L 标准 :共759条
浸渍式检测电路断流器 (Immersion-detection circuit-interrupters ) 标准号:UL 1664-1995
因为单词挤压成型绝缘管 (Extruded insulating tubing ) 标准号:UL 224-1992
户外电子设备钢外壳的有机覆层 (Organic coatings for steel enclosures for outdoor u electrical equipment ) 标准号:UL 1332-1995可可英语网
实验室用电气设备.第2部分:实验室离心机的特殊要求 (Electrical equipment for laboratory u - Part 2: Particular requirements for laboratory centrifuges ) 标准号:UL 61010A-2-020-2002
灭火器的效率和灭火试验 (Rating and testing of fire extinguishers ) 标准号:UL 711-2002
非金属出线盒、嵌入式器件盒及其外壳 (Nonmetallic outlet boxes, flush-device boxes, and covers ) 标准号:UL 514C-1996
制冷剂 (Refrigerants ) 标准号:UL 2182-1994
colt电子玩具 (Electric toys ) 标准号:UL 696-1996
不间断电源配送设备 (Uninterruptible power supply equipment ) 标准号:UL 1778-1994
便携式木梯 (Portable wood ladders ) 标准号:UL 112-1998
装饰用泡沫塑料的燃烧试验 (Fire tests for foamed plastics ud for decorative purpos ) 标准号:UL 1975-1996 天使用英语怎么说
有听力障碍者用信号装置 (Signaling devices for the hearing impaired ) 标准号:UL 1971-2002
由蓄电池供电的便携工具 (Portable battery operated tools ) 标准号:UL 745-3-1995
重新配置的临时电源接头 (Relocatable temporary power taps ) 标准号:UL 1363-1996
固体器件安全控制的试验 (Tests for safety-related controls employing solid-state devices )
标准号:UL 991-1995
家用和类似用途的自动电器控制装置.第2部分:电力传动装置的特殊要求 (Automatic electrical controls for houhold and similar u - Part 2: Particular requirements for electric actuators ) 标准号:UL 8730-2-14-1998
阴极射线管 (cathode-ray tubes ) 标准号:UL 1418-1992
电动空间加热电缆 (Electric space heating cables ) 标准号:UL 1673-1996
电信号 (Electric signs ) 标准号:UL 48-1996
漏电保护设备 (Leakage current protection devices ) 标准号:UL 943A-1993
东方快车翻译常压电力电缆 (Medium-voltage power cables ) 标准号:UL 1072-1995
汽车库用屋架 (Roof truss for manufactured homes ) 标准号:UL 1298-1995
词根记忆燃油器燃料用备用钢罐 (Steel auxiliary tanks for oil-burner fuel ) 标准号:UL 443-1995
有或无烟雾组合测定装置的门闭合器 (Door clors-holders with or without integral smoke detectors ) 标准号:UL 228-1997
加热和冷却设备上固定热绝缘材料用胶粘剂 (Adhesives for u in heating and colling appliances to cure thermal isolation materials ) 标准号:UL 2395-2002
易燃麻醉场所用的导电设备和材料 (Electrically conductive equipment and materials for u in flammable anesthetizing locations ) 标准号:UL 1067-1997
工业蓄电池充电器 (Industrial battery chargers ) 标准号:UL 1564-1993
预制干粉化学灭火系统设备 (Pre-engineered dry chemical extinguishing system units ) 标准号:UL 1254-1996
商用烹饪设备用排风罩 (Exhaust hoods for commercial cooking equipment ) 标准号:UL 710-1995 ai himeno
避雷器组件 (Lightning protection components ) 标准号:UL 96-1994
船舶燃气指示器 (Marine combustible gas indicators ) 标准号:UL 1110-1997
金刚石岩芯钻特殊要求 (Particular requirements for diamond core drills ) 标准号:UL 745-2-31-1995
业余电影灯具 (Amateur movie lights ) 标准号:UL 1230-1994
绝缘材料系统.概论 (Systems of insulating materials - General ) 标准号:UL 1446-1997
外壳内用的低压交流和直流电力断路器 (Low-voltage AC and DC power circuit breakers ud in enclosures ) 标准号:UL 1066-1997
垫圈和密封件 (Gaskets and als ) 标准号:UL 157-1996
管状加热器 (Electric duct heaters ) 标准号:UL 1996-1996
船舶发动机点火系统和元件 (Marine engine ignition systems and components ) 标准号:UL 1120-1997
触电死亡型昆虫控制设备 (Inct-control equipment - Electrocution type ) 标准号:UL 1559-1995
刻纹机和修剪机特殊要求 (Particular requirements for routers and trimmers ) 标准号:UL 745-2-17-1995
程序可控元件用软件 (Software in programmable components ) 标准号:UL 1998-1998
应急照明和电源设备 (Emergency lighting and power equipment ) 标准号:UL 924-1995
二氧化碳灭火器 (Carbon-dioxide fire extinguishers ) 标准号:UL 154-1995
固体燃料和混合燃料主加热炉和辅助加热炉 (Solid-fuel and combination-fuel central and supplementary furnaces ) 标准号:UL 391-1995
音频-视频产品和附件 (Audio-video products and accessories ) 标准号:UL 1492-1996
聚合材料.长期性能评定 (Polymeric materials - Long term property evaluations ) 标准号:UL 746B-1996
greatexpectations商用干洗机(IV型) (Commercial dry-cleaning machines (type IV) ) 标准号:UL 664-1993
混凝土振捣器特殊要求 (Particular requirements for concrete vibrators ) 标准号:UL 745-2-12-1995
饮用水冷却器 (Drinking-water coolers ) 标准号:UL 399-1993
工业用直流熔断器 (D-C fus for industrial u ) 标准号:UL 198L-1995
网状金属地面电缆管和配件 (Cellular metal floor raceways and fittings ) 标准号:UL 209-1998