
更新时间:2023-07-27 05:21:28 阅读: 评论:0

a.that the national economy,which is implemented bad on economic democracy with the principles of community,fair efficiency,sustainability,environmental awareness,independence,and safeguards for balanced progress and national economic unity,needs to be supported by a strong economic institutions in the context of creating prosperity for community;
b.that in the context of increasing the national economic development and at the same time providing a
strong foundation for the business world in facing the development of world economy and progress in science and technology in the coming globalization era,a support is needed to enact a law that regulates limited liability company which can assure the implementation of a conducive climate for the business world;
c.that a limited liability company as one of the national economic development pillars,need to be given a legal ground in order to accelerate more of the national development compod as a mutual effort bad on the principle of family spirit;
d.that Law No.1of1995regarding Limited Liability Company is considered no longer in accordance with the legal developments and needs of society,so that it is deemed necessary to be replaced with a new law;
e.that bad on the consideration as referred to in letter a,letter b,letter c,and letter d,it is necessary to form a Law on Limited Liability Company;
In View of:Article5paragraph(1),Article20,and Article33of the1945Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia;
With the unanimous approval of:
onlylove什么意思In this law the following terms have the following meanings:
1.Limited Liability Company,hereinafter referred to as the Company,means a legal entity constitutes a capital alliance,established bad on an agreement,in order to conduct business activities with the Company’s Authorized Capital divided into shares and which satisfies the requirements as stipulated in this Law,and it implementation regulations.
2.Company Organs means the General Meeting of Shareholders,the Board of Directors,and the Board of Commissioner.
3.Social and Environmental Responsibility means the commitment from Company to participate in the sustainable economic development,in order to increa the quality of life and environment,which will be valuable for the Company itlf,the local community,and the society in general.
4.The General Meeting of Shareholders,hereinafter referred to as GMS,means the organ of the Company that has authority not given to the Board of Directors or the Board of Commissioners,within limits as stipulated in this Law,and/or the articles of association.
5.The Board of Directors means the organ of the Company that has the authority and full responsibility to manage the Company for the interest of the Company,in accordance with the purpos and objectives of the Company as well as to reprent the Company,either in or out the court in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association.
6.The Board of Commissioners and the organ of the Company that has the responsibility to conduct a general and/or specific supervision,in accordance with the articles of association,as well as providing advice for Board of Directors.
7.Issuer means a Public Company or a Company which exerci a public offering to shares,in accordance with the provisions and legislations in the field of capital market.
8.Public Company means a Company which satisfies the criteria of numbers of shareholders numbers and amount of paid-up capital in accordance with the provisions and legislations in the field of capital market.
9.Merger means a legal action taken by one or more Companies in order to merge with another existing Company,which caus the transfer of asts and liabilities of the merging Companies by operation of law, to the surviving Company and thereafter the legal entity status of the merging Company ceas by operation of law.
10.Consolidation means a legal action taken by two or more Companies to consolidate themlves by establishing a new Company,which by operation of law obtains the asts and liabilities from the consolidating Companies,and the legal entity status of the consolidating Companies ceas by operation
of law.
11.Acquisition means a legal action conducted by a legal entity or an individual to acquire the shares of the Company,resulting in the transfer of control of such Company.
12.Separation means a legal action taken by a Company in order to parate its business,which caus all asts and liabilities of the Company legally transferred to2(two)or more Companies,or part of the asts and liabilities of the Company legally transferred to1(one)or more Companies.
13.Registered Mail means a letter which is addresd to a recipient evidenced by a signed and the date receipt from the recipient.
14.Newspaper means a daily newspaper in Indonesian language with national circulation.
15.Day means a calendar day.
16.The minister means the minister who tasks and responsibilities are in the field of law and human rights.
The Company must have a purpo and objective as well as business activities that do not conflict with the legislative regulations,public order,and/or morality.
(1)The Company’s Shareholders are not personally liable for agreements made on behalf of the Company, and are not liable for the Company’s loss in excess of their prospective shareholding.
(2)The provision as referred to in paragraph(1)do not apply if:
新概念第二册a.the requirements for the Company as a legal entity has not been or are not fulfilled;
b.the relevant shareholders,either directly or indirectly,with bad faith,exploits the Company for their personal interest;
c.the relevant shareholders are involved in illegal actions committed by the Company;or
d.the relevant Shareholders,either directly or indirectly,illegally utilizes the asts of the Company, which result in the Company’s asts become insufficient to ttle the Company’s debt.
This Law,the articles of association of the Company,and provisions of other legislations shall apply to the Company.
(1)The Company shall have a name and domicile within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia,as determined in the articles of association.
(2)The Company shall have a full address in accordance with its domicile.
