•Min Lot Size-If the job requirement is below this number,it is rounded up.In a standard cost environment,this lot size should equal the costing lot size.For example,if four parts are required and the Min Lot Size is t to10,MRP creates a job for10parts,six of which are added to stock.
•Max Lot Size-This is the maximum lot size for a job.For example,if MRP creates an unfirm job for100parts and the Max Lot Size is t to40,three jobs are created:two jobs for40parts and a third job for20parts.
有声读物网站>新竹园中学•Multiple-MRP rounds up the quantity to this number if the recommended job is for less than one multiple.The Min Lot Size and Max Lot Size values must be a multiple of the value in the Multiple field if a value exists.
世界语言分布图Size----the size for the cost rollup to distribute tup costs.
•Costing Lot Size
•Days of Supply-This field works with inventory items as well as with jobs.It contains the number of days that an inventory re-fill order or a production job covers.
假设你现在有张SO,DCD-100-SP出货行(Relea)分别为1月10日100件,1月12日150件,1月14日200件,DCD-100-SP的供应天数为3天,DCD-100-SP库存数量为0。那么MRP 将会创建多少张未确认的工单(忽略最少批量等其它参数)?3张?还是1张?正确答案是2张。为什么?
Availability-The Availability ction controls whether this part is considered during the MRP process and if PO suggestions are generated.
•Process MRP-If lected,MRP process this part.
•Generate PO Suggestions-If lected,PO suggestions are procesd for this part.
Short Horizon Planning
•Horizon Days-U this field to indicate a short horizon using the lot sizes in this ction for MRP processing rather than the part's standard lot sizes found in the MRP Planning ction of this sheet.If a job's due date is less than or equal to today plus(+)the short Horizon Days,the Min Lot Size and Max Lot Size information in this ction are ud during MRP Processing.All other planning parameters such as the lot Multiple remain the same.If this field is not populated,the lot size fields in this ction is ignored.
期限--使用此参数告诉MRP,如果工单的到期日少于等于(今天的日期+期限)的日期,那么就使用“短期计划”的最少批量、最大批量、供应天数进行MRP计算,而不是使用“MRP 计划”设置的参数计算(注意:倍数和批量成本计算仍然沿用这里的设置)。如果这个参数没有设置,仍然是0的话,则MRP会忽略本节的参数设置。
•Min Lot Size-U this field to indicate the minimum lot size to u during the short horizon for MRP processing.If Horizon Days has been entered and if a job's due date is less than or equal to today plus(+)tho Horizon Days,this Min Lot Size information is ud during MRP Processing rather than the Min Lot Size in the MRP Planning ction of this sheet.If the Horizon Days field is not populated,this Min Lot Size field is ignored.
•Max Lot Size-U this field to indicate the maximum lot size to u during the short horizon for MRP processing.If Horizon Days has been entered and if a job's due date is less than or equal to today plus(+)tho Horizon Days,this Max Lot Size information is ud during MRP Processing rather than the Max Lot Size in the MRP Planning ction of this sheet.If the Horizon Days field is not populated,this Max Lot Size field is ignored.
•Days of Supply-This field works with inventory items as well as with jobs.It contains the number of days that an inventory re-fill order or a production job should cover.What makes this different than the MRP Planning Days of Supply field is that this field is ud to record the short horizon order lead time for the part.
、物料--工厂such as
•Production Prep Buffer-The number of days that are required to prepare and create a job before it can be relead to the shop floor to start production.If this field is left blank and the Multi-Site module is installed,the value t in plant maintenance is ud.
•Kit Time-For manufactured items,enter the time(in days)that it takes to kit the asmbled item. Kit time is only applied to manufactured items and is ud to calculate the demand date for any materials for the asmbly.The kit time is subtracted from the start date of asmblies that have no children asmblies.If this field is left blank and the Multi-Site module is installed,the value t in plant maintenance is ud.An example of this is the time it may take to package a monitor,mou and keyboard for a desktop computer that was asmbled.
merry me什么意思套件时间--套件组装(包装、配套)所需的时间,这个参数是用来计算组成套件所需物料的需求日期的,套件的类型必须是“生产”的此参数才会生效。组装成套件的物料的需求日期=套件的开始日期-套件时间。假如同时设置了“生产准备缓冲”和“套件时间”这两个参数,则这两个参数被累加作为工单计划开始日期提前的天数。
•Receive Time-In the ca of manufactured items,this is the number of days that are required to move the asmbly either to stock or to the next job.For manufactured parts,this buffer is added to the due date of the job.A good example of this is a commercial airplane manufacturer.They may need veral days to transport the plane to another facility to either stock the plane or continue to work on the plane and want the days in transit to affect the job's due date.In the ca of purchad or transferred parts,this is the time required to receive and inspect the part.This time is deducted from