To lie or not to lie-the doctor's dilemma.方式英文
莎翁戏剧Hamlet中那个永远也解不透的句⼦“To be or not to be, that is the question”。
Where there is a way, there is a Toyota.
这是丰⽥汽车的⼴告。制作者巧妙地利⽤了“Thereis a will, there is a way."这⼀明⾔警句的模式,能够很容易地吸引消费者的⽬光,因为⼈们对于名⾔的熟悉程度,便于记忆,当消费者想要买车时,便⾃然⽽然地想起“there is a Toyota”.从⽽达到⼴告的⽬的。
Where there’s marriage without love, there will be love without marriage.
Three’s a crowd,Twos company.
它仿⽤了英语的谚语⼀“Twos company,Threes no ne.” (两⼈成伴,三个不欢),将谚语的意思与⼴告的语义结合在⼀起,较好表达了这个⼴告的暗含意思。
2013年注册会计师成绩查询Mothers know instinctively that for children an ounce of prai is worth a pound of scolding.
模仿An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
He intended to take an opportunity this afternoon of speaking to Irene. A word in time saves nine.
关键时刻说上⼀句就可以省去将来的许多话。A stitch in time saves nine.初级会计师报名费用
Once choo, always u. ⼀旦选⽤,终⾝享⽤模仿
Once a thief, always a thief.
Like America, like Britain. 有美国,必有英国。
模仿Like father, like son.
Home is where the computer is. 计算机⼴告。
模仿Home is where the heart is.家是⼼之所。
A woman’s place is in the Hou.妇⼥应在家中。
传统的谚语是A woman’s place is in the home. 歧视的意味。
the Hou⼀词之差,意义深远。它让妇⼥⾛出家门,到国家政府机关参政。the Hou
of reprentatives 或the White Hou
Quality breeds success.rious是什么意思
模仿Familiarity breeds contempt. 熟悉了就会觉得很平常.
Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for Wall Street.
Leo Huherman: We, the people
华尔街拥有了这个国家。它不再是⼀个民有民治,民享的政府,⽽是⼀个华尔街有、华尔街治、华尔街享的政府。Socialism places the human being at the center of things, not Almighty Dollar, not maximum profits of billionaires.
社会主义把⼈放在各种事情的中⼼位置,⽽不是万能的美元,也不是亿万富翁的最⼤利润。Almighty God
In economics all roads lead to socialism. Bernard Shaw
Not all cars are created equal.
仿拟:Not all that glitters is gold. Or All men are created equal.
这是⽇本“三菱”汽车的⼴告,它仿⽤了《美国独⽴宣⾔》中的⼀句话."All men are created equal(所有⼈⽣来都是平等的)表⽰该汽车质量⾮凡。这些英语⼴告在新的语境中有了新的创意,起到了“他⼭之⽯,可以攻⽟”的修辞效果。
语义学家乌尔曼(Ullmann, 1957:173)指出,所谓仿词就是由原有词项类⽐出新词项。常见的有“相似类⽐”、“相反类⽐”、“空间类⽐”、“⾊彩类⽐”和“数字类⽐”等。
watchmanA friend in need is a friend to be avoided.
A carrot a day may keep cancer away.
模仿An apple a day keeps doctors away.
In marrying this girl he married a bit more than he could chew.e2say口语培训中心
To bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂;⼒不从⼼。