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Revision of diagnostic guidelines for Kawasaki dia(6th revid edition)
Purpo and background of the revision
a mimich infoThe diagnostic guidelines for Kawasaki dia(KD)were last revid in20021(5th revision).Major points of revision included:(i)the definition of fever was defined as fever per-sisting5days or more(inclusive of cas in which the fever had subsided before the fifth day in respon to therapy)and(ii)to explicitly state that incomplete KD cas can have coro-nary artery lesions.
After the5th revid edition of the diagnostic guidelines for KD was published,the proportion of patients receiving early treatment incread and the incidence of coronary artery lesions decread nationwide.On the other hand,the number of incomplete KD cas incread yearly from10%to the cur-rent level,which is greater than20%of all KD patients.
莱佛士设计学院In recent years,a standard method for expressing the coro-nary artery internal diameter of Japane children was estab-lished2and allowed us to define coronary artery internal dimensions in terms of standard deviations from the mean,or Z scores).Incorporation of Z scores to facilitate the diagnosis of i
ncomplete KD was a motivating factor for this revision.In the5th edition,the ction titled“Other significant symptoms or findings”was not changed;therefore,the description from the4th edition lasted more than 30 years and was due for an update. In 2017, we consulted with the Japan Kawasaki Dia Society Steering Committee Members regarding the necessity for a revi-sion of the 5th revid edition, and 75% of the committee mem-bers agreed to
revi. The Japan Kawasaki Dia Rearch Center and study group for vasculitis funded by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare also agreed to the revision.
In this revision, the writing group members conducted dis-cussions from 2018 to 2019. The original draft was prented to the 38th Annual Meeting of the Japane Society of Kawa-saki Dia in Wakayama. The draft was revid again, bad on the steering committee members’ suggestions, and the final draft of the 6th revision was completed. In the future it will be interesting to evaluate the impact of the revid guideli-nes on the diagnosis of KD in Japan.
The previous 5th edition1 was published as an article in Japan Today in 2005, and was titled “Diagnostic Guidelines.” The recent format of the “guidelines” has changed and requires full supporting evidence; “diagnostic guidance” or “criteria with clinical findings” may be more appropriat
e as the title for this revision becau there is not enough evidence for the diag-nosis of this dia. However, as the previous title has been familiar with most pediatricians and primary care physicians, we would prefer to u the same title with only the change of the edition number from the fifth to the sixth revid edition. Additionally, becau such clinicians u the guidelines as the diagnostic criteria, it is desirable to be as conci as possi-ble and to be prented as a few brief sheets of 1 or 2 pages.
As we also believe more detailed explanations are neces-sary to describe each item, including many examination findings, an additional “guidebook” will be written by the committee members for publication.
The major changes of the revision are described below.
Principal clinical features
Several changes were made to the six principal clinical fea-tures,which have been well understood and disminated for almost all clinicians in Japan(Tables1–3and Figure1).
1.The requirement for a specific duration of fever was deleted.In Japan,more than90%of KD patients
received high do intravenous immunoglobulin(IVIG)in a single do.Although most pediatricians or primary care physi-cians know that the classic definition of KD required a duration of fever for more than5days,the24th Nation-wide Surveillance reports that approximately9%,25%,and35%of KD patients received the first IVIG treatment on the3rd,4th,and5th days of illness,respectively,and the prevalence of coronary artery lesions(CAL s)has been lower than before. As we expect a continuous decrea in CALs, we modified the fever definition to reflect current practice.
Table1Principal clinical features
2.Bilateral bulbar conjunctival injection.
3.Changes of lips and oral cavity:reddening of lips,strawberry tongue,
diffu injection of oral and pharyngeal mucosa.
柳州清华少儿英语4.Rash(including redness at the site of Bacille Calmette-
Gu e rin(BCG)inoculation).
5.Changes of peripheral extremities:(Initial stage)reddening of palms and
soles,edema.(Convalescent stage)periungual desquamation.
6.Non-supparative cervical lymphadenopathy.
