Attention to author for the plant journal-plant journal投稿注意事项

更新时间:2023-07-26 08:10:41 阅读: 评论:0

Point to Attend to The Plant Journal
1.The journal welcomes functional genomics manuscripts when a scientific question, rather than the technology ud, has driven the rearch.
2.Technical Advance articles must be uful to a large proportion of the community and not be narrow in scope.
3.The aims of the journal is to publish special issues on a regular basis, typically comprising specially commissioned review papers on an emerging topic identified by the Editorial Board. Unsolicited review articles will not be considered.
4.Manuscripts that mostly include descriptive work, lacking mechanistic insights, or large-scale datats without highlighting the current or future biological significance, will be declined. Manuscripts primarily covering biotechnologically-relevant advances are not considered.
5.At submission, authors must lect two potential Handling Editors and provide names of up to six potential reviewers for their manuscript.
6.Only manuscripts in English will be considered. Spelling should conform to that in The Conci Oxfor
d Dictionary or Websters New Collegiate Dictionary.
7.All ctions of the manuscript should be double-spaced, with all margins at least 30 mm.
8.Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content, and each author must have approved the final version of the submitted manuscript.
小石潭记翻译9. Statistics should be bad on independent biological samples. The deviation parameter, the number of biological samples and the statistical procedures should be provided for each datat either in the Experimental Procedures ction or in the figure legends.
10.The journal encourages authors who manuscripts contain information on Arabidopsis genes to submit functional annotation data to The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) databa.
11.The manuscript text in Word format (all tracked changes removed). This file should be text only, should not contain figures and must not exceed 1MB in size. Tables must not be embedded, but provided in editable format.
12.Figures as high-resolution TIFF, EPS or PDF files; colour in CMYK format.
13.Supporting Information files as required. Plea note that the maximum file size for each Supporting Information file is 20 MB.
14. A copy of the text file with changes highlighted. Plea ensure that you lect
'Supporting Information for review only' as this file designation.
15.A letter of respon to the reviewers' comments, detailing point-by-point the changes made and giving reasons for tho not made.
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The Plant Journal
ca western rerve university
© John Wiley & Sons Ltdrecognize的意思
Edited By: Christoph Benning
Impact Factor: 6.582
ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2012: 7/197 (Plant Sciences)
Online ISSN: 1365-313X
Author Guidelines
1. About The Plant Journal
1.1 Aims and scope
The Plant Journal (TPJ) publishes four categories of papers:
waterjetOriginal Rearch Articles
The aim of TPJ is to publish exciting, high quality science that address fundamental questions in plant biology. Typically, the rearch will provide insight into an as yet unknown mechanism or poorly understood process, will constitute a highly significant contribution to our understanding of plants, an
d be of general interest to the plant science community. All areas of plant biology are welcome and the experimental approaches ud can be wide-ranging and interdisciplinary. Many fully-quenced genomes and related technologies are now available. TPJ welcomes functional genomics manuscripts when a scientific question, rather than the technology ud, has driven the rearch.
Technical Advances
Technical Advance articles must be uful to a large proportion of the community and not be narrow in scope. Demonstration of how the Technical Advance has led to new insights into a biological mechanism must also be made. Manuscripts that describe significant advances in the u of an already existing technology will be considered, but variations on existing methods, or improvements on vectors, would not qualify for consideration.
东山外国语Resource Articles
Resource articles will typically be data-rich and provide an important, novel reference source for the field. Such an article could encompass a careful comparative analysis of ecotypes or strains of a model or reference organism, but also large-scale reference datats derived from transcriptomics, proteomics, or metabolomics that the community will likely continue to u for metadata analysis lea
ding to novel biological insights. First time genome quences of plant or algal species or specific ecotypes or strains of a reference organism, and the respective comparative genomic analysis, will be welcome under this category. Metabolic flux maps and their computational basis, or newly reconstructed metabolic networks for reference organisms or specific tissues, will also be considered. Resource articles covering large-scale datats must have a conci conclusion highlighting examples of novel biological insights and/or how the data might lead to such insights in the future through continued metadata analysis.
Special Issue articles
TPJ aims to publish special issues on a regular basis, typically comprising specially commissioned review papers on an emerging topic identified by the Editorial Board. Unsolicited review articles will not be considered.
1.2 What TPJ does not publish
TPJ does not publish manuscripts that extend previously published work to another species; nor tho that provide no fundamental advance in basic plant biology. Manuscripts that mostly include descriptive work, lacking mechanistic insights, or large-scale datats without highlighting the curren
t or future biological significance, will be declined. Manuscripts primarily covering biotechnologically-relevant advances are not considered.
