dexterityIf you like the idea of blocking overbearing ads, but don’t want to steal revenue from sites you like, you can t AdBlock to allow all ads by default, and then block them as needed.
While Google is to make your ad experience better on the web by, it’s never a bad idea to have the c
ontrol where you want it. That’s where AdBlock comes into play—but not in the way you traditionally think of this controversial plugin.
尽管Google通过的⼴告来改善您的⼴告在⽹络上的体验,但是控制您想要的位置绝不是⼀个坏主意。 这就是AdBlock发挥作⽤的地⽅-但不是您通常认为的这个有争议的插件。
By default, AdBlock, blocks ads—all ads. While I e how appealing that can be, not all ads are bad, overbearing, or otherwi in the way. In fact, ads are how many websites make money—including the one you’re reading right now.
默认情况下,AdBlock阻⽌⼴告-所有⼴告。 尽管我看到了它的吸引⼒,但并⾮所有⼴告都是不好的,霸道的或其他⽅式。 实际上,⼴告就是多少⽹站可以赚钱,包括您现在正在阅读的⽹站。
While we go out of our way to make sure the ad experience is as out of your way as possible, we also understand that not all websites are as aware of their ad situation as they should be—or maybe they just don’t care. Whatever the reason, if there comes a time when a website is forcing too many ads down your throat, it’s time to block them.
解⾃⼰的⼴告情况,他们应该是-或者他们根本不关⼼。 ⽆论是什么原因,如果某个⽹站强迫您的⼴告泛滥成灾,是时候阻⽌它们了。
如何设置AdBlock允许⼴告 (How to Set AdBlock to Allow Ads)
So, first things first, go ahead and install AdBlock. It’s available for , , and . After you install it, the instructions are esntially the same across all browrs.
因此,⾸先,请继续并安装AdBlock。 它适⽤于 , 和 。 安装后,所有浏览器的说明基本相同。
Note: I’ll be using Chrome for the tutorial, so it might look slightly different if you’re using a different browr.
Click the extension icon, and then choo the “Options” entry. This opens a new browr tab.
单击扩展程序图标,然后选择“选项”条⽬。 这将打开⼀个新的浏览器选项卡。
On that tab, click the “Customize” option at the top.
There are quite a few options on the “Customize” page, but you’re looking for the “Show ads everywhere except for the domains” option. Click it to expand a new input box.
精英培训“⾃定义”页⾯上有很多选项,但是您正在寻找“除这些域以外的所有地⽅展⽰⼴告”选项。 单击它以展开⼀个新的输⼊框。
In that box, you can start adding the sites on which you want to block ads by using the format displayed just below the box. The sites you type are added to the “Filters” ction.
在该框中,您可以使⽤框下⽅显⽰的格式开始添加要屏蔽⼴告的⽹站。 您键⼊的⽹站将添加到“过滤器”部分。
You can edit the filters ction manually as well, but be aware that it’s very particular about formatting. One incorrect character and everything breaks!
您也可以⼿动编辑过滤器部分,但是请注意,这对于格式化⾮常重要。 ⼀个不正确的⾓⾊,⼀切都破了!
Fortunately, there’s an easier way. You don’t have to worry about manually inputting every site for which you want to block ads. Instead, you can just u the extension icon as you’re browsing. When you encounter an offending site, head to that site’s home page, click the AdBlock extension icon, and then choo the “Enable AdBlock on this page” option. Poof —ads are gone. That’s all there is to it!
幸运的是,有⼀种更简单的⽅法。 您不必担⼼⼿动输⼊要阻⽌其⼴告的每个站点。 相反,您可以在浏览时使⽤扩展程序图标。 当您遇到有问题的⽹站时,请转到该⽹站的主页,单击AdBlock扩展图标,然后选择“在此页⾯上启⽤AdBlock”选项。 of-⼴告不见了。 这⾥的所有都是它的!
Note: You do need to do this on a website’s home page, otherwi it only block ads on the exact pag
e you’re looking at. When you enable it on the home page, though, it blocks ads across that entire domain.
注意:您确实需要在⽹站的⾸页上执⾏此操作,否则,它只会阻⽌您所查看的确切页⾯上的⼴告。 不过,当您在⾸页上启⽤它时,它会阻⽌整个域中的⼴告。
如何为被阻⽌的⽹站重新启⽤⼴告 (How to Re-Enable Ads for Blocked Sites)
If at any point, you have a change of heart (or perhaps accidentally blocked ads), you can easily undo this tting.
international trade
While you can edit the Filters list, I’d generally recommend against that unless you’re absolutely sure of what you’re doing. Again, it’ll break the entire list if something is entered improperly.
尽管您可以编辑“过滤器”列表,但通常还是建议不要这样做,除⾮您完全确定⾃⼰在做什么。 再次,如果输⼊不正确,它将破坏整个列表。
Instead, just visit the site’s home page, click the AdBlock icon, and then choo the “Don’t run on pages on this site”option.
This open a new window—just click “Exclude” to allow ads across that domain.
Done and done.
While we definitely encourage the “innocent until proven guilty” mindt when it comes to blocking ads, we also understand that some websites are just awful when it comes to putting ads in your face. We feel like allowing ads in general, and then blocking ads on offending sites offers a great middle ground in the debate over blocking ads.
sunt什么意思摆在您⾯前时⾮常糟糕。 我们觉得总体上是允许⼴告,然后在违规⽹站上屏蔽⼴告在有关屏蔽⼴告的辩论中提供了很好的中间⽴场。
Also, plea don’t u this to block our ads. We love you.
另外,请不要使⽤它来屏蔽我们的⼴告。 我们爱你。