(3)In correspondences,announcements published by the Company,printed materials,and deeds to which the Company is a party,the name and full address of the Company must be mentioned.
repair是什么意思The Company may be established within a limited period or unlimited period as stipulated in the articles of association.
(1)The Company shall be established by2(two)or more persons bad on a notarial deed drawn up in Indonesian language.
(2)Each founder of the Company is obliged to subscribe shares upon the establishment of the Company.
(3)The provision as referred to in paragraph(2)does not apply in the context of Consolidation.
(4)The Company obtains legal entity status on the date of the issuance of Ministerial Decree regarding the ratification of the Company’s legal entity.
(5)If after the Company obtains its legal entity status and the number of shareholders becomes less than2 (two)persons,then within the period of not later than6(six)months as from such condition,the relevant shareholders is obliged to transfer part of their shares to other persons or the Company shall issue new shares to other persons.
(6)In the event that the time period as referred to in paragraph(5)has exceeded,and there is still less than2(two)shareholders,the shareholders shall be personally liable for all agreements/legal Company’’s loss,and upon the request of the interested party,the District relationship and the Company
Court may wind up the Company.
(7)The provision which requires the Company to be established by2(two)or more persons as referred to in paragraph(1),and the provision on paragraph(5),as well as paragraph(6)do not apply to:(存在一人有限责任公司)
a.State Owned Limited Liability Company;or
b.Companies managing curity exchange,clearing hou and underwriting,custodian and ttlement institution,and other institutions regulated in the Law on Capital Market.
(1)The deed of establishment shall t forth articles of association and other information related to the Company’s establishment.
(2)Other information as referred to in paragraph(1)shall contain at least:
a.full name,place and date of birth,occupation,residential,and nationality of the individual founder,or name,domicile,and full address,as well as the number and date of the Ministerial Decree regarding the ratification of legal entity founders of the Company;
b.full name,place and date of birth,occupation,residential,and nationality of the first members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners to be appointed.
c.the name of the shareholders who have subscribed the shares,detail of the number of shares,and nominal value of shares subscribed and paid-up.
(3)In making the deed of establishment,the founder can be reprented by other person by virtue of a Power of Attorney.
(1)In order to obtain the Ministerial Decree regarding the ratification of the Company’s legal entity as referred to in Article7paragraph(4),the founders shall jointly submit an application through an electronic legal entity administration system information technology rvices to the Minister by filling up the form which shall contain at least the following:
a.The name and domicile of the Company;
b.The term of establishment of the Company;
c.The purpo and objective as well as business activities of the Company;
d.The amount of authorized capital,issued capital,and paid-up capital;
e.full address of the Company.
(2)Filling in the form as referred to in paragraph(1)must be preceded by the submission of the Company’s name.
(3)In the ca the founders do not submit the application themlves as referred to in paragraph(1)and paragraph(2),the founder may only give power of attorney to a notary.
(4)Further provisions regarding the procedure of submission and u of the Company’s name will be stipulated by Government Regulation.
(1)The application to obtain the Ministerial Decree as referred to in Article9paragraph(1),must be submitted to the Minister not later than60(sixty)days as of the signing date of the deed of establishment, complete with information on the supporting documents.
(2)The provision regarding the supporting documents as referred to in paragraph(1)shall be stipulated by
a Minister Regulation.
(3)If the form as referred to in Article9,paragraph(1)and the information on the supporting documents as referred to in paragraph(1)is in accordance with the provisions of the legislations,the Minister shall directly declare electronically that there is no objection to the relevant application.
(4)If the form format as referred to in Article9paragraph(1)and the information on the supporting documents as referred to in paragraph(1)is not in accordance with the provisions of the legislations,the Minister shall directly notify electronically of the rejection and the reasons therefore.
奥巴马演讲中英字幕(5)Within the period not later than30(thirty)days as of the non-objection statement date as referred to in paragraph(3),the relevant applicant is obliged to physically submit an application letter with a supporting documents attached.
(6)If all requirements as referred to in paragraph(5)have been fully fulfilled not later than14(fourteen) days,the Minister shall issue a decree regarding the ratification of the Company as a legal entity which is signed electronically.
(7)If the requirements regarding the period and the completeness of the supporting documents as referred to in paragraph(5)are not fulfilled,the Minister shall directly notify the matter to the applicant electronically,and the statement of no objection as referred to in paragraph(3)shall become null.
(8)In the event that the statement of no objection is null,the applicant as referred to in paragraph(5)may re-submit an application in order to obtain the Decree from the Minister as referred to in Article9, paragraph(1).
(9)In the event that the application to obtain the Ministerial Decree is not submitted within the period as referred to in paragraph(1),the deed of establishment shall be void as from the lap of such period and the Company which does not yet have legal entity status shall be dissolved by operation of law,and the ttlement shall be conducted by the founders.
