family的复数Preventing Storm Water Pollution at Your
Public Works Facility
address是什么意思Trainer’s Guide
The Rhode Island Storm Water Pha II Education and Outreach Project
Preventing Pollution at Your Public Works Facility
Trainer’s Guide
February 2008
This training manual was developed with funding by the RI Department of Transportation (RIDOT), in partnership with the RI Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM), through the Storm Water Pha II Education and Outreach Project. Members of the project’s Stormwater Advisory Committee, including state agency staff, consulting professionals, and local officials, provided valuable assistance in review and preparation of this guide. Municipal and RIDOT public works supervisors and staff who attending the pilot workshop “Stormwater Management at Your Public Works Facility: Employee Training” prented December 12, 2007 at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston RI, evaluated the program and offered uful suggestions which we have incorporated into this guide.
over flowAuthors
down jason walkerKris Stuart, Stormwater Specialist, Southern Rhode Island Conrvation District (SRICD), is the primary author of this training program, assisted by Alicia Lehrer, SRICD District Manager.
The University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension NEMO program provided support in review, development of prentation materials, and in design and production of this guide.
Obtaining Copies
This publication is available in pdf format at
Printed copies and CDs may be ordered using the form at this site.
ccut University of Rhode Island College of the Environment and Life Sciences Cooperative Extension, RI NEMO program Coastal Institute, Kingston, RI 02881 | Southern Rhode Island Conrvation District 10 High Street, Suite I-8 Wakefield, RI 02879 sricd |
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Cooperative Extension in Rhode Island provides equal opportunities in programs and employment without regard to race, color, national origin, x or preference, creed or disability; University of Rhode Island, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.