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DiMo:Distributed Node Monitoring in Wireless
Sensor Networks
Andreas Meier†,Mehul Motani∗,Hu Siquan∗,and Simon Künzli‡†Computer Engineering and Networks Lab,ETH Zurich,Switzerland
Electrical&Computer Engineering,National University of Singapore,Singapore
‡Siemens Building T echnologies,Zug,Switzerland
Safety-critical wireless nsor networks,such as a distributed fire-or burglar-alarm system,require that all nsor nodes are up and functional.If an event is triggered on a node, this information must be forwarded immediately to the sink, without tting up a route on demand or having tofind an alternate route in ca of a node or link failure.Therefore, failures of nodes must be known at all times and in ca of a detected failure,an immediate notification must be nt to the network operato
r.There is usually a bounded time ,five minutes,for the system to report network or node failure.This paper prents DiMo,a distributed and scalable solution for monitoring the nodes and the topology, along with a redundant topology for incread robustness. Compared to existing solutions,which traditionally assume a continuous data-flow from all nodes in the network,DiMo obrves the nodes and the topology locally.DiMo only reports to the sink if a node is potentially failed,which greatly reduces the message overhead and energy consump-tion.DiMo timely reports failed nodes and minimizes the fal-positive rate and energy consumption compared with other prominent solutions for node monitoring.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
C.2.2[Network Protocols]:Wireless Sensor Network
General Terms
Low power,Node monitoring,Topology monitoring,WSN 1.INTRODUCTION
Driven by recent advances in low power platforms and protocols,wireless nsor networks are being deployed to-day to monitor the environment from wildlife habitats[1] Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom u is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.To copy otherwi,to republish,to post on rvers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
Copyright2008ACM978-1-60558-235-1/$ mission-criticalfire-alarm systems[5].There are,how-ever,still some obstacles in the way for mass application of wireless nsor networks.One of the key challenges is the management of the wireless nsor network itlf.With-out a practical management system,WSN maintenance will be very difficult for network administrators.Furthermore, without a solid management plan,WSNs are not likely to be accepted by industrial urs.
One of the key points in the management of a WSN is the health status monitoring of the network itlf.Node failures should be captured by the system and reported to adminis-trators within a given delay constraint.Due to the resource constraints of WSN nodes,traditional network management prot
ocols such as SNMP adopted by TCP/IP networks are not suitable for nsor networks.In this paper,we con-sider a light-weight network management approach tailored specifically for WSNs and their unique constraints. Currently,WSN deployments can be categorized by their application scenario:data-gathering applications and event-detection applications.For data-gathering systems,health status monitoring is quite straight forward.Monitoring in-formation can be forwarded to the sink by specific health status packets or embedded in the regular data packets.Ad-ministrators can usually diagno the network with a helper program.NUCLEUS[6]is one of the network management systems for data-gathering application of WSN.Since event-detection deployments do not have regular traffic to nd to the sink,the solutions for data-gathering deployments are not suitable.In this ca,health status monitoring can be quite challenging and has not been discusd explicitly in the literature.
In an event-detection WSN,there is no periodic data ,nodes maintain radio silence until there is an event to report.While this is energy efficient,it does mean that there is no possibility for the sink to decide whether the net-work is still up and running(and waiting for an event to be detected)or if some nodes in the network have failed and are therefore silent.Furthermore,for certain military ap-plications or safety-critical systems,the specifications may include a hard time constraint for accomplishing the node health status monitoring task.
In an event-detection WSN,the system maintains a net-work topology that allows for forwarding of data to a sink in the ca of an event.Even though there is no regular data transfer in the network,the network should always be ready to forward a message to the sink immediately when-ever necessary.It is this urgency of data forwarding that makes it undesirable to t up a routing table and neighbor
list after the event has been detected.The lack of regular data transfer in the network also leads to difficulty in de-tecting bad quality links,making it challenging to establish and maintain a stable robust network topology.
While we have mentioned event-detection WSNs in gen-eral,we accentuate that the distributed node monitoring problem we are considering is inspired by a real-world ap-plication:a distributed indoor wireless alarm system which includes a nsor for detection of a specific alarm such as fire(as studied in[5]).To illustrate the reporting require-ments of such a system,we point out that regulatory speci-fications require afire to be reported to the control station within10conds and a node failure to be reported within 5minutes[9].This highlights the importance of the node-monitoring problem.
