sportsartI Heard a Fly Buzz---When I Died
narrative poetry,lyric poetry
The poem 沛沛英语employs all of Dickinson’s formal patterns: trimeter and tetrameter iambic lines (four stress in the first and third lines of each stanza, three in the cond and fourth, a pattern Dickinson follows at her most formal); rhythmic inrtion of the long dash to interrupt the meter; and an ABCB rhyme scheme. Interestingly, all the rhymes before the final stanza are half-rhymes (Room/Storm, firm/Room, be/Fly), while only the rhyme in the final stanza is a full rhyme (me/e). Dickinson us this technique to build tension; a n of true completion comes only with the speaker’s death.
A. pessimism and tragic tone of her poems
B. Care about death and immortality (1/3 of all her poems talked about the two themes.)
C. exploring human’s inner world (psychological description in her poems)
Dsocial. original images
E. direct and plain language
F. great influence on the Imagist Movement in the 20th century
主题:The theme of the poem I heard a fly buzz when I died written by Emily Dickenson is the exploration of death. There was neither strong light nor much noi when I died, only a fly buzzing. The poet thought that death was inevitable, painless and natural and asrted that death meant eternity becau people would get another living after they have pasd it .In this poem,wu ha free fr the poet wrote about death in a calm tone with conci narrative. She suggested that people should understand death, which was a must-be-crosd bridge, leading us to eternal life. Thus, people should leave the world peacefully, painlessly and thoroughly without sorrow when they die. the author mainly talks about the mental distraction caud by irrelevant details at the most critical moment—the mome
nt of death. On the right cond, she es a fly and hears its stumbling buzz, which also shows her not willingness to leave the world and her eagerness to live. 苦心孤诣Spirituality is another theme that’s lurking around the edges. "I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died" deals with death and what comes after, and the speaker herlf is dead. Becau of that, we pretty much need some spiritual framework to deal with what’s going on here. Dickinson doesn’t come out and say what happens after death, but with all this talk about the King, and the final Ont, and so forth, it definitely has to be on our minds
Appreciation : Image of a fly: strange, original; multiple meaning;
a. to suggest the stillness and hence the sadness;conny
b. to symbolize her last touch with the human world;
c. Also to relate to a decaying corp. 学习身边榜样
d. may indicate “free flying”.
e. The fly is of little importance---implying perhaps that death is not important.
Analysis: In Emily Dickinson's poem I Heard a Fly Buzz- When I Died, the feeling of death being prent in the room is the overall tone. The tie in between death and the flies persistent buzzing is one that must be looked at very cloly. The buzzing is not something that the average living person would notice but under the particular circumstances, even the smallest of details become noticeable as a man dies. As the voice in the poem is painting the picture of a funeral, the reader becomes more intoned to the idea of death through the u the figurative language and symbols when the voice speaks about the mourners who have gathered, the sound of a flies buzz, and the closing of the window.
Within the poem Dickinson us figurative language to her full advantage, using it to assist her in painting the picture of there being a sad moment in time successfully. The usage of the past ten when tting the scene where all the people were standing aroun
d grieving was done excellent through the choo of words. When using the word wrung it helps to suggest that the grieving is over for now, and it is now time to take control over their breathing and move on.
Also when the voice is speaking of dieing, death is referred to signing away what he would have left to give of what at least be worth giving away. feeling是什么意思
The usage, both placement and number of times ud, of the flies buzzing was very critical itlf with in the poem. If Dickinson were to u the symbol too much it would take away from the moment of focusing on death and cau people to think more about the fly. The flies buzz I fell is in the text becau it is something a person would under a normal situation would ignore, but when you are dieing you become more in touch with your ns. The n of hearing is the last one of the five ns a person will loo as the process of dieing comes to a clor, as in this poem.
The idea of a window being clod is very symbolic in this poem, of a person's life coming to an end. When the window shuts it cuts off all the light to the person's eyes, and therefore the idea of death is being ud. The window in this ca may very well not even be a glass window a person would look out, yet instead the lid to the coffin this individual was lying in.
Wither or not how Dickinson portrayal of death is realistic or not, she is able to achieve it through the grammatical choos she makes. By the words she has chon to u along with the modifiers there is only a couple of different ways to interpret this poem, but the idea of death would have to be in anyone interpretation. This poem made me feel almost a n of grieving when I clod the books cover to the words.
the author added this little creatures flies and diluted with horror of death, so that death becomes bland or no pain. and this lack of coordination and funny made people feel absurd and meaningless成都北大青鸟学费 of life.