油漆检验术语 | |||||||
设备,仪器及工具 | |||||||
holiday detectors | 漏涂点检测仪 | sling psychrometer | 手摇干湿表 | WFT gauge | 湿膜测厚仪 | paint inspection gauge | 油漆检查仪 |
adhesion tester | 附着力测试仪 | eddy-current electronic gauge | 涡电流电子测厚仪 | Tooke gauge | 托克测厚仪 | magnetic DFT gauge | 磁性干膜仪对外汉语教师资格证考试 |
magnetic pull-off gauge | 磁性拉伸式干膜测厚仪 | magnetic constant pressure probe gauge | 磁性恒压探头干膜测厚仪 | visual comparator | 目视比测仪 | dial gauge depth micrometer | 度盘式深度千分尺 |
digital surface profile gauge | 数显式表面粗糙度测量仪 | magnetic surface contact thermometer | 磁力表面接触温度计 | electronic hygrometer | 电子温度计 | Abrasive metering valve | 磨料计量阀 |
dehumidificationequipment | 减湿设备 | dehumidifiers | 减湿器 | comparator | 比测器 | anvil micrometer | 铁砧千分尺 |
whirling hygrometer | 旋转湿度计 | wet-sponge detector | 湿海绵检测仪 | surface-contact thermometer | 表面接触温度计 | replica tape | 复制胶带 |
magnifiers | 放大镜 | spray gun | 喷枪 | litmus paper | 石蕊试纸 | indicator paper | 试纸 |
Kitagawa tubes | Kitagawa 试管 | refernce dics | 校对板 | dry bulb | 干球 | wet bulb | 湿球 |
hand tools | 手动工具 | power tools | 动力工具 | power wire brush | 动力钢丝刷 | scrapers | 刮刀 |
air cap | 喷气嘴 | chipping hammer | 錾平锤 | chils | 凿子 | water shroud | 水罩 |
grinder | 砂轮机 | needle guns | 针枪 | rubber sample holders | 橡胶样品收集器 | glass flake | 玻璃鳞片 |
diffur | 扩散器 | remote control (deadman) valve | 遥控(安全)阀 | spreader adjustment valve | 分流梭调节阀 | pattern-adjusting valve | 喷雾形状调节阀 |
needle scaler | 针束除锈机 | piston scaler | 活塞式除锈机 | 阿黛尔 skyfall rotary scaler | 旋转式除锈机 | trigger safety | 扳机保险装置 |
air transformer | 空气降压器 | air compressor | 空压机 | pressurized tank containers | 压力罐容器 | filter | 过滤器 |
condenr | 冷凝器 | drier | 干燥器 | water-cooled heat exchanger | 水冷却热交换器 | air supply ho | 空气供应软管 |
sander | 打磨机 | grind-O-Flex wheels | 研磨绕曲轮 | abrasive blast unit | 磨料喷砂装置 | disc grinder | 圆盘打磨机 |
Venturi nozzle | 文丘里喷嘴 | straight bore nozzle | 直孔式喷嘴 | nozzle orifice gauge | 喷嘴孔径仪 | wheelabrators | 喷丸机 |
air-control valve | 空气控制阀 | air-adjusting valve | 空气调节阀 | safety relief valve | 安全阀 | air control equipment | 空气控制设备 |
pressure-feed tank regulator | 压力加料罐调节器 | safety tip guard | 安全喷嘴防护器 | Nu-Matic air-inflated wheels | Nu-Matic空气膨胀轮 | clamp-on lid | 强压盖 |
mini-flush plate | 迷你型平槽滤板 | 3M Heavy Duty Roto-Peen Flap asmbly | 3M重型旋转式尖头拍打装置 | hypodermic needle pressure gauge | 皮下注射针压计 | high-pressure water pump | 高压水泵 |
mechanical mixer | 机械搅拌器 | agitator | 搅拌器 | centrifugal parator | 离心式分离器 | near怎么读rotating impellers | 离心式喷射器 |
sanding disk | 砂轮片 | corona signal | 电晕信号 | couplings | 联接器 | fluid header | 流体集管 |
paint mitt | 油漆手套 | plastic calibration shims | 塑料校准薄片 | Auxiliary receiver | 辅助接收器 | joint al | 连接密封件 |
安全术语 | |||||||
fire hazards | 火灾危险 | lower explosive limit(LEL) | 最低爆炸极限 | upper explosive limit(UEL) | 最高爆炸极限 | safety data | 安全数据 |
health hazard | 健康危险 | threshold limit value(TLV) | 有害物容许最高浓度 | time weighted average(TWA) | 加权平均次数 | short-term exposure limit | 短期暴露极限 |
hard hat / helmet | 安全帽 | breathing apparatus | 呼吸装备 | protective clothing | 防护服 | safe haven | 安全避难所 |
safe practices | 安全惯例 | first aid stations | 急救站 | safety checklist | 安全核对清单 | emergency numbers | 紧急电话 |
