this is怎么读
Hello, 大家好!我是Eunice。今天我们来聊一聊如何用英语表达让步关系,也就是虽然......,但是....。
昨天遇到了小U同学,当我让他用although来描述一下自己对于独处的感受的时候,他说:Although I have many friends, but I enjoy solitude a lot. 几乎是在说出口的当下,小U就知道自己犯了一个由于中英语言习惯不同而导致的很常见的小错误。(Almost immediately after he finished his ntence, he realized he made an obvious and common mistake.)--Although和but不能连用。
'Although' and '第86届奥斯卡金像奖even though' and though are conjunctions. They are classified as concession subordinating conjunctions. They are ud to show concession. In other wor
ds, they are ud to show contrast or indicate a surprising action or event in relation to a thing. 这几个词可用作连词,属于让步从属连词连词。用来表示让步关系,体现对比关系。
Let’s have a look at some examples:
Although he has promid to come, he failed to show up.
信徒的意思Though he has promid to come, he failed to show up.
Even though he has promid to come, he failed to show up.
To show contrast, though, although and even though are interchangeable, but even though is slightly stronger and emphatic than the other two. 在表达对比关系时,这三个连词可以相互替换,但是其中even though语气更强。
Even though we don’t have enough budget, we have planned a trip for the oncoming National Day Holiday.
美观的反义词是什么Though can be ud as a adverb, usually at the end of the ntence to add a fact or an opinion that makes the previous statement less strong or less important.
Our team lost. It was a good game though.
adnsIt’s your turn.
Plea join two ntences using though/ although/ even though. vancel
alabama●I begged him not to leave. He decided to leave.
●I have the greatest respect for his ideas. I don’t agree with him.