
更新时间:2023-07-27 10:35:19 阅读: 评论:0

1.中国曾把很大一部分的出口收入转为以美元为单位的金融资产。中国现在把很大一部分的出口收入转为国外投资,并鼓励国内消费。China plowed back a large portion of its export earings into dollar-bad asts, but focus on overas investment and domestic consumption at prent.
afghanistan2.因此,当地的股票市场在私有企业的融资上几乎没有起到任何作用。私有企业需要扩展业务时往往依赖银行贷款。As a result, local stock markets have played a negligible role in the funding of private business, which have tended to rely on bank loans for business expansion.
3.中国人民银行将引导贷款投向,促进经济结构调整。督促商业银行、政策性银行增加对企业技术改造、中小企业大展和结构调整的支持力度。The People's Bank of China will direct the flow of the loans to facilitate economic restructuring. It will encourage the commercial banks and policy banks to strengthen their financial support for technical renovations of companies, development of small and medium business and structural adjustment in the agricultural ctor.
4.自从改革开放以来,外资银行数目在我国有很大增加,并且集中在上海、深圳及广州等地,提供的业务包括有一般商业银行业务、投资、合资及房地产按揭。Since china reformed and opened to the outside world, there has been a dramatic increa of the number of foreign invested ban ks in china, m
男人美容ost of which are in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Their business areas include general commercial banking, investment and real estate mortgage.
新东方四级作文预测5.中国政府决定选择资产质量较好、包袱较轻的中国银行、中国建设银行进行股份制改革试点。The Chine government made a strategic decision: lection the BOC, and China Construction Bank, which have relatively good asts and light historic debt burdens as the two pilot banks to conduct joint-stock restructuring.
6.借鉴国外股份制商业银行经营管理模式,建立现代股份制商业银行的新机制是此次改革的中心任务。The core task of this reform is to build modern joint-stock commercial banks by learning form international best practices in corporate governance.
1.付款条件:按货物金额90%开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证,凭卖方汇票跟单向开证行议付。其余10%货款在货到目的地检验后付清。Terms of payment: By irrevocable letter of credit for 90% of the total invoice value of the goods to be shipped, in favor of the ller, payable at the issuing bank against the ller's draft at sight accompanied by the shipping documents stipulated in the credit. The balance of 10% of the goods is to be paid only after the good s have been inspected and
approved at the port of destination.linq>400岁的格陵兰鲨鱼
2.交货条件:需附品质、数量、重量、产地证书,买方有权在货到后由中国商品检验局进行复检证书,可作为买方向卖方提出索赔的依据。Delivery Term: Certificates of Quality, Quantity, eight and Origin are required. The buyer has the right to have the goods re-inspected by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau at the port of discharge. The relevant inspection certificates may rve as the basis of any claim to be lodged by the buyer.
3.索赔期限:货到目的地卸货后60天内买方有权向卖方提出索赔。Validity of claims: The buyer has the right to lodge a claim for all loss sustained within 60 days after discourage of the goods at the destination.
英语3级作文4.物流自动化系统能把这些高水平的计算机系统提供的便利强有力地组合起来,形成一个互补的系统。Logistics automation system can powerfully complement the facilities provided by the high level computer systems.
5.自动传送设备能把输入的集装箱运到仓库的一个区域,同时允许通过严格的编码规则或是资料输入进行地点选择。Automated conveyors allow the input of containers in one area of the
warehou and either through bard coded rules or data input allow destination lection. Chapter3
1.仲裁:凡有关本合同或因执行本合同所发生的一切争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决。如协商不能解决,可提交仲裁。仲裁应在原告或被告的国家举行。仲裁费如未另行裁定应由败诉方负担。Arbitration: All disputes in connection with the contract or arising in execution thereof shall first be ttled amicably by negotiation. In ca no ttlement can be reached, the ca under dispute may be subm itted for arbitration. The arbitration shall take place in the plaintiff’s or defendant’s country. The arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwi noted.
2.凡以CIF条件成交的交易,保额为发票的110%,投保以本售货确认书中所开列的险别为限。买方如要求增加保额或保险范围,应于装运前经售方同意,增加的保险费由买方负责。For transactions concluded on the CIF basis, it is understood that the insurance amount will be 110% of the invoice value against the risks specified in the sales confirmation. If additional insurance amount or coverage is required, the buyer must have the connt of the ller before shipment and the additional premium is to be borne by the buyer.
3.入库商品用条形码标记,自动化系统记载这些库存商品。Incoming goods can be marked with barcodes and the automation system notified of the expected stock.
位置接近客户。Once customer markets are determined, long-term commitment must be made to locate production and stocking facilities as clo to the customer as is practical. Chapter4
1:本单仅限寄国内特快专递邮件时使用。This EMS waybill is available only for nding the domestic EMS item.
2:为使本单各联字迹清晰可辨,请在填写使用圆珠笔或打字机,以正楷详细、准确、用力地逐条填写各项内容。收件人签收时也用正楷签名。To make every letter and number on all copies clear and easy to be identified, plea complete the waybill item by item, using ball-pen or typewriter and with the neat handwriting. On delivery, the receiver is asked to sign the waybill with regular script.