scaffold | 脚手架 | tarpaulins | 防水油布 | fresh-air masks | 新鲜空气面罩 | rubber gloves | 橡皮手套 |
eye protection | 护目镜 | electrical shock | 触电 | safety boots | 安全靴 | coveralls | 连体防护服 |
leather gloves | 皮质手套 | air-fed blasting helmet | 空气注入式喷砂头盔 | air-driven pump | 空气驱动泵 | warning notices | 警告牌 |
waterproof suit | 防水服 | visor | 面罩 | hearing protection | 听力保护 | deadman valve | 安全阀 |
flash point | 闪点 | respirator | 呼吸器 | air-supplied hood | 供气头罩 | air-supplied mask | 供气面罩 |
organic vapor respirator | 有机蒸汽呼吸器 | dust respirator | 粉尘呼吸器 | personal protection equipment | 个人防护设备 | material safety data sheets | 材料安全数据表 |
long-sleeve shirt | 长袖衣 | safety glass | humujing | strong shoes | 硬质鞋 | full face shield | 全面罩 |
ear plug | 耳塞 | emergency warning | 紧急警报 | escape routes | 逃生路线 | ||
涂料,磨料及溶剂 | |||||||
fireproofing | 防火涂料 | antifoulings | 防污涂料 | high-heat coating | 高热涂料 | coalescent cure coatings | 聚结固化涂料 |
mixing coatings | 混合涂料 | plural-component coatings | 多组份涂料 | coating materials | 涂装材料 | coating system | 涂料系统 |
protective coating | 防腐涂料 | convertible coatings | 转化型涂料 | water-bad coating | 水基涂料 | moisture tolerant coatings | 潮湿容忍型涂料 |
oil-bad coatings | 油基涂料 | inorganic zinc silicate | 无机硅酸锌涂料 | epoxy-bad coating | 环氧基涂料 | vehicle | 涂料 |
pigment | 颜料 | binder | 基料 | electrolyte | 电解液 | inhibitors | 缓蚀剂 |
corrosion cell | 腐蚀电池 | dry cell battery | 干电池 | chemical salts | 化学盐 | distilled water | 蒸馏水 |
additives | 添加剂 | solvent | 溶剂 | alkaline cleaners | 碱性脱脂/清洗剂 | latent solvents | 潜溶剂 |
diluents | 稀释溶剂 | primary solvents | 主要溶剂 | organic solvents | 有机溶剂 | thinner | 稀释剂 |
converter | 转化剂 | resin binder | 树脂粘合剂 | acidic cleaners | 酸性清洗剂 | detergents | 清洁剂 |
refrigerant | 制冷剂 | emulsion cleaners | 无能为力英文乳化清洗剂 | buffering salts | 缓冲盐 | dissimilar materials | 异金属 |
abrasives | 磨料 | Zn carbonate | 碳酸锌 | Zn oxide | 氧化锌 | mild steel alloys | 低碳钢合金 |
chilled iron grit | 冷硬铁粒 | shot abrasives | 钢丸磨料 | crushed slag | 碎矿渣 | silicon carbide | 金钢砂 |
naturally occurring mineral grit | 天然矿砂 | ceramic grit | 陶瓷粒 | copper slag | 铜矿渣 | plastic beads | 塑料珠 |
coal slag | 煤渣 | aluminum slag | 高铝炉渣 | aluminum oxide | 氧化铝 | concrete | 混凝土 |
油漆缺陷 | |||||||
contamination/contaminant | 污染物 | debris inclusion | 残渣包容物 | chemically active contaminants | 化学活性污染物 | salt spray | 盐雾 |
chemical fumes | 化学浓烟 | chlorine compounds | 氯化物 | nitrogenous compounds | 含氮化合物 | sulfurous compounds | 含硫化合物 |
soluble salts | 可溶盐 | soluble salts remover | 可溶盐去除剂 | soluble salt testing | 可溶盐测试 | contaminant-free surface | 表面无污染 |
dust contamination | 尘埃污染 | premature coating failure | 早期涂料缺陷 | surface condensation | 表面冷凝 | acid pickling | 酸洗 |
Rust | 锈蚀 | Mill scale | 氧化皮 | rust scale | 锈蚀鳞片 | delamination | ricci分层 |
rust grades | 腐蚀等级 | pitting | 点蚀 | flame cleaning | 火焰除锈法 | crevices | 裂缝 |
airborne contaminants | 空气中所含的污染物 | foreign matter | 杂物 | oil contamination | 油污 | pit | 凹坑 |
flash rusting | 闪锈 | dust | 粉尘 | solid particles | 固体颗粒 | improper thickness | 不正确的膜厚 |
pinhole | 针孔 | overspray | 过喷 | holiday(discontinuities) | 漏涂点 (不连续) | pinpoint rusting | 点蚀 |
oil | 油 | rust | 锈蚀 | grea | 脂 | dirt | 污垢 |
