The Life History and Relationships of Diplodia
期刊名称: Mycologia考研压力大怎么办
作者: Neil E. Stevens
年份: 1925年
debug是什么意思金会计官网期号: 第5期
广州中考录取分数线>out of sight摘要:Summary The perfect stage of Diplodia gossypina proves to be a Physalospora cloly related to P. malorum. The perfect stage of this fungus, which is provisionally called Physalospora gossypina , is distinguished from P. malorum by having slightly larger perithecia and ascospores. The pycnospores of the two fungi are easily distinguished by their size, color, and the relative number of ptate spores. Diplodia gossypina cannot be distinguished at prent from Diplodia natalensis on morphological grounds, but D. natalensis is able to grow at higher temperatures than D. gossypina. Botryosphaeria fuldatagrid>摄影师培训班
iginosa , as ud by Ellis and Everhart, includes species belonging to both the genera Botryosphaeria and Physalospora as now understood. It was apparently never a valid name for any of the fungi. The name Botryosphaeria Ribis G. And D. infrastructure翻译