3:不得夹寄爆炸性、易燃性、腐蚀性、放射性、毒性的危险品、麻醉药物、精神药品、现金以及邮章规定的其他禁寄品,违者承担相关法律责任。Prohibited articles stipulated in the Regulation of Posts, e.g. drugs, cash, etc are not allowed to nd as EMS items. People violating the relevant regulations will burden the legal responsibility.
4:邮件封装必须符合邮章规定。EMS items should be packed for their safety in accordance with the Regulation of Posts.
5:资费根据整体重量(含内件、相关单式及封装材料重量)计收。The postage will be changed according to the total weights of the item (including the weights of contents, labels and packaging materials).
Chapter 5
1.我们是中国独家代理商,愿意和贵公司建立贸易往来关系。As the sole agent in china, we would like to establish trade relations with your company.
2.我们相信有足够的技术服务人员来训练你方的装配个人。We are sure to have enough technicians to train you asmbly personnel.
3.这种设计的目的是自动操作,容易控制,简易保养,较高效率。The design aims at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and high productivity.
4.请给我一个有效期为90天的CIF报价,目的地为洛杉矶,报价含5%的佣金。I’d like to have your quotation on a CIF Los A ngeles basis valid for 90 days, with an inclusion of 5% agent’s commission in your quotation.
design, technology of manufacturing, means of testing materials prescription standard of quality and
training of personnel shall be stipulated in chapter 3 of the contract
6.买卖双方同意按下列条款购买,出售下述商品,并鉴定本合同。This contract is made by and
between the
buyer and the ller, whereby the buyer agrees to buy and ller agrees to ll the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.
7.买方以美元付款,并以电汇的方式汇至卖方指定的中国银行北京分行的账户。All the payments
shall be
made in us .Currency by the buyer to the ller by telegraphic transfer to the ller’s designated account with the BOC, Beijing, china
1.包括提单、发票、装箱单和检验证书在内的装运单证副本今天已航邮贵方。We airmailed to you the duplicate shipping documents including bill of lading. invoice, packing list and inspection certification today
2.价格、质量、可供数量和其他有关情况应及时告知客户。Customers ought to be informed of full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and relative particulars
3.我们要求贵公司收到此信后尽快交货。You are required to hasten shipment upon receipt of this letter.
4.甲乙双方在业务中友好合作,不断扩展海外贸易。Friendly cooperation between the two parties develops their overas to a great extent
5.双方签订的合同是双方合作的基础The two parties sign the contract to make the basis of cooperation.
6.选择空运,显然出货更快,而且也便于到达用户手中,但它的成本比照轮船和铁路运输而言偏高Choosing air transport obviously gets the product out more quickly and to the cust omer expediently, but the costs are high as oppod to shipping by boat or rail.
chapter 7
1.因此,经济专家指出,中国今年有可能把通货膨胀率控制在确定的15%目标内,但不可能没有通货膨胀。把通货膨胀控制住,是非一日之功可以做到的。Becau of this,as many economists point out,while china may be able to keep inflation within the 15% target.inflation is unavoidable.It will take much effort to bring it under control.
2.我们政府的领导真是忙,刚视察了高新技术区,又回去接见外国代表团。Our government leaders are really busy.They have just made an inspection tour of the High-Tech District,then they have been back to receive a foreign delegation.
3.迅速改变我国贫穷落后的面貌,是我国各族人民的强烈愿望。To quickly end our country`s poverty and backwardness is the burning desire of all the Chine peoples.
4.没有改革开放政策,中国的经济发展就不会取得这么大的成就。Without the policy of economic reform and open-up,china`s economic achievements would not have been so great.
如有必要,可对其进行修改。该合同的拟定和签订费用由业主承担。The contractor shall,if called upo
n so to do,enter into and execute the contract,to be prepared and completed at the cost of the employer, in the form annexed to the conditions with such modification as may be necessary
Chapter 8
1.你方3月11日订单收到并立即定妥,将按规定的日期交货。We are in receipt of your order of the 11th March,which has been immediately booked for delivery at the time you stated.
2.因此,我们被迫向你方提出索赔,要求赔偿我方由于货物损坏带来的损失共计37500美元。我方相信,你方将接受我方索赔,并从下次开出的发票数额中减去这一索赔总额。Therefor,we are compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss,S37500,which we have sustained by the damage to the goods.We trust that you will be ready enough to accept this claim and deduct the sum claimed from the amount of your next invoice to us.
3.我们预计,第一年将增长30%,销售额超过2600万元。We predict a growth of thirty precent in the first year with sales exceeding S26million.
4.我们的目标之一是今后3年中把毛利以15%提高到17%。One of our objective is to increa gross margins from fifteen percent to venteen percent in the next three years.
5.据统计,近十年,发达国家高技术产业在制造业中的份额大幅度增长。According to the statistics,high-tech industry was taking much greater share in manufacturing industry and in export in last ten years.
