2011考研分数线Proteins of the accessory x glands associated with the oocyte-penetrating capacity of cauda英标
epididymal sperm from holstein bulls of
trimsdocumented fertility.
期刊名称: Molecular Reproduction & Development
holdon>blossoming作者: Arlindo A Moura,David A Chapman,Gary J Killian
年份: 2010年
期号: 第2期
mistake是什么意思>heavy metal关键词: albumin;BSP proteins;fertility;nucleobindin;osteopontin;phospholipa
摘要:We previously reported that accessory x gland fluid (AGF) from high fertility (HF) bulls influenc
ed the oocyte-penetrating capacity of cauda epididymal sperm from low fertility (LF) bulls, bad on in vitro fertilization (IVF) assays. The prent study determined if AGF proteins were associated with the effects. Nineteen IVF assays with 12 bulls were grouped as follows. Group I (n = 8): assays where sperm from LF bulls expod to AGF from HF bulls had greater oocyte penetration than expod to homologous AGF. Group II (n = 7): sperm from LF bulls to AGF from HF bulls versus homologous AGF showed no significant differences. Group III (n = 4): sperm from LF bulls treated with homologous AGF had greater fertility than sperm treated with AGF from HF bulls. Sire fertility was bad on nonreturn rates (NNR) and AGF collected