
更新时间:2023-07-27 15:34:40 阅读: 评论:0

1. ⼩学五年级英语常⽤语法
• 初中英语语法⼝诀歌 1.数词变化规律及读法⼝诀两⼤数词基和序,前表数量后第⼏。
构成先谈基数词,1⾄12请认真记。 13⾄19teen结尾齐,ty结尾表⽰⼏⼗。
若要表达⼏⼗⼏,⼏⼗短横1到9。 One hundred ⼀百记,若表⼏百⼏⼗⼏。
⼏百 and⼏⼗⼏,基数规律上述⾥。再把序数谈仔细,第⼀⾄三独⽴记。
第⼏⼗⼏有特例,第⼏⼗由基数起,⼏⽤序数有道理。第⼀百one hundred。
若说第⼀百⼏⼗⼏。 One hundred and第⼏⼗⼏。
3.陈述句变感叹句⼝诀英语陈述变感叹两句套。What 或How加其他成分表。
What [a(an)]形加名⽤的妙。剩余照写句末⽤感叹号。
How 后副和形是正确道,其后照写感叹号堪称妙。 4.⼀般现在时⽤法及句型转换⼝诀经常习惯动作和真理,是⼀般现在时的定义。
句⾸Do,Does疑问起,Does⽤单三⼈称限制,单三还原形没⼤问题。 5.变动词单三⼈称⼝诀⼀般情况动词尾-s加。
O,s,ch,sh结尾“-es”没有差。辅⾳加y 去y为“-ies”是⽅法。
“坏病”wor,worst莫记乱。“双多” more,most不⽤管 “⽼、远”两种形式别记篡,“有点”less,least记清盼。
9.感观使役动词记忆和使⽤⼝诀 1.记忆⼝诀:⼆听四看⼀感觉,使役动词有三个。或:⼀感⼆听三使四看。
⼀感;feel ⼆听:hear,listen to 三使:make ,let ,have 四看:look at,e,watch,notice 使⽤⼝诀:感使动词真奇怪,to在句中象妖怪。主动句⾥它⾛开,被动句⾥它回来。
动词let要除外,to词可来可不来。 10.规则动词加-ed的读⾳⼝诀元⾳后[t],浊⾳后[d],[t][d ]后读[id]。
注:浊⾳包括浊辅⾳和元⾳。 11.时刻表达法⼝诀时刻表达法作⽤⼤,⾐⾷住⾏离不开它。
若要说明⼏点过⼏分,可把past和after来抓。前分后时不能搞差,要说⼏点⼏分差, to前分后时来表达。
⽐较级⼆句型记,做出句⼦没问题。若甲⼄程度相同,as…as 结构体。
甲某⽅⾯不及⼄,⽤ not so/as…as表⽰。上述内容全记起,⽐较等级谈完毕。
2. ⼈教版五年级上册英语主要句型
M1.Routines and Dates
1.时间副词 always、usually、very often、often、quite often、sometimes、ldom、never
1.肯定句:I can speak Chine.
2.⼀般疑问句:Can you speak Russian?
3.否定句:I can't speak Russian.
4.特殊疑问句:What can you do?
1.⼀般将来时态的结构:主语+am/is/are going to+动词原形
M5.Zoo Animals
(1)问。Can/Could you tell me the way to the 。. plea?或how to get to the 。.,plea?
(2)答。Go straight ahead / on.Turn right/left out of the 。. Take the 。. left/right.I am lost.
= - 楼主最好去买练习册看⾥⾯的模块导读什么的理解的更清晰
3. ⼈教版五年级上册英语句⼦
1. Is there a garden in the school? No, there isn't.学校⾥有个花园吗?不,没有。
2. Is there a reading room near the playground? Yes, there is.操场附近有个阅览室吗?是的。
3. Are there any songbooks in the bookca? Yes, there are.书架⾥有⼀些歌本吗?是的。 m.niuyingyu
4. Are there any swings in the park? No, there aren't.花园⾥有⼀些秋千吗?不,没有。
5. How many TV rooms are there in the building? There are four.⼤楼⾥有⼏间电视房?有四间。
6、It is the first day of the new term. 这是新学期的第⼀天。
7、All the students are back at school. 所有的学⽣都回到了学校。
8、They are happy to e each other again.他们很⾼兴⼜相互见⾯了。
9、Is there a park near your hou?在你的房⼦附近有⼀个花园吗?
10、Are there any reading rooms in the building?⼤楼⾥有⼀些阅览室吗?
