疯狂英语mp3下载Hochschild Cohomology of an Algebra Associated
with a Circular Quiver
solo的意思期刊名称: Communications in Algebra上海乐宁教育
picktorrent作者: Takahiko Furuya,Katsunori Sanada
英语四级分数计算关键词: Circular quiver;Hochschild cohomology;Periodic projective bimodule resolution;16E40;16G30变量英文
剑桥英语官方网站摘要:In this article we show that an algebra A = K /(f(Xs)) has a periodic projective bimodule resolution of period 2, where K is the path algebra of the circular quiver with s vertices and s arrows over a commutative ring K, f(x) is a monic polynomial over K and X is the sum of all arrows in K. Moreover, by means of this projective bimodule resolution, we compute the Hochschild cohomology group of A, and we give a prentation of the Hochschild cohomology ring HH*(A) by the generators and the relations in the ca K is a field.