Portions of this general chapter have been harmonized with the corresponding texts of the European Pharmacopeia and/or the Japane Pharmacopeia. Tho portions that are not harmonized are marked with symbols () to specify this fact.
The following procedures are applicable for determining whether a Pharmacopeial article purporting to be sterile complies with the requirements t forth in the individual monograph with respect to the test for sterility. Pharmacopeial articles are to be tested by the Membrane Filtration method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined where the nature of the product permits. If the membrane filtration technique is unsuitable, u the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined. All devices, with the exception of Devices with Pathways Labeled Sterile, are tested using the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method. Provisions for retesting are included under Obrvation and Interpretation of Results.
Becau sterility testing is a very exacting procedure, where apsis of the procedure must be ensured for a correct interpretation of results, it is important that personnel be properly trained and qualified. The test for sterility is carried out under aptic conditions. In order to achieve such conditions, the test environment has to be adapted to the way in which the sterility test is performed. The precautions taken to avoid contamination are such that they do not affect any microorganisms that are to be revealed in the test. The working conditions in which the tests are performed are monitored regularly by appropriate sampling of the working area and by carrying out appropriate controls.
The Pharmacopeial procedures are not by themlves designed to ensure that a batch of product is sterile or has been sterilized. This is accomplished primarily by validation of the sterilization process or of the aptic processing procedures.
When evidence of microbial contamination in the article is obtained by the appropriate Pharmacopeial method, the result so obtained is conclusive evidence of failure of the article to meet the requirements of the test for sterility, even if a different result is obtained by an alternative procedure. For additional information on sterility testing, e Sterilization and Sterility Assurance of Compendial Articles 1211 .
Prepare media for the tests as described below, or dehydrated formulations may be ud provided that, when reconstituted as directed by the manufacturer or distributor, they meet the requirements of the Growth Promotion Test of Aerobes, Anaerobes, and Fungi. Media are sterilized using a validated process.
The following culture media have been found to be suitable for the test for sterility. Fluid Thioglycollate Medium is primarily intended for the culture of anaerobic bacteria. However, it will also detect aerobic bacteria. Soybean–Cain Digest Medium is suitable for the culture of both fungi and aerobic bacteria.
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 巯基醋酸盐液体培养基
Mix the L-cystine, sodium chloride, dextro, yeast extract, and pancreatic digest of cain with the
purified water, and heat until solution is effected. Dissolve the sodium thioglycollate or thioglycolic acid in the solution and, if necessary, add 1 N sodium hydroxide so that, after sterilization, the solution will have a pH of 7.1 ± 0.2. If filtration is necessary, heat the solution again without boiling, and filter while hot through moistened filter paper. Add the resazurin sodium solution, mix, and place the medium in suitable vesls that provide a ratio of surface to depth of medium such that not more than the upper half of the medium has undergone a color change indicative of oxygen uptake at the end of the incubation period. Sterilize using a validated process. If the medium is stored, store at a temperature between 2 and 25 in a sterile, airtight container. If more than the upper one-third of the medium has acquired a pink color, the medium may be restored once by heating the containers in a water-bath or in free-flowing steam until the pink color disappears and by cooling quickly, taking care to prevent the introduction of nonsterile air into the container.
将L-胱氨酸、氯化钠、葡萄糖、酵母提取物、酪蛋⽩胰酶消化物与纯净⽔混合,并加热⾄实现溶解。将巯基⼄酸钠或者巯基⼄酸溶解于该溶液,如果需要可再加⼊1N氢氧化钠,以便在灭菌后该溶液呈pH值7.1 ± 0.2。如需要则过滤,再次加热该溶液但不得煮沸,并趁热以湿润滤纸将该溶液过滤。加⼊刃天青钠溶液,混匀,并将该培养基置于适当容器中,该容器应为培养基提供特定的⾯积-深度⽐,以使在培养期末表明氧⽓摄⼊的变⾊部分不超过培养基的上半部分。使⽤经过验证的⼯艺进⾏灭菌。
如果需要储存该培养基,将其置于⽆菌、⽓密容器中,在2 ⾄25 之间储藏。如果超过上部三分之⼀的培养基已经呈粉⾊,可以⽤以下⽅法恢复该培养基⼀次:在⽔浴锅中或者⾃由流动蒸⽓中加热该容器,直⾄粉⾊消失,并迅速放凉,须⼩⼼防⽌⾮⽆菌空⽓进⼊到容器中。
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium is to be incubated at 32.5 ± 2.5 .
巯基醋酸盐液体培养基将在32.5 ± 2.5 条件下进⾏培养。
Alternative Thioglycollate Medium 替代巯基醋酸盐培养基
Prepare a mixture having the same composition as that of the Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, but omitting the agar and the resazurin sodium solution, sterilize as directed above, and allow to cool prior to u. The pH after sterilization is 7.1 ± 0.2. Incubate under anaerobic conditions for the duration of the incubation period.
配制与巯基醋酸盐液体培养基成分相同,但省略了琼脂和刃天青钠溶液的混合物,按上述⽅法灭菌,并在使⽤前静置⾄凉。灭菌后pH值为7.1 ± 0.2。在厌氧条件下培养,培养时间同培养期。
Alternative Fluid Thioglycollate Medium is to be incubated at 32.5 ± 2.5 .
替代性巯基醋酸盐培养基将在32.5 ± 2.5 条件下进⾏培养。
Soybean–Cain Digest Medium ⼤⾖-酪蛋⽩消化物培养基
Dissolve the solids in the Purified Water, heating slightly to effect a solution. Cool the solution to room temperature, and adjust the pH with 1 N sodium hydroxide so that, after sterilization, it will have a pH of 7.3 ± 0.2. Filter, if necessary to clarify, dispen into suitable containers, and sterilize using a validated procedure. Store at a temperature between 2 and 25 in a sterile
washington university
well-clod container, unless it is intended for immediate u.