In this paper,we prent a solution for distributed node monitoring called DiMo,which consists of two
functions: (i)Network topology maintenance,introduced in Section2, and(ii)Node health status monitoring,introduced in Sec-tion3.We compare DiMo to existing state-of-the-art node monitoring solutions and evaluate DiMo via simulations in Section4.
1.1Design Goals
DiMo is developed bad on the following design goals:•In safety critical event monitoring systems,the status
of the nodes needs to be monitored continuously,allow-
ing the detection and reporting of a failed node within
a certain failure detection time T ,T D=5min.
•If a node is reported failed,a costly on-site inspection
is required.This makes it of paramount interest to
decrea the fal-positive ,wrongly assuming
a node to have failed.
•In the ca of an event,the latency in forwarding the
information to the sink is crucial,leaving no time to
t up a route on demand.We require the system to
maintain a topology at all times.In order to be robust
against possible link failures,the topology needs to
provide redundancy.
•To increa efficiency and minimize energy consump-
tion,the two tasks of topology maintenance(in par-
ongticular monitoring of the links)and node monitoring
should be combined.
farewell letter
•Maximizing lifetime of the network does not necessar-
ily translate to minimizing the average energy con-
sumption in the network,but rather minimizing the
energy consumption of the node with the maximal load
in the network.In particular,the monitoring should
not significantly increa the load towards the sink.
cashier•We assume that the event detection WSN has no reg-
ular data traffic,with possibly no messages for days,
weeks or even months.Hence we do not attempt to op-
timize routing or load balancing for regular data.We
also note that approaches like estimating links’perfor-
mance bad on the ongoing dataflow are not possible
and do not take them into account.
•Wireless communications in nsor networks(especially indoor deployments)is known for its erratic behav-
ior[2,8],likely due to multi-path fading.We assume
such an environment with unreliable and unpredictable
communication links,and argue that message loss
must be taken into account.1.2Related Work
Nithya et al.discuss Sympathy in[3],a tool for detect-ing and debugging failures in pre-and post-deployment n-sor networks,especially designed for data gathering appli-cations.The nodes nd periodic heartbeats to the sink that combines this information with passively gathered data to detect failures.For the failure detection,the sink re-quires receiving at least one heartbeat from the node every so called sweep ,its lacking indicates a node fail-ure.Direct-Heartbeat performs poo
rly in practice without adaptation to wireless packet loss.To meet a desired fal positive rate,the rate of heartbeats has to be incread also increasing the communication cost.NUCLEUS[6]follows a very similar approach to Sympathy,providing a manage-ment system to monitor the heath status of data-gathering applications.
Rost et al.propo with Memento a failure detection sys-tem that also requires nodes to periodically nd heartbeats to the so called obrver node.Tho heartbeats are not directly forwarded to the sink node,but are aggregated in form of a ,bitwi OR operation).The ob-rver node is sweeping its bitmask every sweep interval and will forward the bitmask with the node missing during the next sweep interval if the node fails nding a heartbeat in between.Hence the information of the missing node is disminated every sweep interval by one hop,eventually arriving at the sink.Memento is not making u of ac-knowledgements and proactively nds multiple heartbeats every sweep interval,whereas this number is estimated bad on the link’s estimated worst-ca performance and the tar-geted fal positive rate.Hence Memento and Sympathy do both nd veral messages every sweep interval,most of them being redundant.
In[5],Strasr et al.propo a ring bad(hop count)gos-siping scheme that provides a latency bound for detecting failed nodes.The approach is bad on a bitmask aggre-gation,beingfilled ring by ring b
ad on a tight schedule requiring a global clock.Due to the tight schedule,retrans-missions are limited and contention/collisions likely,increas-ing the number of fal positives.The approach is similar to Memento[4],i.e.,it does not scale,but provides latency bounds and us the benefits of acknowledgements on the link layer.
Forwarding a detected event without any delay requires maintaining a redundant topology that is robust against link failures.The characteristics of such a redundant topology are discusd subquently.
The topology is bad on so called relay nodes,a neighbor that can provide one or more routes towards the sink with a smaller cost metric than the node itlf has.Loops are inherently ruled out if packets are always forwarded to relay nodes.For instance,in a simple tree topology,the parent is the relay node and the cost metric is the hop count.