Chapter 9
1.我国目正在修订专利法和商标法,你定要修定的许多内容都要进一步向国际标准和国际化靠拢,有的即使准备分两步甚至分三步走,那也是为了做好协调工作,稳妥前进,避免欲速则不达。China is at prent revising its patent law and trademark law ,and many of the contents which are recommended for revision are coming clor to international standards and internationalization ,in respect of some other contents, although preparation are being made to revi them in two or even three steps, it is only for the sake of accomplishing the task of harmonization properly, ensuring steady progress and av oiding the hazard of” more haste ,less speed.”
2.请你放考虑,今后货物一经订妥,就不可撤销,我们认为,这样有助于更好地合作。We should like to have your consideration that, in the future, orders once placed are not to be canceled afterwards, which ,we think, will be conductive to better cooperation.
牌”。公司每年的销售额达13亿人民币。Shanghai knitting corporation is made of 37 enterpris and enjoys a broad production scale, and with veral well-known local brands such as “chrysanthemum, swan. Three –Gun", it has annual sakes volumes of 1.3 billion RMB.
Chapter 10
1.由于市场需求未变,但向该领域投资的企业增加,致使行业销售趋于平稳,市场趋向饱和,竞争达到白热化。Industry sales stabilize as the market becomes saturated and many firms enter to capitalize on the still sizable demand competition is at its highest level  .
2这个方案没有创造性,不独出心裁,无魅力,不能博得人们的欢心。There was nothing original,independent, and heroic about the plan that plead nobody.
3最初的顾客是那些愿意承担风险,有经济实力,不守旧,喜欢领先购买的派。Initial customers are innovators who are not conrvative but willing to take risks, can afford to take them ,and like the status of buying fist.
4.公司需要回答下列问题:产品本身需要改进吗?现在的促销和广告活动在新市场适用吗?适用于公司其他国外市场的销售网络能再次在新市场上使用吗?上述任何一个问题都不好回答。The following
questions need to be answered. Do the product itlf need to be changed? Are existing sales promotion and advertising campaigns applicable to the new market? Should the type of distribution network ud in the firm’s other foreign market be replicated in the new market? There is no easy answer to any of the question.
1.在经济增长缓慢或停滞时,企业可能希望保持其在市场中确定的位置或把市场视为“现金”,并采取适合目标的定价策略。In slow growth or stagnating economies, the firm might wish to maintain the status it establishes or treat the market as a "cash cow", adopting a pricing strategy appropriate to that goal.
2.在确定出口价格时,企业面对一个与国内市场经验无法对比的问题;他们不仅要确定价格,而且决定以何种货币报价或界定。In tting export prices, firms face a problem which they do not have for counterparts in their domestic experience: they must not only t prices, but also decide in which currency tho prices shall be quoted or defined.
3.甚至在子公司出售当地制造产品的地方,关税是一个影响因素,它有助于阻止其他国家的低价竞争者给予子公司更多的定价自由。Even where the subsidiary is lling only locally made products, the t
ariff can still be a factor in that it helps to keep out low-priced competitors who came from other countries, giving more pricing freedom to the subsidiary.
4.采用成本为基础的定价,企业通过计算商品、服务和间接成本,再加上一定量的企业利润目标来制定价格。With cost-bad pricing, a firm determines prices: by computing merchandi, rvice, overhead costs and adding an amount which covers the firms profit goal.
5.采用以需求为基础的定价,企业根据消费者和渠道成员可支付的价格,计算覆盖销售费用和利润的毛利,接着确定企业消耗在产品中的最大支出,最后确定产品和服务的价格。With the demand-bad pricing, a firm determines the prices consumers and channels members will pay for goods and rvices, calculates the markups needed to cover lling expens and profits, and then determines the maximum it can spend to produce or buy its offering.
6.在竞争为基础的定价中,企业采用竞争者的价格而不是以需求或成本作为其首要的定价基础。In competition-bad pricing, a firm us prices which are determined by competitors rather than demand or cost considerations as its primary pricing guidepost.
7.在仲裁过程中,除了在仲裁的部分条款合同的其他条款应继续执行。In the cour of arbitration, the contract shall be continuously executed by both parties except the part of contract which is under arb
8.卖方应严格规定的期限交贷,若迟交,买方有权撤销合同,并要求卖方对由此所造成的损失进行赔偿.The ller shall make delivery of the goods strictly within the period which is stipulated in the contract. In the event of delay in delivery the buyer may cancel the contract and claim damages for breach of the contract.
9.凡因履行本合同而在甲国家以外发生的一切费用,均由乙方负担。All taxes, customs duties and other excis arising in connection with the performance of the contract outside the territory of party A's country shall be borne by party B.
10.这涉及到这样的判断,如中间商的折扣是多少,所有权何时转移,以何种方式付款,顾客为账单项奖付款需要多长时间,以及一个合适的退款政策由什么构成。This involves such judgments as to what discounts and needed for agents, when ownership is transferred, what forms of payment

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