Table 2Definition of complete or incomplete KD
Number of principal
clinical features
Coronary artery abnormalities (+)Coronary artery abnormalities (À)6
Complete (a)Complete (a)5
Complete (a)Complete (a)4
Complete (b)Incomplete (d)3Incomplete (c)Incomplete (d)
Table  3 Other  significant  demographic, clinical, echocardio-graphic, and  laboratory  features
1. Kawasaki  dia  may  be  suspected  in  the  prence  of  fewer  than  four  principal  clinical  features  when  the  following  findings  are  obrved:
•Elevation  of  hepatic  transaminas  early  in  the  cour  of  the  dia.•Incread  leukocytes  in  the  urine  diment  of  an  infant.•Thrombocytosis  in  the  convalescent  pha •Elevation  of  BNP  or  NT-pro  BNP •Mitral  valve  regurgitation  or  pericardial  effusion  by  echocardiography •Enlargement  of  the  gallbladder  (hydrops  of  gallbladder)•Hypoalbuminemia  or  hyponatremia
2. If  a  KD  patient  manifests  the  following  findings, the  patient  should  be  considered  for  admission  of  a  critical  care  unit.•Hemodynamically significant myocarditis •Hypotention (shock)•Paralytic ileus •Decread level of consciousness
3. Risk  scores  to  predict  intravenous  immunoglobulin  resistance  may  be  applied  to  guide  patient  management. The  following  features  are  elements  of  the  risk  scores  for  predicting  intravenous  immunoglobulin  resistance.•Leukocytosis with left shift •thrombocytopenia •hypoalbuminemia •hyponatremia •hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice)•elevation of CRP •Age <1year
4. Other  non-specific  findings  which  may  be  obrved  in  Kawasaki  Dia  and  should  not  exclude  the  diagnosis.•Irritability •Cardiovascular: abnormal  extra  heart  sounds, electrocardio-gra
m  changes, aneurysm  of  peripheral  arteries  other  than  coronary  (axillary  etc.),•Gastrointestinal: abdominal  pain, vomiting, diarrhea •Hematologic: incread  erythrocyte  dimentation  rate, ane-mia •Dermatologic: micropustular  rash, transver  grooves  across  the  finger  nails.•Respiratory: cough, rhinorrhea, retropharyngeal  edema, infiltrate  on  chest  radiograph.•Rheumatologic: pain, swelling.•Neurologic: cerebrospinal  fluid  pleocytosis, izures, facial  nerve  palsy, paralysis  of  the  extremities.
BNP, brain  natriuretic  protein; KD, Kawasaki  dia; NT-pro  BNP, N  terminal  pro-brain  natriuretic  protein.
1.Mortality  in  the  acute  pha: <0.1%.
2.Recurrence  rate: 3–4%; proportion  of  siblings’ cas, 1–2%.
3.Nonsuppurative  cervical  lymphadenopathy  (multiple  hypoe-choic, enlarged  nodes  obrved  on  ultrasound) is  less  fre-quently  encountered  (approximately  65%) compared  with  other  principal  clinical  features  during  the  acute  pha. Non-agonist
suppurative  cervical  lymphadenopathy  is  obrved  in  approxi-mately  90% of  older  children  and  often  can  be  the  first
clinical  feature  of  KD  with  fever.
To  diagno  complete  or  incomplete  KD, the  exclusion  of  other  febrile  illness  is  esntial.
a: A  patient  who  fulfills  the  criteria  with  five  or  six  signs  is  diagnod  as  complete  KD.
b: A  patient  who  fulfills  the  criteria  with  four  signs  and  coro-nary  artery  abnormality  by  echocardiography  (Figure  1-h) is  diag-nod  with  complete  KD.美容培训
c: A  patient  who  has  three  principal  clinical  features  with  coro-nary  artery  abnormality  by  echocardiography  (Figure  1-h) and  in  whom  other  febrile  illness  have  been  excluded  fulfills  the  crite-ria  in  “c.”
d: When  the  patients  who  fulfill  three  or  four  signs  in  the  the  principle  clinical  features  without  coronary  artery  dilation  but  with  some  features  from  the  list  of  ‘Other  significant  clinical  fea-tures’ can  be  diagnod  as  incomplete  KD, if  other  dias  are  ruled  out.2013年托福考试时间
e: Incomplete  KD  may  also  be  considered  in  the  prence  of  only  one  or  two  principal  clinical  features  after  excluding  other  diagnos.
2. The  clinical  feature  of  “Polymorphous  exanthema” was  changed  to  “Rash” and  now  includes  “redness  at  the  site  of  Bacille  Calmette-Gu  e rin  (BCG) inoculation”. Japane  pediatricians  have  recognized  that  redness  at  the  site  of  BCG  inoculation  is  a  specific  clinical  sign  that  appears  at  the  ont  of  KD. In  the  prent  revision, we  included  redness at the site of BCG inoculation as a clinical feature that counts as “rash,” even in the abnce of more diffu dermatologic changes.