In order to provide redundancy,every node is connected with at least two relay nodes,and is called redundantly con-nected.Two neighboring nodes can be redundantly con-nected by being each others relay,although having the same cost metric,only if they are both connected to the sink. This ex
ception allows the nodes neighboring the sink to be redundantly connected and avoids having a link to the sink
as a single point of failure.In a(redundantly)connected network,all deployed nodes are(redundantly)connected.农谚的拼音
A node’s level L reprents the minimal hop count to the sink according to the level of its relay ,the relay with the least hop count plus one.The level is infinity if the node is not connected.The maximal hop count H to the sink reprents the longest path to the ,if at every hop the relay node with the highest maximal hop count is chon.If the node is redundantly connected,the node’s H is the maximum hop count in the t of its relays plus one, if not,the maximal hop count is infinity.If and only if all nodes in the network have afinite maximal hop count,the network is redundantly connected.
The topology management function aims to maintain a redundantly connected network whenever possible.This might not be possible for sparly connected networks,where some nodes might only have one neighbor and therefore can-not be redundantly connected by definition.Sometimes it would be possible tofind alternative paths with a higher cost metric,which in turn would largely increa the overhead for topology ,for avoiding loops).
For the cost metric,the tuple(L,H)is ud.A node A has the smaller cost metric than node B if
L A<L B∨(L A=L B∧H A<H B).(1) During the operation of the network,DiMo continuously monitors the links(as described in Section3),which allows the detection of degrading links and allows triggering topol-ogy adaptation.Due to DiMo’s redundant structure,the node is still connected to the network,during this neighbor arch,and hence in the ca of an event,can forward the message without delay.
This ction describes the main contribution of this paper, a distributed algorithm for topology,link and node monitor-ing.From the underlying MAC protocol,it is required that an acknowledged message transfer is supported.
A monitoring algorithm is required to detect failed nodes within a given failure detection time T ,T D=5min).
A node failure can occur for example due to hardware fail-ures,software errors or becau a node ru
ns out of energy. Furthermore,an operational node that gets disconnected from the network is also considered as failed.
The monitoring is done by so called obrver nodes that monitor whether the target node has checked in by nding a heartbeat within a certain monitoring time.If not,the ob-rver nds a node missing message to the sink.The target node is monitored by one obrver at any time.If there are multiple obrver nodes available,they alternate amongst themlves.For instance,if there are three obrvers,each one obrves the target node every third monitoring time. The obrver node should not only check for the liveliness of the nodes,but also for the links that are being ud for nding data packets to the sink in ca of a detected event. The two tasks are combined by lecting the relay nodes as obrvers,greatly reducing the network load and maximiz-ing the network lifetime.In order to ensure that all nodes are up and running,every node is obrved at all times. The specified failure detection time T D is an upper bound for the monitoring interval T ,the interval within which the node has to nd a heartbeat.Since failure detec-tion time is measured at the sink,the detection of a missing node at the relay needs to be forwarded,resulting in an ad-ditional maximal delay T L.Furthermore,the heartbeat can be delayed as well,either by message collisions or link fail-ures.Hence the node should nd the heartbeat before the relay’s monitoring timer expires and leav
e room for retries and clock drift within the time window T R.So the monitor-ing interval has to be t to
T M≤T D−T L−T R(2) and the node has to ensure that it is being monitored every T M by one of its obrvers.
The schedule of reporting to an obrver is only defined for the next monitoring time for each obrver.Whenever the node checks in,the next monitoring time is announced with the same message.So for every heartbeat nt,the old monitoring timer at the obrver can be cancelled and a new timer can be t according the new time.
Whenever,a node is newly obrved or not being obrved by a particular obrver,this is indicated to the sink.Hence the sink is always aware of which nodes are being obrved in the network,and therefore always knows which nodes are up and running.This registration scheme at the sink is an optional feature of DiMo and depends on the ur’s requirements.
3.2Packet Loss
Wireless communication always has to account for possi-ble message loss.Sudden changes in th
e link quality are always possible and even total link failures in the order of a few conds are not uncommon[2].So the time T R for nd-ing retries should be sufficiently long to cover such blanks. Though unlikely,it is possible that even after a duration of T R,the heartbeat could not have been successfully for-warded to the obrver and thus was not acknowledged,in spite of multiple retries.
The node has to assume that it will be reported miss-ing at the sink,despite the fact it is still up and running. Should the node be redundantly connected,a recovery mes-sage is nt to the sink via another relay announcing be-ing still alive.The sink receiving a recovery message and a node-missing message concerning the same node can neglect the messages as they cancel each other out.This recov-ery scheme is optional,but minimizes the fal positives by orders of magnitudes as shown in Section4.
