绪论 introduction
正常人体形态学 normal human morphology
* 解剖学 anatomy
** 人体解剖学 human anatomy
** 系统解剖学 systematic anatomy,descriptive anatomy
** 局部解剖学 topographic anatomy,regional anatomy
* 应用解剖学 applied anatomy
* 临床解剖学 clinical anatomy
* 外科解剖学surgical anatomy
** 解剖学姿势 anatomical position
* 矢状面 sagittal plane
* 正中矢状面 median(or midsagittal)plane
* 冠状面(或额状面) coronal(or frontal)plane
* 横切面(或水平面) transver(or horizontal)plane
前面(或腹侧面) anterior(or ventral)surfacewatcher
后面(或背侧面) posterior(or dorsal)surface
上端(或颅端) superior(or cranial)edn
下端(或尾端) inferior(or caudal)end
内侧(尺侧或胫侧)缘 medial(ulnar or tibial)border
外侧(桡侧或腓侧)缘 lateral(radial or fibular)border
近侧端(或上端) proximal(or upper)end
远则端(或下端) distal(or lower)end
内面 interal(or interior)surface
外面 external(or exterior)surface
浅层 superficial layer
深层 deep layer
人体各部位 parts of human body
* 头 head
* 颅 eranium,skull
* 额 front
* 枕 occipit
* 颞 temple
* 耳 ear
* 面 face
* 眼 eye
* 鼻 no
口 mouth
唇 lip
* 颈 neck,cervix,collum * 躯干 trunk
* 背 back
* 胸 thorax,chest
* 腹 abdomen
脐 umbilicus
* 盆部 pelvis
四肢 limbs,extremities
客人的英文 * 上肢 upper limb
* 肩 shoulder
腋 axilla
* 臂 arm
* 肘 elbow
* 前臂 forearm
* 手 hand
腕 wristmusa
掌 palm
* 鱼际 thenar
* 小鱼际 hypothenar
* 手指 finger
* 拇指 thumb
示指 index finger
* 下肢 lower limb拨弄
* 髋 hip
* 股(又称大腿) thigh
* 膝 knee
* 小腿 leg
* 踝 ankle,malleolus
* 足 foot
课外活动英语 跗 tarsus
跖 sole
* 趾 toe
运动系统 locomotor system
(一)骨及骨连结 bone and joint
* 骨学 osteology
** 骨骼 skeleton
** 骨 boneairborne
中轴骨 axial skeleton
附肢骨 appendicular skeleton
* 长骨 long bone
* 短骨 short bone
* 扁骨 flat bone
* 不规则骨 irregular bone
** 骨密质 compact bony substance
** 骨松质 spongy bony substance
** 骨膜 periosteum
骨内膜 endosteum
* 黄骨髓 yellow bony marrow
** 红骨髓 red bony marrow
骺 epiphysis
骨干 diaphysis
干骺端 metaphysis
* 骺软骨 epiphysial cartilage
* 骺线 epiphysial line
滋养孔 nutrient foramen
髓腔 medullary cavity
突 process
棘 spine
隆起 eminencedonkey
粗隆 tuberosity
结节 tuber,tubercle
嵴 cres
线 line
窝 concavity,fossa
凹 fovea
小凹 foveola
压迹 impression
腔 cavity
窦 autrum,sinus
管 canal,duct
孔 foramen,opening
口 mouth,apertura,aditus,ostium
裂孔 hiatus
髁 condyle
上髁 epicondyle
缘 margin
切迹 notch,incisura
纤维连结 fibrous joint
韧带连结 syndesmosis
缝 suture
软骨连结 cartilaginous joint
** 关节 articulation,joint
** 关节面 articular surface
关节软骨 articular cartilage
** 关节囊 articular capsul
* 纤维层 fibrous layer
* 滑膜 synovial membrane
** 关节腔 articular cavity
** 韧带 ligament
** 关节盘 articular disk
** 关节半月板 articular meniscus
* 关节唇 articular labrum
滑膜关节 synovial joint
平面关节 plane joint
球窝关节 ball and socket joint
椭圆关节 ellipsoid joint
车轴关节 pivot joint
鞍状关节 saddle joint
* 屈 flexion
* 伸 extension
* 收 adduction
* 展 abduction
* 旋转 rotation
* 环转 circumduction
* 旋前 pronation
* 旋后 supination
* 外翻 eversion
* 内翻 inversion
* 背屈 dorsiflexion
* 跖屈 plantarflexion
** 椎骨 vertebrae
** 脊柱 vertebral column
* 椎管 vertebral canal
* 椎体 vertedral body
* 椎弓 vertebral arch
** 椎间孔 intervertebral foramen
* 椎孔 vertebral foramen
* 棘突 spinous process
** 横突 transver process
上关节突 superior articular process
** 颈椎 cervical vertebrae
* 横突孔 transver foramen
* 寰椎 atlas
侧块 lateral mass
* 枢椎 axis
齿突 dens
** 胸椎 thoracic vertebral
上肋凹 superior costal fovea
** 腰椎 lumbar vertebrae
** 骶骨 sacrum,sacral bone
骶骨岬 sacral promontory
* 骶管裂孔 sacral hiatus
骶角 sacral horn
** 尾骨 coccyx
** 椎间盘 intervertebral disc
* 纤维环 anulus fibrosus
* 髓核 pulpiform nucleus
* 黄韧带 ligaments flava
寰枕关节 atlanto-occipital joint
** 肋 ribs,costae
* 肋软骨 costal cartilage
* 肋沟 costal groove
** 肋弓 costal arch
** 胸骨 sternum
胸骨柄 sternal manubrium
胸骨体 sternal body
** 剑突 xiphoid process
** 胸骨角 sternal angle
** 胸廓 thoracic cage
肋椎关节 costovertebral joints
胸肋关节 sternocostal joints