11、There are some cakes and grapes on the plate. 在盘⼦上有⼀些蛋糕和葡萄。
12.What's under the bed? There's a football under the bed. 床下⾯有什么?床下⾯有个⾜球。
13.What's on the table? There are some glass on the table.桌⼦上有什么?桌⼦上有些玻璃杯。
14.There isn't a pencil on the desk. 课桌上没有⼀⽀铅笔。
高三家长会班主任发言稿15.There are not any pictures on the wall. 墙上没有任何图⽚(复数)。
16.Yang Ling and her parents live in a new hou now. 杨玲和她的⽗母现在住在⼀所新房⼦⾥。
17.They like the new hou very much.他们⾮常喜欢新房⼦。
18. There's a map of the world on the wall.在墙上有⼀张世界地图。
19.The rabbit in the black hat looks very happy. 戴着⿊⾊帽⼦的兔⼦看起来很⾼兴。
20. Can you sing? Yes, I can.你会唱歌吗?是的,我会
4. PEP英语⼀到六年级的常⽤表达法和单词
⼩学的吧,从三年级开始才有英语科,加油,很容易的!将课本⾥的单词表,词组(⼏乎课本⾥的全背,拿个⾼分轻⽽易举,关键要每天都背,每天其实只⽤背很少,积少成多,勤!)相⽐起初中,⾼中,⼩意思啦!⼀.学习⽤品(school things)钢笔pen 铅笔pencil 铅笔盒pencil-ca 尺⼦ruler 书book 书schoolbag 漫画书comic book 明信⽚post card 报纸newspaper 包bag 橡⽪erar 蜡笔crayon 卷笔⼑sharpener 故事书story-book 笔记本notebook 语⽂书Chine book 英语书English book 数学书math book 杂志magazine 词典dictionary⼆.⼈体(body)脚foot 头head 脸face 头发hair ⿐⼦no 嘴mouth眼睛eye ⽿朵ear ⼿臂arm ⼿hand ⼿指hand 腿leg尾巴tail ⾝体body三.颜⾊(colours)红red 蓝blue 黄yellow 绿green ⽩white ⿊black 粉红pink 紫purple 橙orange 棕brown 灰grey四.动物(animals)猫cat 狗dog 猪pig 鸭duck 兔rabbit 马hor ⼤象elephant 蚂蚁ant 鱼fish 鸟bird 鹰eagle ⿅deer 海狸beaver 蛇snake ⽼⿏mou 松⿏squirrel 熊bear 袋⿏kangaroo 猴monkey 熊猫panda 狮⼦lion ⽼虎tiger 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 长颈⿅giraffe 鹅goo 母鸡hen ⽕鸡turkay ⼩⽺lamb 绵⽺sheep ⼭⽺goat 奶⽜cow 驴donkey 鱿鱼squid 龙虾lobster 鲨鱼shark 海豹al 抹⾹鲸sperm whale 虎鲸killer whale五.⼈物(people)朋友friend 男孩boy ⼥孩girl 母亲mother ⽗亲father 姐妹sister 兄弟brother 叔叔;舅舅uncle 男⼈man ⼥⼈woman 先⽣Mr ⼩姐Miss ⼥⼠lady 妈妈mom 爸爸dad ⽗母pa
rents (外)祖母grandma/grandmother (外)祖⽗grandpa/grandfather 姑姑aunt ⼉⼦son 婴⼉baby 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin ⼩孩kid 同学classmate ⼥王queen 参观者visitor 邻居neighbour 校长principal ⼤学⽣university student 笔友pen pal 旅⾏者tourist ⼈物people 机器⼈robot六. 职业(jobs)教师teacher 学⽣student 医⽣doctor 护⼠nur 司机driver 农民farmer 歌唱家singer 作家writer 男演员actor ⼥演员actress 画家artist 电视台记者TV reporter ⼯程师engineer 会计accountant (男)警察policeman 销售员salesperson 清洁⼯cleaner 棒球运动员baball player 售货员assistant (⼥)警察policewoman university student(⼤学⽣)七.⾷品、饮料(food and drink )⽶饭rice ⾯包bread ⽜⾁beef ⽜奶milk ⽔water蛋egg 鱼fish ⾖腐tofu 蛋糕cake 热狗hot dog 汉堡包hamburger 炸薯条French fries 曲奇cookie 饼⼲biscuit 果酱jam ⾯条noodle ⾁meat 鸡⾁chicken 猪⾁pork ⽺⾁mutton 蔬菜vegetable 沙拉salad 汤soup冰ice 冰激凌ice-cream 可乐Coke 果汁juice 茶tea 咖啡coffee 早餐breakfast 午餐lunch 晚餐dinner⼋.⽔果、蔬菜(fruit and vegetable )苹果apple ⾹蕉banana 梨pear 橙orange 西⽠watermelon 葡萄grape 茄⼦eggplant 胡萝⼘carrot青⾖green beans 西红柿tomato ⼟⾖potato 桃peach 草莓strawberry 黄⽠cucumber 洋葱onion 卷⼼菜cabbage 九.⾐服(clothes)夹克衫jacket 衬⾐shirt T恤衫T-shirt 短裙⼦skirt 连⾐裙dress ⽜仔裤jeans 长裤pants 袜⼦socks 鞋⼦shoes ⽑⾐sweater 上⾐coat ⾬⾐raincoat 短裤shorts ⽹球鞋sneakers 拖鞋slippers 凉鞋sandals 靴⼦boots (有沿的)帽⼦hat 便帽cap 太阳镜sunglass 领带tie 围⼱scarf ⼿套gloves⼗.交通⼯具( vehicles )⾃⾏车bike 公共汽车bus ⽕车train ⼩船boat 轮船ship 快艇yacht ⼩汽车car 出租车taxi 吉towerbridge