3.3Topology Changes
In the ca of a new relay being announced from the topol-ogy management,a heartbeat is nt to the new relay,mark-ing it as an obrver node.On the other hand,if a depre-cated relay is announced,this relay might still be acting as an obrver,and the node has to check in as scheduled.How-ever,no new monitor time is announced with the heartbeat, which will relea the deprecated relay of being an obrver.
3.4Queuing Policy
A monitoring buffer exclusively ud for monitoring mes-sages is introduced,having the messages queued according to a priority level,in particular node-missing messagesfirst. Since the MAC protocol and routing engine usually have a queuing buffer also,it must be ensured that only one single monitoring message is being handled by the lower layers at
the time.Only if an ACK is received,the monitoring mes-sage can be removed from the queue(if a NACK is received, the message remains).DiMo only prioritizes between the different types of monitoring messages and does not require prioritized access to data traffic.
In literature,there are very few existing solutions for mon-itoring the health of the wireless nsor network deployment itlf.DiMo is thefirst nsor network monitoring solution specifically designed for event detection applications.How-ever,the two prominent solutions of Sympathy[3]and Me-mento[4]for monitoring general WSNs can also be tailored for event gathering applications.We compare the three ap-proaches by looking at the rate at which they generate fal ,wrongly inferring that a live node has failed. Fal positives tell us something about the
monitoring pro-tocol since they normally result from packet loss during monitoring.It is crucial to prevent fal positives since for every node that is reported missing,a costly on-site inspec-tion is required.
DiMo us the relay nodes for obrvation.Hence a pos-sible event message and the regular heartbeats both u the same path,except that the latter is a one hop message only. The fal positive probability thus determines the reliability of forwarding an event.
We point out that there are other performance metrics which might be of interest for evaluation.In addition to fal positives,we have looked at latency,message overhead, and energy consumption.We prent the evaluation of fal positives below.达特茅斯大学
4.1Analysis of Fal Positives
In the following analysis,we assume r heartbeats in one sweep for Memento,whereas DiMo and Sympathy allow nding up to r−1retransmissions in the ca of unac-knowledged messages.To compare the performance of the fal positive rate,we assume the same sweep interval for three protocols which means that Memento’s and Sympa-thy’s sweep interval is equal to DiMo’s monitoring interval. In the analysis we assume all three protocols having the same packet-loss proba
bility p l for each hop.
For Sympathy,a fal positive for a node occurs when the heartbeat from the node does not arrive at the sink in a sweep interval,assuming r−1retries on every hop.So a node will generate fal positive with a possibility(1−(1−p r l)d)n,where d is the hop count to the sink and n the numbers of heartbeats per sweep.In Memento,the bitmask reprenting all nodes assumes them failed by default after the bitmap is ret at the beginning of each sweep interval. If a node doesn’t report to its parent ,if all the r heartbeats are lost in a sweep interval,a fal positive will occur with a probability of p l r.In DiMo the node is reported missing if it fails to check in at the obrver having a probability of p l r.In this ca,a recovery message is triggered.Consider the ca that the recovery message is not kept in the monitoring queue like the node-missing messages, but dropped after r attempts,the fal positive rate results in p l r(1−(1−p l r)d).
Table1illustrates the fal positive rates for the three protocols ranging the packet reception rate(PRR)between 80%and95%.For this example the obrved node is in afive-hop distance(d=5)from the sink and a common
PRR80%85%90%95% Sympathy(n=1)  3.93e-2  1.68e-2  4.99e-3  6.25e-4 Sympathy(n=2)  1.55e-3 
2.81e-4  2.50e-5  3.91e-7 Memento8.00e-3  3.38e-3  1.00e-3  1.25e-4 DiMo  3.15e-4  5.66e-5  4.99e-67.81e-8
Table1:Fal positive rates for a node with hop count5and3transmissions under different packet success rates.
number of r=3attempts for forwarding a message is as-sumed.Sympathy clearly suffers from a high packet loss, but its performance can be incread greatly nding two heartbeats every sweep interval(n=2).This however dou-bles the message load in the network,which is especially substantial as the messages are not aggregated,resulting in a largely incread load and energy consumption for nodes next to the sink.Comparing DiMo with Memento,we ob-rve the paramount impact of the redundant relay on the fal positive rate.DiMo offers a mechanism here that is not supported in Sympathy or Memento as it allows nding up to r−1retries for the obrver and redundant relay.Due to this redundancy,the message can also be forwarded in the ca of a total blackout of one link,a feature both Memento and Sympathy are lacking.