If authors have any questions as to whether their manuscript falls within the scope of TPJ, they should email a summary highlighting the significance of their study to the Editorial Office () for advice prior to full submission.
2. Submission of Manuscripts
Papers are evaluated for publication in TPJ on the understanding that no part has been, or will be, published elwhere. No handling or page charges apply to manuscripts submitted to TPJ; however, authors do pay for the reproduction of colour figures/photographs, unless he or she is a member of the Society of Experimental Biology (e ction 3.11. below).
2.1. Where to submit2010世界杯分组
TPJ’s online submission site can be found at /tpj. Only manuscripts submitted via the journal's online site will be considered for publication. If assistance is needed during online submission, plea email For guidelines on the submission of revid manuscripts, e ction 5, below.
2.2. Files to be submitted
- Text as Microsoft Word (any version), Rich Text Format or Post Script.
- Related manuscripts that are in press or submitted elwhere.
2.3. Suggesting potential editors and reviewers
At submission, authors must lect two potential Handling Editors and provide names of up to six potential reviewers for their manuscript. Choosing a Handling Editor clost to the field of interest will speed up the review process, as reassignment to a more appropriate Handling Editor may be necessary otherwi. Handling Editors who work at the same institution as any of the authors should not be lected. Suggested Handling Editors and reviewers should not have been advisors, advies, co-authors or collaborators within the past three years.
Authors also have the option of suggesting up to two potential reviewers whom they would prefer not be lected. If this option is chon, the reason(s) must be stated in the cover letter, or your request
will not be considered. If the reason involves a conflict of interest, this should be explained. Plea note: The Handling Editor will consider but not guarantee to honour such requests.
平安夜快乐英文If you have any problems during submission, plea contact for assistance.
2.4. Editorial evaluation of manuscripts
All submissions will be considered by the Editorial Board to determine whether they fall within the scope of the journal and to ensure homogeneity in terms of scientific standards. Submissions that do will be nt out for full external review; tho that do not will be returned to the submitting author quickly so that submission elwhere will not be delayed. Manuscripts nt out for external review will typically be assd by at least two experts; however, in extenuating circumstances (e.g. becau of a delay caud by an overdue reviewer), the Handling Editor may make a decision bad on the comments of only one reviewer, plus his/her own asssment of the manuscript.
Resubmissions of previously rejected manuscripts will typically be nt to the same reviewers who saw the original version, providing tho reviewers are available. However, in some cas,
the Handling Editor may decide that it is not appropriate to re-invite one or more of the original reviewers and/or may judge that a fresh reviewer is needed. There is no time deadline for resubmissions. However, authors should bear in mind that the impact of their work, and hence its suitability for TPJ, may be lesned as knowledge advances.
2.5. Timesaver Submission Initiative (TSI)
Under this scheme, manuscripts previously considered by a high-impact, general science journal including, but not limited to, Nature, Science, or Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), can be submitted to TPJ without reformatting. The aim is to allow swift consideration of the work, and only tho manuscripts that have to be resubmitted following review or directly go on to be provisionally accepted for publication will need to be reformatted to TPJ style. Authors wishing to submit under this initiative must state their intention in their cover letter, making sure mention is made of the journal where the manuscript was previously considered. Plea note, previous reviewer comments and/or decision letters will not be considered as part of the submission. If uploaded, they will be deleted by the Editorial Office prior to review. The review process itlf will proceed in exactly the same way as standard submissions to TPJ, except that reviewers will be informed that the manuscript has been submitted via the TSI, and instructed accordingly regarding th
e different formatting.
2.6. Status enquiries
The status of submitted papers can be followed by logging into your Author Centre at
/tpj. All questions about the status of manuscripts under review should be directed to the Editorial Office, and not to the Editor. Plea u the email address Correspondence relating to all other editorial matters should be directed to
3. Preparation of Manuscripts
3.1. Language
Only manuscripts in English will be considered. Spelling should conform to that in The Conci Oxford Dictionary or Websters New Collegiate Dictionary. All unusual symbols should be identified. Care should be taken to differentiate between certain letters and numbers (e.g. the letter O and zero; the letter I and the number 1). Authors for whom English is a cond language may choo to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission. A list of independent suppliers of editing
rvices can be found at
/bauthor/english_language.asp. All rvices are to be arranged and paid for by the author, and u of one of the rvices does not guarantee acceptance.
3.2. Word limit
TPJ has a strict policy on manuscript length. Manuscripts over 7000 words will be returned to authors without editorial or external review. The following ctions must be included as part of the

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