普车jeep ⼩货车;⾯包车van 飞机plane 地铁subway 摩托车motor cycle⼗⼀.杂物(other things )窗户window 门door 课桌desk 椅⼦chair 床bed 计算机computer 写字板board 风扇fan 灯light 讲台teacher's desk 图画;照⽚picture 墙壁wall 地板floor 窗帘curtain 垃圾箱trash bin 壁橱clot 镜⼦mirror 床头柜end table ⾜球football 礼物prent 随⾝听walkman 台灯lamp 电话phone 沙发sofa 书架shelf 冰箱fridge 桌⼦table 空调air-conditioner电视TV 钥匙key 锁lock 照⽚photo 图表chart 盘⼦plate ⼑knife 叉fork 勺⼦spoon 筷⼦chopsticks锅pot 礼物gift 玩具toy 洋娃娃doll 球ball ⽓球balloon 风筝kite 拼图游戏jigsaw puzzle 盒⼦box 伞umbrella 拉链 zipper ⼩提琴violin 溜溜球yo-yo 鸟窝nest 洞hole管⼦tube ⽛刷toothbrush 菜单menu 电⼦卡⽚e-card 电⼦邮
件e-mail 交通灯traffic light 钱money 药medicine ⼗⼆.地点(locations)家home 房间room 卧室bedroom 卫⽣间bathroom 起居室living room 厨房kitchen 教室classroom 学校school公园park 图书馆library 邮局post office 医院hospital电影院cinema 书店bookstore 农场farm 动物园zoo 花园garden 书房study 操场playground ⾷堂canteen 教师办公室teacher's office 图书馆library 体育馆gym 卫⽣间washroom 绘画教室art room 计算机教室computer room ⾳乐教室music room 电视机房TV room 公寓flat 公司company ⼯⼚factory ⽔果摊fruit stand 宠物商店pet shop ⾃然公园park 主题公园theme park 科学博物馆science muum 长城the Great Wall 超市supermarket 银⾏bank国家country 乡村village 城市city⼗三.课程(class)体育运动sports 科学science 思想品德课Mo。
5. ⼩学五年级英语常⽤语法
⼩学五年级英语语法:过去完成时⼩学五年级英语语法:过去完成时⽤法:在过去的时间⾥,两个动作中,发⽣在前的那个动作要⽤过去完成时。结构:had+过去分词 After she had finished her homework, she went shopping. They had sold the car
⼩学五年级英语语法:现在完成时⼩学五年级英语语法:现在完成时构成:主语+助动词have, has+过去分词⽤法: 2)表⽰过去发⽣的和现在有某种联系的动作,常和just, usually, already, since等时间副词连⽤ I have just had lunch. (饱了,不⽤
⼩学五年级英语语法:过去式⼩学五年级英语语法:过去式表⽰过去发⽣的动作或事件,常和表⽰过去的时间状语连⽤,如yesterday, last night, the day before yesterday, 3 days ago,含有be动词的句⼦,将动词变为过去式,am, is的过去式
⼩学五年级英语语法:现在进⾏时⼩学五年级英语语法:现在进⾏时表⽰现在正在进⾏的动作。构成:主语+be动词+动词的现在分词+其它成分 We are having lunch. He is reading a book. The dog is running after a cat. The boys are swimming a石家庄聚能教育
和tomorrow, next year, the day after tomorrow, the year after the next, in five hours time, etc. 表⽰将来的词联⽤。结构:主语+助动词w
⼩学五年级英语语法:特殊疑问句⼩学五年级英语语法:特殊疑问句表⽰疑问,有疑问词(在开头),回答有很多种可能。常⽤疑问词:疑问词意思⽤法 What time 什么时间问具体时间,如⼏点钟 Who 谁问⼈ Who 谁的问主⼈ Where 在哪⾥
⼩学五年级英语语法:⼀般疑问句⼩学五年级英语语法:⼀般疑问句⼀般疑问句如何将⼀个肯定的陈述句改为⼀般疑问句:1、看句中有⽆be动词,如有,把be动词提到句⾸即可。 2、看句中有⽆情态动词,如有,把情态动词提到句⾸即可。 3、如上述⼆
⼩学五年级英语语法:Be动词⽤法⼩学五年级英语语法:Be动词⽤法 be动词(am、is、are)+not、情态动词can+ not、助动词(do、does) + not 如何将⼀个肯定的陈述句改为否定句: 1、看句中有⽆be动词,如有,直接在be动词后+ not。 2、看句中有