For evaluation purpos we have implemented DiMo in Castalia1.3,a state of the art WSN simulator
bad on the OMNet++platform.Castalia allows evaluating DiMo with a realistic wireless channel(bad on the empiricalfindings of Zuniga et al.[8])and radio model but also captures effects like the nodes’clock drift.Packet collisions are calculated bad on the signal to interference ratio(SIR)and the radio model features transition times between the radio’s states (e.g.,nding after a carrier n will be delayed).Speck-MAC[7],a packet bad version of B-MAC,with acknowl-edgements and a low-power listening interval of100ms is ud on the link layer.The characteristics of the Chipcon CC2420are ud to model the radio.
The simulations are performed for a network containing80 nodes,arranged in a grid with a small Gaussian distributed displacement,reprenting an event detection system where nodes are usually not randomly deployed but rather evenly spread over the obrved area.500different topologies were analyzed.The topology management results in a redun-dantly connected network with up to5levels L and a max-imum hop count H of6to8.
A fal positive is triggered if the node fails to check in, which is primarily due to packet errors and loss on the wireless channel.In order to understand fal positives,we t the available link’s packet reception rate(PRR)to0.8, allowing us to e the effects of the retransmission scheme. Furthermore,thisfixed PRR also allows a comparison with the results of the previous ction’s analys
is and is shown in Figure1(a).The plot shows on the one hand side the monitoring bad on a tree structure that is comparable to the performance of ,without DiMo’s possibil-ity of nding a recovery message using an alternate relay. On the other hand side,the plot shows the fal positive rate of DiMo.The plot clearly shows the advantage of DiMo’s redundancy,yet allowing nding twice as many heartbeats than the tree approach.This might not em necessarily fair atfirst;however,in a real deployment it is always possible
(a)Varying number of retries;PRR =0.8.(b)Varying link quality.
assignedFigure 1:Fal positives:DiMo achieves the targeted fal positive rate of 1e-7,also reprenting the reliability for successfully forwarding an event.that a link fails completely,allowing DiMo to still forward the heartbeat.The simulation and the analysis show a slight offt in the performance,which is explained by a simulation artifact of the SpeckMAC implementation that occurs when the receiver’s wake-up time coincides with the start time of a packet.This rare ca allows receiving not only one but two packets out of the stream,which artificially increas the link quality by about three percent.
The nodes are obrved every T M =4min,resulting in being monitored 1.3e5times a year.A fal positive rate of 1e-6would result in having a particular node being wrongly reported failed every 7.7years.Therefore,for a 77-node net-work,a fal positive rate of 1e-7would result in one fal alarm a year,being the targeted fal-positive threshold for the monitoring system.DiMo achieves this rate by tting the numbers of retries for both the heartbeat and the recov-ery message to four.Hence the guard time T R for nding the retries need to be t sufficiently long to accommodate up to ten messages and back-offtimes.
The impact of the link quality on DiMo’s performance is shown in Figure 1(b).The tree topology shows a similar performance than DiMo,if the same number of messages is nt.However,it does no
srbt show the benefit in the ca of a sudden link failure,allowing DiMo to recover immedi-ately.Additionally,the surprising fact that fal positives are not going to zero for perfect link quality is explained by collisions.This is also the reason why DiMo’s curve for two retries flattens for higher link qualities.Hence,leaving room for retries is as important as choosing good quality links.
In this paper,we prented DiMo,a distributed algorithm for node and topology monitoring,especially designed for u with event-triggered wireless nsor networks.As a de-tailed comparative study with two other well-known moni-toring algorithm shows,DiMo is the only one to reach the design target of having a maximum error reporting delay of 5minutes while keeping the fal positive rate and the energy consumption competitive.
The propod algorithm can easily be implemented and also be enhanced with a topology management mechanism to provide a robust mechanism for WSNs.This enables its u in the area of safety-critical wireless nsor networks.
The work prented in this paper was supported by CTI grant number 8222.1and the National Competence Center in Rearch on Mobile Information and Communication Sys-tems (NCCR-MICS),a center supported by the Swiss Na-tional Science Foundation under grant number 5005-67322.This work was also supported in part by pha II of the Embedded and Hybrid System program (EHS-II)funded by the Agency for Science,Technology and Rearch (A*STAR)under grant 052-118-0054(NUS WBS:R-263-000-376-305).The authors thank Matthias Woehrle for revising a draft version of this paper.
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