work表示工作,操作; 著作的意思,那么你知道work的短语有哪些吗?接下来小编为大家整理了work的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!
at work
工作中 do sth, especially work
He had an accident at work.他在工作中出了一次事故。
He is hard at work.他正在努力工作。
Is your husband not at work today?你丈夫今天没上班吗?
work in with(v.+adv.+prep.)
与…合拍; 与…协调 cooperate with
hamBut will he be able to work in with our existing team?可他能够跟我们现有的球队协作吗?
work down(v.+adv.)
逐步地减少; 逐渐降低 reduce gradually
The metal has become working down over the years.在这几年中,这种金属越来越稀少了。
work by(v.+prep.)
以…为动力运转 go by; run by; u sth as its power for working
The child thought the toy car worked by magic, but in fact it worked by electricity.这孩子认为玩具汽车是靠魔力行驶的,可事实上是靠电力。
work away(v.+adv.)
继续工作 work continuously
The professor was found working away till the small hours of the morning.人们发现那位教授孜孜不倦地一直工作到深夜。
work at(v.+prep.)
1.在…工作 work at one place
How long have you been working at the bank?你在银行里工作多久了?
2.从事于,致力于 be engaged or employed in冷静英语
You will have to work at the weak points in your English if you want to pass the examination.假如你想通过考试,就必须把精力放在你英语学习的薄弱环节上。
work as(v.+prep.)
任…工作,当… perform the duties of
It must be a hard life, working as a nur in the Far North.在遥远的北部当一名护士,生活必定是艰苦的。
work around〔round〕 to(v.+adv.+prep.)
1.对付,处理 come gradually and indirectly to face or tackle
Don't worry about the matter.I'll work around to it next week.这件事你不用担心,下星期我慢慢地来解决它。
2.逐步移到 move by degrees to
The wind has worked around to the east.风向已逐渐转东。
3.改变观点 change one's standpoint
I think the chairman is working around to our point of view after all.我认为主席最后会同意我们的观点。
work among(v.+prep.)
在…之中工作 have a job in a group
nttFor the first year of his training, he had to work among the poor in his hometown.
profession, job, occupation, trade, vocation, career, work, employment
profession : 以前常指要受过高等教育(尤指法律、医学和神学)才能获得的职业,现在一般指为谋生日的职业,尤指从事脑力劳动和受过专门训练,具有某种专业知识的职业。
job : 通常指一切有收入,不分脑力与体力运动,不论是否有技艺的长期或临时的职业。
occupation : 泛指任何一种职业,既不分什么行业,也不管是脑力还是体力劳动。
trade : 指需要有熟练技巧、技能和体力的职业。
nst是什么vocation : 较正式用词,语气庄重,指长期从事,但不一定以此为主计的职业。
career : 指经过专门训练,终身愿意从事的职业。
work : 指任何种类的工作,也泛指职业。
virginiaemployment : 指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,有较固定工作的职业。
work, task, job
work : 最普通用词,含义广,指人们日常生活和工作中所从事的有目的的体力或脑力劳动。
task : 通常指分派给的任务,也指自愿的工作,但往往是艰巨或令人厌烦的工作。
job : 多用于口语,侧重指受雇用的,以谋生为目的工作,不论有无技术,也不管是零工或散工。mmk
1. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.
2. The company I work for went through a rough patch.
3. Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.
4. I spent lots of money on smart new outfits for work.
5. The price depends on the intricacy of the work.
6. Mark was condemned to do most of the work.
7. The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences.
8. People want to disct his work and question his motives.
9. She went for a brisk walk to work off her frustration.
10. Only a handful had returned to work in the immediate vicinity.
11. Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work.
is it scary学院的老师们抱怨说他们的学生还很不适应大学的课业。
12. People will work themlves up into a state about anything.
13. The days work plays an important part in a single woman's life.
14. Children at school receive coloured stars for work well done.
15. There is a wry n of humour in his work.