In particular, this sign is obrved in more than 70% of the patients who ages are from 6 to 20 months old3. When the patient do not show polymorphous exanthema but shows the redness of BCG scar and other 4 principle sign, that patient can be diagnod as not incomplete KD, but (com-plete) KD.      The impact of this change to the principal diagnostic clini-cal features will require further study and should be moni-tored.
a b
c d
e f
g h
Fig.1(a)Bulbar conjunctival injection;(b)reddening of lips,strawberry tongue;(c)rash;(d)redness at the site of Bacille Calmette-Gu  e rin (BCG)inoculation;(e)reddening of palms with edema;(f)periungual desquamation;(g)non-supparative cervical lymphadenopa-thy;(h)Echocardiographic finding of coronary artery aneurysm.
3.Non-suppurative cervical lymphadenopathy(multiple hypoechoic,enlarged nodes obrved by ultrasound)is less
frequently encountered(approximately65%)than other principal clinical features during the acute pha.
Nonsuppurative cervical lymphadenopathy is obrved in approximately90%of older children and often can be the first clinical feature of KD with fever.This phenomenon is described as“Remark”1at the last part.
4.The preci clinical definitions of complete and incom-plete KD are now clearly delineated as outlined in the appendix
and are bad on the number of principal clini-cal features and the prence of coronary artery abno
mylarmalities.A patient who fulfills the criteria in“a”or“b”is diagnod as complete KD.A patient who has three prin-cipal clinical features with coronary artery abnormality by echocardiography and in whom other febrile illness have been excluded fulfills the criteria in“c”and is diag-nod as incomplete KD.Patients who fulfill the criteria in“d”are also diagnod as incomplete Kawasaki dia defined as the prence of three or four principal clinical features without coronary artery dilation but with features from the list of“Other significant clinical features”.
Incomplete Kawasaki dia may also be considered in the prence of only one or two principal clinical features after very careful,sufficient obrvation and excluding other diagnos.For the patients,particularly careful consideration of the differential diagnosis is esntial.For reference,in the24th nationwide survey,0.7%and  5.4%of all KD patients were reported as incomplete KD with only one or two clinical features,respectively.
However,the possibilities of other dia are higher than for incomplete KD,if the coronary artery is not involved and the principal signs are limited to less than two.
Evaluation of the coronary arteries using Z scores
The revid guidelines recommend the u of Z scores for defining coronary artery dilation.When Z-
score of internal coronary artery diameter≥2.5SD units,it is defined as coro-nary artery dilation.However,in ca that the examiner has a difficulty to u Z score, conventional criteria using traditional measurements of inner diameter≥3mm(<5years old)or≥4mm(≥5years old)can be ud for the diagnosis of coronary artery dilation.While Z scores are a more quantitative asss-ment,we realize that they have not been adopted by all centers in Japan.This change of definition may affect the incidence of coronary artery dilation,especially transient dilation and small aneurysm.Asssment of the impact of this change will there-fore be important in future epidemiologic surveys. Other significant demographic,clinical,echocardiographic,and laboratory features
In this ction,we substantially revid the description of specific clinical features that can be associated with KD.
1.Seven clinical features are described that may be helpful in the recognition of incomplete KD cas.We hope that future
clinical rearch will provide more accurate diag-nostic tools including the optimum cut-off values for the variables.
Although it is expected that the quantitative cut-off values of all findings in the items will be deter-mined,there have been very few Japane studies of suffi-cient quality.In the future,an algorithm using such cut-off values is expected to be constructed.
2.Clinical findings that warrant referral to a tertiary medical center with experience in treating critically ill pediatric patients
are outlined.
3.Risk scores to predict intravenous immunoglobulin resis-tance may be applied to guide patient management.We defined
ven features that are elements of risk scores pre-dicting intravenous immunoglobulin resistance.The fea-tures may be uful in risk stratification of patients.
4.Other non-specific findings that may be obrved in KD and should not exclude the diagnosis have been added.The
eight features may support the diagnosis of KD.
This summary describes the major changes to the6th revid edition of the KD diagnostic guidelines.We hope that this revision will lead to standardization of the definition of incomplete KD and diagnostic approaches,and will further reduce number of coronary artery lesions suffered by KD patients.

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