⼩学五年级英语语法:⼈称代词和物主代词⼩学五年级英语语法:⼈称代词和物主代词⼈称代词物主代词单数复数单数复数主格宾格主格宾格形容词性形容词性第⼀⼈称 I(我) me we(我们) us my(我的) our(我们的)第⼆⼈称 you(
⼩学五年级英语语法:名词1、名词这⾥强调两点:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是⽤is 名词复数如何加后缀:各种不同情况变化⽅法例词⼀般情况直接加-s book-books bag-bags cat-cats bed-beds 以s. x. sh. ch结尾加-es bus-bu
⼩升初英语毕业总复习各册知识点之五年级下册第⼀单元知识点⼀、主要单词: do morning exercis 晨练,做早操 eat breakfast吃早饭 have English class上英语课 play sports进⾏体育活动 eat dinner吃晚饭 eat lunch吃午饭 climb mountains 爬⼭ go shop
⼩升初英语毕业总复习各册知识点之五年级上册五年级上册主要知识点第⼀单元: 1、以字母y结尾的名词变复数,如果字母y的前⾯是元⾳(a, e , i, o, u),就在y后⾯直接加s。如:boy boys. 如果字母y前⾯是辅⾳,则把y变为i,再加es. 如:lady ladies city cit
6. 求⼩学五年级上册英语单词表与句⼦
unit 1 ☆: youngfunnytallstrong king old shortthin who's=who isMrwhat;s=what is likehe's=he isstrict smart activer quiet she's=she is very but ⿊体:principaluniversity student 句⼦:Who's your English teacher? Mr Carter. What's he like? He's tall ad strong. Is she quiet? No,she isn't.She's very active. Is she strit? Yes,she is,but she's very kind. unit 2 ☆:Monday(Mon) Tuesday(Tue.) Wednesdat(Wed.) Thursday(Thu.) Friday(Fri.)daywaithaveondo homeworkwhtch TVread books
Saturday(Sat.)Sunday(Sun.)What abouttoo ⿊体:句⼦:What day is it today? It's Wednesday. What do you have on Thursdays? We have English,math and science on Thursdays. What do you do on Saturdays? I whatch TV on Saturdays. What about you? I do my homework,too. unit 3 ☆:eggplantfishgreen beans tofu potato tomatoforlunchwetasty sweet sour fresh salty favourite they 're=they are fruit don't=do not grape ⿊体:cabbage pork mntton healthy 句⼦:What do you have for lunch on Monday? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish. What's your favourite fruit? I like apples.They're sweet. I like fruit.But I don't like grapes.They're sour. unit 4 ☆:cook the meals water the flowers sweep the floor clean the bed room make the bed t the table wash the cloths do the dishes u the computer ⿊体:empty the trash put away the clothes 句⼦:What can you do? I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals. I can water the flowers! Can you make the bed? No,I can't. unit 5 ☆:
curtain trash bin clot mirrorend table bedroom kitchen bathroom living room inon undernear behind clothes ⿊体:air-conditioner in front of 句⼦:There are two bedrooms,a kithen,a bathroom and a living room. There is a mirror,a bed and a big clot. The clot is near the table.Many clothes are under the clot.The trash bin is behind the door. unit 6 ☆:river flower grass lake forest paty parkpicture hou bridge tree road builidingclean ⿊体:skycloudmountainvillagecity 句⼦:Is there
a forest in the park? Yes, there is. Is there a river? No,there isn't. Are there any pandas in the mountains?