(10)The provision on the period as referred to in paragraph(1),shall also apply for a re-submission. Article11
Further provisions regarding submission of application to obtain the Ministerial Decree as referred to in Article7paragraph(4)for certain areas that do not yet have or cannot u electronic network,shall be regulated in a Ministerial Regulation.
(1)Legal actions relating to share ownership and to which payment is performed by a prospective founder prior the establishment of the Company,shall be stated in the deed of establishment.
(2)In the event of legal actions as referred to in paragraph(1)are stated in a deed which is not an authentic deed,such deed shall be attached to the deed of establishment.
(3)In the event of legal actions as referred to in paragraph(1)are stated in an authentic deed,the number, date and name as well as domicile of the Notary making such authentic deed shall be mentioned in the deed of establishment of the Company.
(4)In the event that the provisions as referred to in paragraph(1),(2),and(3)are not fulfilled,such legal actions shall not give ri to rights and obligations and shall not bind the Company.
(1)Legal acts performed by the prospective founders for the interest of a Company which is has not yet been established,shall bind the Company after the Company becomes a legal entity if the first GMS of the Company explicitly states that it accepts or takes over all rights and obligations arising from the legal acts conducted by the prospective founders or its attorney.
(2)The first GMS as referred to in paragraph(1)shall be conducted not later than60(sixty)days after the Company obtains the status of legal entity.
(3)The resolution of the GMS as referred to in paragraph(2)is valid if the GMS is attended by the shareholders reprenting all shares with voting rights and the resolution is approved unanimously.
weekend(4)In the event that the GMS is not held within the period as referred to in paragraph(2),or the GMS is failed to adopt the resolution as referred to in paragraph(3),each prospective founder exercising such legal actions shall be personally liable to the conquences arising.
(5)The GMS approval as referred to in paragraph(2)will not be necessary if such legal actions are performed or approved in writing by all prospective founders prior the establishment of the Company. Article14
(1)Legal actions on behalf of the Company which has not yet obtained the status of legal entity,may only be performed by all members of the Board of Directors together with all founders,as well as all members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company,and they will all be jointly and verally liable for such legal actions.
(2)In the event of such legal actions as referred to in paragraph(1)are performed by the founders on behalf of the Company which has not yet obtained the status of legal entity,the relevant founders shall be responsible for such legal actions and the legal actions shall not bind the Company.
(3)The legal actions as referred to in paragraph(1),by operation of law shall be the responsibility of the Company after the Company becomes a legal entity.
(4)The legal actions as referred to in paragraph(2)shall only be bound and shall be the responsibility of the Company after such legal actions are approved by all shareholders in the GMS attended by all shareholders of the Company.
(5)GMS as referred to in paragraph(4)is the first GMS which must be held not later than60(sixty)days after the Company obtains its legal entity status.
Part Two Articles of Association and Amendment of Articles of Association
Paragraph1Articles of Association
(1)Articles of association as referred to in Article8paragraph(1)shall contain at least:
a.The name and domicile of the Company;
b.The purpos and objectives as well as the business activities of the Company;
c.The period of incorporation of the Company;
d.The amount of authorized capital,issued capital,and paid-up capital;
e.The number of shares,shares classification if any,including the number of shares for each classification, the rights attached to each share,and nominal value of each share;
f.The name of title or position and the number of members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners;
g.The determination of the place and procedures for holding a GMS;
h.The procedures of appointment,replacement,and dismissal of the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners;
i.The procedure for profit utilization and dividend distribution.
(2)Apart from the provisions as referred to in paragraph(1),the articles of association may also contain other provisions which do not conflict with this Law.
auntie(3)The articles of association may not contain:
a.provisions concerning receipt of fixed interest on shares;or
b.provisions concerning the grant of personal benefits to the founders or other parties.
(1)Companies may not u names which:
a.have been legally ud by another Company or are in principle the same as the name of another Company;
c.are the same as or similar to names of state institutions,government institutions,or international institutions,except with the permission of tho concerned;
d.are not in accordance with the purpo and objective as well as business activities or only show the purpo and objective of the Company without its own name;
f.have the meaning as Company,legal entity,or civil association.
(2)The name of the Company must be preceded by the phra“Perroan Terbatas”(Limited Liability Company)or the abbreviation“PT”.
(3)In the ca of a Public Company(Perroan Terbuka),apart from the provisions referred to in paragraph(2)being applicable,the abbreviation“Tbk”shall be added at the end of the Company’s name. (4)Further provisions regarding the procedures for the u of Company names shall be stipulated by Government Regulation.
济南 培训
(1)The Company shall domicile in the city or regency within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia as stipulated in the articles of association.
(2)The domicile referred to in paragraph(1)shall at the same time constitute the head office of the Company.

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