NARRATION writing skill (1)
1. What is narration?
Narration means telling a single story or veral related stories. The story can be a means to an end, a way to support a main idea or thesis.
Narration is powerful. Every public speaker, from politician to classroom teacher, knows that stories capture the attention of listeners as nothing el can. We want to know what happened to others, not simply becau we're curious, but also becau their experiences shed light on our own lives. Narration lends force to opinion, triggers the flow of memory, and evokes places, times, and people in ways that are compelling and affecting.
2. How narration fits your purpo and audience;
Narration can also appear in essays, sometimes as a supplemental pattern of development.
In addition to providing effective support in one ction of your paper, narration can also rve as an essay's dominant pattern of development. In fact, we can u a single extended narrative to convey a central point and share with readers your view of what happened.
Although some narratives relate unusual experiences, most tread familiar ground, telling tales of joy, love, loss, frustration, fear--- all common emotions experienced during life. Narratives can take the ordinary and transmute it into something significant, even extraordinary. As Willa Cather, the American novelist wrote: “There are only two or three human stories and they go on repeating themlves as fiercely as if they had never happened before." The challenge lies in applying your own vision to tale, thereby making it unique.
3. Prewriting strategies for narration;
∙What event evokes strong emotion in you and is likely to have a powerful effect on your readers?
∙Does your journal suggest any promising subjects?
hillary clinton∙Does anything point to an event worth writing about?
∙Will you focus on a personal experience, an incident in someone el's life, or a public event?
∙If you write about an event in someone el's life, will you have time to interview the person?wearing是什么意思
∙What is the source of tension in the event: one person's internal dilemma, a conflict between characters, or a struggle between a character and a social institution or natural phenomenon?
∙Will the conflict create enough tension to "hook" readers and keep them interested?
∙What tone is appropriate for recounting the conflict?
4. Strategies for using narration in an essay;
a. Identify the point of the narrative conflict;
∙Most narratives center on a conflict.
∙When you relate a story, it's up to you to convey the significance or meaning of the event's conflict.
∙When recounting your narrative, be sure readers are clear about your narrative point, or thesis.
jinanb. Develop only tho details that advance the narrative point;
Nothing is more boring than a storyteller who gets sidetracked and drags out a story with nonesntial details. When telling a story, you maintain an effective narrative pace by focusing on your point and eliminating any details that don't support it. A good narrativ
e depends not only on what is included, but also on what has been left out.
∙Having a clear n of your narrative point and knowing your audience are crucial.
∙How do you determine which specifics to omit, which to treat briefly, and which to emphasize?
∙You can't lead away from the point so you should leave out some details.
∙You also need to keep your audience in mind when lecting narrative details.
∙Is this detail or character of conversation esntial? Does my audience need this detail to understand the conflict in the situation? Does this detail advance or intensify the narrative action?
∙You should feel free to add or reshape details to suit your narrative point.
c. Organize the narrative quence;
埃菲尔铁塔简介 Every narrative begins somewhere, prents a span of time, and ends at a certain point. Frequently, you will want to u a straightforward time order, following the event chronologically from beginning to end.
But sometimes a strict chronological recounting may not be effective -- especially if the high point of the narrative gets lost somewhere in the middle of the time quence. To avoid that possibility, you may want to disrupt chronology, plunge the reader into the middle of the story, and then return in a 长春少儿英语培训flashbacktoeflibt to the tale's beginning.
Narratives can also u 保皇派flashforward -- you give readers a glimp of the future before the story continues in the prent. the techniques shift the story onto veral planes and keep it from becoming a step-by-step, predictable account.