No.there'aren't.Are there any fish in the rivers? Yes,there are.。
7. ⼈教版五年级上册英语书第⼀单元句⼦表
1.Do you have new teachers?你们有新⽼师吗疑问句中要⽤复数
2. tall and strong⼜⾼⼜壮能够⽤其他的形容词进⾏代换
3. My English teacher has
a kind heart. 我的英语⽼师有⼀颗善良的⼼。主语是第三⼈称单数动词要⽤单三形式
4. My music teacher sings nice songs. 我的⾳乐⽼师唱好听的歌。主语是第三⼈称单数动词要⽤单三形式。会⽤这个短语造句
5. They help us learn. They help us play. 他们帮助我们学习。他们帮助我们玩。help + 动词原形
6. When school is over, I want to stay. 当学校放学了我想留下来。会⽤。 is over. 造句
7. What's he like?他长什么样ﺗﺊ要和What does he like?进⾏⽐较记忆farmhou
8. We all like him. 我们都喜欢他。like 后⾯跟名词的宾格形式要会⽤all,放在动词前⾯
9. A science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. ⼀位科学⽼师⼀位美术⽼师和⼀位英语⽼师。元⾳字母前要⽤an
10. He's from Canada. 他来⾃加拿⼤。来⾃哪⾥后⾯要⽤国家如Canada, China, America,等等。
11. Her class is so much fun. 她的课堂⾮常有趣。会⽤这个短语造句
12. She's a university student. 她是⼀个⼤学⽣。 university虽然是元⾳字母开头但是【ju:】不是元⾳所以⽤a来修饰。
13. Design a card for your favourite teacher. 为你最喜欢的⽼师设计⼀张卡⽚。
14. That's for sure. 那是肯定的。使⽤频率很⾼的⼝语表达。
15. He wasa football player. 他曾经是⼀个⾜球运动员。过去时表⽰曾经是个新的语法知道六年级会
16. I misd it!我丢了它使⽤频率很⾼的⼝语表达。
17. Can I join you?我能加⼊你们吗使⽤频率很⾼的语表达。
18. Let me try. 让我试试吧使⽤频率很⾼的⼝语表达。
19. Ten to three! We won! 10⽐3我们赢了使⽤频率很⾼的⼝语表达。
8. 五年级新版上册英语书单词和句⼦
unit 1 young 年轻的 funny 滑稽可笑的 tall ⾼的 strong 强壮的 kind 和蔼的,亲切的 old 年⽼的 short 矮的 thin 瘦的 mr 先⽣like 像……⼀样;喜欢 strict 严格的 smart 聪明的,巧妙的 active 积极的,活跃的 quiet 安静的,⽂静的 very 很,⾮常 but 但是 unit 2 mondy 星期⼀ tuesday 星期⼆ wednesday 星期三 thursday 星期四 friday 星期五 saturday 星期六 sunday 星期天 day 天 have 有;吃 on 在……时候 do homework 做作业 watch tv 看电视 read books 读书 unit 3 eggplant 茄⼦ fish 鱼 green beans 青⾖ tofu ⾖腐 potato ⼟⾖ tomato 西红柿 for 为 lunch 中餐 we 我们 tasty 好吃的 sweet 甜的 sour 酸的 fresh 新鲜的salty 咸的 favourite 最喜欢的 they are 他们是 fruit ⽔果 grape 葡萄 unit 4 cook the meals 煮饭 water the flowers 浇花 sweep the floor 扫地 clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 make the bed
铺床 t the table 摆饭桌 wash the clothes 洗碗碟 do the dishes 收拾⾐服 u a computer 使⽤计算机 unit 5 curtain 窗帘 trash bin 垃圾箱 clot 壁橱 mirror 镜⼦ bed table 床头柜 bedroom 卧室 kitchen 厨房 bathroom 卫⽣间 living room 客厅 in 在……⾥⾯ on 在……上⾯ under 在……下⾯ near 在……旁边 behind 在……后边 clothes ⾐服 unit 6 river 河流 flower 花 grass 草 lake 湖泊 forest 森林 path 路 park 公园 picture 照⽚ hou 房⼦bridge 桥 tree 树 road 公路 building 建筑物 clean ⼲净的。

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