
D. Avoiding any reminders of your loved one
4. What do some people find helpful for coping with loss, according to the article?
A. Trying to forget about the person who has pasd away