Curriculum Vitae
1. Name: Qian Zhang (Castiel Zhang)
2. Sex: Male法语在线
3. Date of Birth: 02/08/1989
4. Marital Status: Single
5. Education:
Institute: University of Auckland
Degree: Master of Translation, Master of English Teaching (processing)
Date of obtained: 1 October 2012
Undergraduate: Agricultural University of Hebei. Bachelor of ART
Date of obtained: 1 September 2008
6. Membership of Professional Associations: International Student from China.
7. Other training: Sales assistants, Teaching, Translation.
8. Countries of Work Experience: Part time/ full time, Translation, teacher, Woodworking and Sales 感想的意思assistants.crooked
Working experience:
Provide translation assistance about marketing in Mercedes-benz outlets,mso Beijing. (10/2010-4/2012)
Translation assistance for Sinopec chemical construction co. (2/2009-9/2010)
Working as Education Agents in B-global Agency (Queen Str. 47, Auckland)blackboard是什么意思
scissor sistersgenkan(11/2012-5/2013)