Patient name________________________ Unit
#______________ Date___/___/___ TOTAL=
Date/Time of Stroke Ont_____________ Stroke Type___________ Examiner _______________
Scoring Definitionsmagnet
1a. LOC
0=alert and responsivecan you feel that
1=arousable to minor stimulation
2=arousable only to painful stimulation
3=reflex repons or unarousable
1b. LOC Questions--Ask pt’s age and month. Must be exact.
0=Both correct
1=One correct (or dysarthria, intubated, foreign lang)
judgement2=Nei t her correct
1c. Commands--open/clo eyes, grip and relea non-paretic hand, (Other 1-step commands or mimic ok)
0=Both correct (ok if impaired by weakness)
frog是什么意思1=One correct
2=Nei t her correct
2. Best Gaze--Horizontal EOM by voluntary or Doll’s.
1=partial gaze palsy; abnl gaze in 1 or both eyes
2=Forced eye deviation or total paresis which cannot be overcome by Doll’s.
3. Visual Field--U visual threat if nec. If monocular, score
field of good eye.
0=No visual loss
1=Partial hemianopia, quadrantanopia, extinction
2=Complete hemianopia
3=Bilateral hemianopia or blindness
4. Facial Palsy--If stuporous, check symmetry of grimace to pain.
1=minor paralysis, flat NLF, asymm smile
2=partial paralysis (lower face=UMN)
3=complete paralysis (upper & lower face)
5. Motor Arm--arms outstretched 90 deg (sitting) or 45 deg (supine) for 10 cs. Encourage best effort. Circle paretic arm in score box
0=No drift x 10 cs
1=Drift but doesn’t hi t bed
2=Some ant igravity effort, but can’t sustain
3=No antigravity effort, but even miminal mvt counts
4=No movement at all
X=unable to asss due to amputation, fusion, fx, etc.
L or R
6. Motor Leg--rai leg to 30 deg supine x 5 cs.
0=No drift x 5 cs
1=Drift but doesn’t hi t bed
2=Some antigravity effort, but can’t s ustain
3=No antigravity effort, but even miminal mvt counts
4=No movement at all
X=unable to asss due to amputation, fusion, fx, etc.
embeddingL or R
7. Limb Ataxia--check finger-no-finger ; heel-shin; and score only if out of proportion to paralysis
0=No ataxia (or aphasic, hemiplegic)
1=ataxia in upper or lower extremity
英语音标视频下载2= ataxia in upper AND lower extremi t y
X=unable to asss due to amputation, fusion, fx, etc.
L or R
8. Sensory--U safety pin. Check grimace or wi t hdrawal if stuporous. Score only stroke-related loss.
1=mild-mod unilateral loss but pt aware of touch (or aphasic, confud)
2=Total loss, pt unaware of touch. Coma, bilateral loss
9. Best Language--Descr ibe cookie jar picture, name objects, read ntences. May u repeating, writing, stereognosis 0=Normal
1=mild-mod aphasia; (diff but partly comprehensible)
2=vere aphasia; (almost no info exchanged)
3=mute, global aphasia, coma. No 1 step commands
10. Dysarthria--read list of words
1=mild-mod; slurred but intelligible
2=vere; unintelligible or mute
X=intubation or mech barrier
11.Extinction/Neglect-- simultaneously touch patient on both hands, show fingers in both vis fields, ask about deficit, left hand.
0=Normal, none detected. (vis loss alone)
1=Neglects or extinguishes to double simult stimulation in any modality (vis, aud, ns, spatial, body parts)
2=profound neglect in more than one modality一篇万能英语作文范文