To begin with, this ca demonstrates Edward T. Hall’s High- and Low-context cultures theory. According to Hall, According to Hall, context is “the information that surrounds an event; it is inextricably bound up with the meaning of the event” (1990, P. 79). He categorizes cultures as being either high or low context, depending on the degree to which meaning comes from the ttings or from the words being exchanged (Hall, 1976). According to Hall’s classification, Chine culture is a high-context culture while American culture is a low-context one.
In high-context cultures, information is usually provided through gestures, behaviors and even silence. Information can be delivered in a subtle way. people often express themlves in an indirect way. Sometimes, people’s behaviors or gestures can more express their emotions, feelings, and inner hearts becau words sometimes cheat people. As a saying goes, actions speak louder than words. In china, people often express themlves in an indirect way. Sometimes, they find some excus or vague wordings to avoid embarrassing situation or maintain face. Sometimes, they u nonverbal communications such as posture, gestures, and facial expressions deliver their meanings.
外贸业务员英文简历So In many cross-cultural communications, the high-context cultures may cau misunderstanding, while low-context culture can avoid it. In low-context cultures, the verbal message contains a lot of information. Americans usually clearly demonstrate their ideas. 两只蝴蝶英文版Directness, openness, and honesty are valued. In low-context cultures, the information is expresd clearly, directly. Therefore, people easily understand the meaning and don’t need to guess what the real meaning.
In conclusion, high-context cultures and low-context cultures have their exclusive features. The ca well depicts the Edward T. Hall’s High- and Low-context cultures theory.
This ca can be explained by Hofstede’s Masculinity and Femininity theory. According tofrontpage是什么 Hofstede, Masculinity is the extent to which the dominant values in a society are male oriented and is associated with such behaviors as ambition, differentiated x roles, achievement, the acquisition of money, and signs of manliness. In a masculine society, men are domineering and asrtive and women nurturing. Japan tends toward masculinit
y. In Japan, despite the high level of economic development, the division of labor still finds most men in the role of provider and most women as, says Merguro,‘堪萨斯州立homemaker and breeder.’” (1988, P. 106). So, in Japan,宁波雅思培训保过班 it is really common for men to work outside while women just stay at home and take care of children.
束手无策什么意思Therefore, in Sweden , it is not strange to e women engineeror women geologist doing field work together with her male collegues. Of cour, nurturing roles share for both xes.
this ca can be explained by Hofstede’s Individualism and Collectivism theory. According to Hofstede’s findings, the United States tends toward individualism while China tends toward collectivism. In cultures that tend toward individualism, an “I’’ consciousness prevails: people tend not to be emotionally dependent on organizations and institutions and every individual has the right to his or her opinions and thoughts. The cultures emphasize individual initiative and they value individual decision making. Meanwhile, people’s personal goals take priority over their allegiance to groups like the fa
mily. Therefore, cultures that foster individualism offer less support to the child and he or she must learn to be lf-reliant. Compared with Chine children, they have already learned how to make decisions themlves at a very early age. At the same time, parents just give suggestions to their children, but they cannot interfere with the children’s decisions. Haviland cites :“currently there are twice as many houholds in the United States headed by divorced, parated, and never-married individuals as there are occupied by traditional nuclear families.” (1993, P. 253). This means the child eks affiliations outside the family. The nuclear family also expects that at a certain age, children will move out of the hou and establish their own houholds. In the United States one may say,while是什么意思‘
However, in collective societies such as China, people are born into extended families that support and protect them in exchange for their loyalty. In cultures that tend toward collectivism, a “we” consciousness prevails: identity is bad on the social system. The culture emphasizes belonging to organizations and the individual is emotionally depende
nt on organizations and institutions. Individuals trust group decisions. As a result, in cultures that tend toward collectivism, people have a lot of obligations to others especially to families. In the extended families of China, loyalty extends beyond the immediate family of parents and siblings to include grangparents, cousins, cond cousins, third cousins, and even godparents. Chu and Ju make the point:”
Hall, E. T. (1976) Beyond Culture NY: Doubleday
以上英文Hall, E. T. & Hall, M, R, (1990) Understanding cultural differences: Germans, French and Americans Yatmouth, ME: Intercultural Press
Meguro, H. (1988)thomson reuters Address to the world affairs council