将固体物质溶解于纯净⽔,轻微加热以实现溶解。放凉溶液⾄室温,并⽤1N氢氧化钠调整pH值,以便在灭菌后其pH值呈7.3± 0.2。过滤,如需要则使之澄清,分装⼊适合的容器,
新员工怎么培训并⽤经过验证的程序消毒。如果不⽴刻使⽤,则在2 到25 之间以⽆菌且密闭良好的容器保存。
Soybean–Cain Digest Medium is to be incubated at 22.5 ± 2.5 .
⼤⾖-酪蛋⽩消化物培养基将在22.5 ± 2.5 条件下培养。
Media for Penicillins or Cephalosporins ⽤于青霉素和头孢菌素的培养基
Where sterility test media are to be ud in the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined, modify the preparation of Fluid Thioglycollate Medium and the Soybean–Cain Digest Medium as follows. To the containers of each medium, transfer aptically a quantity of -lactama sufficient to inactivate the amount of antibiotic in the specimen under test. Determine the quantity of -lactama required to inactivate the antibiotic by using a -lactama preparation that has been assayed previously for its penicillin- or cephalosporin-inactivating power. [NOTE—Supplemented -lactama media can also be ud in the membrane filtration test.]
Alternatively (in an area completely parate from that ud for sterility testing), confirm that an appropriate amount of -lactama is incorporated into the medium, following either method under Validation Test, using less than 100 colony-forming units (cfu) of Staphylococcus aureus (e Table 1)
as the challenge. Typical microbial growth of the inoculated culture must be obrved as a confirmation that the -lactama concentration is appropriate.
Table 1. Strains of the Test Microorganisms Suitable for U in the Growth Promotion Test and
Validation Test
表1 适合⽤于⽣长促进试验和验证试验中的试验微⽣物的菌株
Suitability Tests 适合性试验
The media ud comply with the following tests, carried out before, or in parallel, with the test on the product to be examined.所使⽤的培养基须符合下列试验,这些试验应在检验供试产品之前或者同时进⾏。
Confirm the sterility of each sterilized batch of medium by incubating a portion of the media at the specified incubation temperature for 14 days. No growth of microorganisms occurs.
通过在指定培养温度下将⼀部分培养基培养14天,来确认每⼀批已灭菌培养基的⽆菌状态。不得出现微⽣物⽣长。GROWTH PROMOTION TEST OF AEROBES, ANAEROBES, and FUNGI
Test each lot of ready-prepared medium and each batch of medium prepared either from dehydrated medium or from ingredients1 . Suitable strains of microorganisms are indicated in Table 1.
Inoculate portions of Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with a small number (not more than 100 cfu)
of the following microorganisms, using a parate portion of medium for each of the following species of microorganism: Clostridium sporogenes, Pudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus
aureus. Inoculate portions of Alternative Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with a small number (not more than 100 cfu) of Clostridium sporogenes.Inoculate portions of Soybean–Cain Digest Medium with a small number (not more than 100 cfu) of the following microorganisms, using a parate portion of medium for each of the following species of microorganism: Aspergillus niger, Bacillus subtilis, and Candida albicans. Incubate for not more than 3 days in the ca of bacteria and not more than 5 days in the ca of fungi.
The media are suitable if a clearly visible growth of the microorganisms occurs.
什么是同位语If prepared media are stored in unaled containers, they can be ud for 1 month, provided that they are tested for growth promotion within 2 weeks of the time of u and that color indicator requirements are met. If stored in tight containers, the media can be ud for 1 year, provided that they are tested for growth promotion within 3 months of the time of u and that the color indicator requirements are met.
Fluid A 液体A
Dissolve 1 g of peptic digest of animal tissue in water to make 1 L, filter or centrifuge to clarify, if necessary, and adjust to a pH of 7.1 ± 0.2. Dispen into containers, and sterilize using a validated p
将1g动物组织胃蛋⽩酶消化物溶于1L⽔中,如果需要则通过滤或离⼼使其澄清,再调节pH值⾄7.1 ± 0.2。分装⼊容器中,并⽤经过验证的⼯艺灭菌。
Aptically add to the above Preparation, if necessary, a quantity of sterile -lactama sufficient to inactivate any residual antibiotic activity on the membranes after the solution of the test specimen has been filtered (e Media for Penicillins or Cephalosporins).
Fluid D 液体D
To each L of Fluid A add 1 mL of polysorbate 80, adjust to a pH of 7.1 ± 0.2, dispen into containers, and sterilize using a validated process. U this fluid for articles containing lecithin or oil, or for devices labeled as ―sterile pathway.‖
向每升液体A中,加⼊1mL聚⼭梨酯80,调节pH值⾄7.1 ± 0.2,分装⼊容器中,并使⽤经过验证的⼯艺灭菌。此液体⽤于含有卵磷脂或油脂的物品,或⽤于标为―⽆菌通道‖的设备。
sokoFluid K 液体K
Dissolve 5.0 g of peptic digest of animal tissue, 3.0 g of beef extract, and 10.0 g of polysorbate 80 in water to make 1 L. Adjust the pH to obtain, after sterilization, a pH of 6.9 ± 0.2. Dispen into containers, and sterilize using a validated process.将5.0g动物组织胃蛋⽩酶消化物、3.0g⽜⾁提取物、10.0g聚⼭梨酯80溶解于1L⽔中。调节pH值,以便使pH值在灭菌后呈6.9± 0.2。分装⼊容器中,并使⽤经过验证的⼯艺灭菌。
Carry out a test as described below under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined using exactly the same methods, except for the following modifications.
揭晓的意思Membrane Filtration 膜过滤