摘 要
次使用扫描电镜对灌县栉甲Cteniopinus kwanhsienensis Borchmann, 1930头部和复
长角栉甲C.antennatus Ren et Bai, 2003
异角栉甲C.varicornis Ren et Bai, 2003腹栉甲C.nigroventrus Bai
et Ren, 2003黄腿栉甲C.flavifemur Bai et Ren, 2003宽胸栉甲C. brevithoracus Bai et Ren, 2003»¨èμ×ÊôOmophlina Reitter, 1890¹µèμ×Cteniopinus fossulatus Pic, 1913窄跗
栉甲C. tenuitarsis Borchmann, 1930新同物异名
南方朽木甲{ XE "南方朽木甲" }Allecula austriaca{ XE "austriaca: Borboresthes" }Zhang, 1989
suffer from
Systematic study of the subfamily
Alleculinae from China (Coleoptera:
T enebrionidae)
Author: BAI Ming
Supervisor: REN Guo-dong
The subfamily Alleculinae, belonging to the family Tenbrionid ae, is of great economic importance. Th
ere are 3 tribi, 159 genera and 2795 species belonging to Alleculinae in the world and 2 tribi, 17 genera and 157 species are distributed in China. It is a remarkably diver fauna in China, but the study on this field has been fallen far behind. The species of Alleculinae in China are almost norminated and described by foreign scholars, only 9 new species are found by native scholars. Nowadays there is still no completely systematic study of the Alleculinae in China. In order t o change this situation, the classification study on this field was carried out. This paper is compod of the general account and the classification account.
In the general account, status of the classification and hierarchy, review of classific ation rearch, material and methods, morphology, biology and economical importance, phylogenetic relationship, faunal composing and distribution are introduced in detail.
In the classification account, 2 tribi, 13 genera with 141 species in China are recorded, and documents, synonyms, distributions of each species are listed. Among them, 89 species are depicted in morphological characters, which figures and photos are followed. Keys to genera and species are drawn up. During this study, 9 new species are f ound. Furthermore, 1 genus and 4 species are reported for the first time from China, and 1 new synonym is found.
1. New species:cash back
1.1 Cteniopinus brevithoracus sp. nov.
Holotype N, 98.86Fugong Country, Yunnan
Prov., 27 June, 2000, coll. LIANG Hong-Bin. Paratype: 1
, Mt. Gaoligong (26.31E; 1950m alt.)
, 2
adsl是什么意思black; pronotum wholly bordered with between red and brown margin except the frontal part of lateral margin; coxa black; abdomen black. Whereas in the latter 1st gment of maxillary palpus yellow, the 2nd brown, the 3rd deep brown; pronotum wholly bordered; coxa yellow; abdomen dark red.
Etymology. This new species is named after abdomen is nearly black.
论坛 成人1.4 Cteniopinus rubipes sp. nov.
, Shanxi:Ningshan-huoditang, 1380m, 1998-VII-26, collected by Yao Jian. Paratype: 4, Shanxi:Ningshan-huoditang, 1998-VII-VIII, collected by Yao Jian
Yuan De-cheng; 1