scott barnes
Toward a conceptual framework of health crisis information needs: an analysis of COVID-19tler
questions in a Chine social Q&A website新视野大学英语2
期刊名称: Journal of Documentation
作者: Qing Ke,Jia Tina Du,Lu Ji保养皮肤的步骤
年份: 2021年
期号: 第ahead-of-print期
关键词: COVID-19;Contextual factors;Health crisis;Information needs
摘要:Purpo The purpo of this paper is to understand how the contextual factors of health crisis information needs are different from a general health context and how the factors work together to shape human information needs. Design/methodology/approach This study collected the COVID-19-related questions posted on a Chine social Q&A website for a period of 90 days since the pandemic 玩笑英语
托福听力下载深圳好会计outbreak in China. A qualitative thematic approach was applied to analyze the 1,681 valid questions using an open coding process. Findings A taxonomy of information need topics for a health crisis context that identifies 8 main categories and 33 subcategories was developed, from which four overarching themes were extracted. The include understanding, clarification and preparation; affection expression of worries and confidence; coping with einstein