The University of Iowa
Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
CONFIDENTIAL REPORT OF INFORMAL* ANTI-HARASSMENT COMPLAINT RESOLUTION Plea complete this form and submit it to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, 202 Jessup Hall,
As soon as reasonably possible after resolution of the complaint
Due to confidentiality considerations, plea do not e-mail the forms.
Date of Incident Date complaint received
谨慎英文College/Organizational Unit Department Today’s Date
如何考会计证Name of Individual Completing Report Title Campus Telephone # Consistent with the UI Policy on Sexual Harassment, if the person charged in the complaint has been informed of the existence of the complaint, all parties’ names shall be disclod; if the person charged has not been informed of the
DEFINITION: The University’s Anti-Harassment Policy defines harassment as follows:
a. Definition of harassment as it relates to conduct. "Harassment" means intentional conduct directed toward an identifiable person
diameteror persons that is sufficiently vere, pervasive, or persistent that it interferes with work, educational performance, on-campus living, or participation in a University activity on- or off-campus.
b. Definition of harassment as it relates to the content of speech. When an allegation of harassment rests upon the content of oral,
written, or symbolic speech, it falls within this definition only if 1) the content consists of tho personally abusive epithets which are inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction, 2) the content is a rious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals, or 3) the content is a threat to a person or group of persons with the intent of placing the victim in fear of bodily harm or death. Conduct that constitutes a protected exerci of an individual's rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution (and related principles of academic freedom) shall not be deemed a violation of this policy.
For the purpos of this form, “informational complaints” are tho handled by department or units outside the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity. Pursuant to the UI Anti-Harassment Policy, an
y academic or administrative officer who becomes aware of allegations of protected class harassment by any means must consult with the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity regarding appropriate steps.
Plea provide summary of the nature of the allegations below (attach additional pages if necessary):
** For Office of Student Services u only: Date report Completed
Plea return this form to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, 202 Jessup Hall.melee是什么意思>terrorists
Due to confidentiality considerations, plea do not e-mail the forms.
哈尔滨电脑培训学校Thank you for your assistance in resolving the complaint.