corrosion products | 腐蚀产物 | staining | 污迹 | melatoninstains of rust | 锈蚀污点 | stains of mill scale | 氧化皮污点 |
residues | 残留物 | sharp fins | 锐利的突起 | chalking | 粉化 | erosion | 浸蚀 |
韩国英文 checking | 细裂 | alligatoring | 鳄纹 | cracking | 龟裂 | wrinkling | 起皱 |
pinpoint rusting | 针尖腐蚀 | cratering (fisheyes) | 陷穴(鱼眼) | bad formulation | 拙劣的配制 | biological failure | 细菌性缺陷 |
runs | 流挂 | sags | 凹陷 | blistering | 起泡 | peeling | 剥落 |
flaking | 起鳞 | intercoat delamination | 涂层间的分层 | undercutting | 膜下腐蚀 | orange peel | 橘皮 |
油漆检验 | |||||||
pre-job conference | 工前会议 | material inventory | 材料清单 | equipment list | 设备清单 | workmanship | 工艺 |
work schedule | 工作进度表 | surface preparation standards | 表面处理标准 | product technical data sheets | 产品技术说明书 | coating specification | 涂装规格书 |
reference standards and codes | 参考标准和法规 | repairs and remedial coating work | 修补和补救涂装工作 | maintenance program | 维修计划 | site walk-through | 现场巡视 |
surface preparation | 表面处理 | coating inspection | 涂装检验 | coating application | 涂料施工 | automated application | 自动化施工 |
curing mechanism | 固化机理 | pre-cleaning inspection | 预清理检查 | stripe coating | 预涂装 | clean-up procedures | 清理过程 |
corrision | 腐蚀 | brush coating | 刷涂 | roller coating | 辊涂 | spray coating | 喷涂 |
pretreatment | 预处理 | coating cure | 涂料固化 | passivation | 钝化 | transparent tape method | 透明胶带法 |
cleanliness standard | 清洁度标准 | surface profile | 表面粗糙度 | anchor pattern tolerances | 粗糙度范围 | thickness tolerances | 膜厚误差 |
abrasive cleanliness test | 磨料清洁度测试 | mi-quantitative test | 半定量测试 | abrasive sieve analysis | 磨料筛网分析 | viscosity test | 粘性测试 |
Mohs scale | 莫氏硬度标 | rockwell scale | 洛氏标度 | vial test | 小瓶测试 | liquid chemistry | 液体化学测试 |
surface(substrate) temperature | 表面(底材)温度 | ambient conditions | 周围环境状况 | air temperature | 空气温度 | environmental exposure | 环境曝露 |
relative humidity | 相对湿度 | dew piont temperature | 露点温度 | wind velocity | 风速 | psychrometric charts/tables | 干湿图表 |
英文祝福语abrasive blasting | 磨料喷砂 | saponification | 皂化作用 | centrifugal blasting | 离心式喷砂 | nozzle size | 喷嘴尺寸 |
wet abrasive blast | 湿磨料喷砂 | dry abrasive blast | 干磨料喷砂 | suction blast | 吸入式喷砂 | nozzle aperture test | 喷嘴孔测试 |
nozzle design | 喷嘴设计 | waterjetting | 水喷射 | blast cleaning | 喷砂清理 | slurry blast | 水浆喷洗 |
conventional air spray | 传统有气喷涂 | airless spray | 无气喷涂 | reblast | 重新喷砂 | sand-injected water blast | 注入沙式喷水除锈法 |
surface profile measurements | 表面粗糙度测量 | rust grade | 腐蚀等级 | original surface condition | 初期表面状态 | weld metal | 焊接金属 |
gauge calibration | 仪器校准 | heat treatment | 热处理 | surface temperature limitations | 表面温度限制 | blowdown | 清除 |
sample coatings | 涂料取样 | mixing and thinning | 混合和稀释 | mix proportions | 混合比率 | ttlement | 沉淀 |
"sweat-in" (induction) time | “诱导”时间 | pot life | 使用时间 | recoat interval | 复涂间隔 | holiday detection | 漏涂点检测 |
solvent wipe | 溶剂擦洗 教师代表讲话 | steam cleaning | 蒸汽清洁 | immersion of substrate | 底材沉浸 | vapor degreasing | 蒸汽脱脂 |
emulsion cleaning | 乳化清洗 | solvent spray | 溶剂喷雾 | chemical paint stripping | 化学脱漆 | uniform spray pattern | 雾化状态均衡 |
overlapping surface | 搭接表面 | threaded areas | 螺纹区域 | conductivity measurement | 传导性测量 | material pot | 材料进出口 |
metallic pathway | 金属通道 | anode | 阳极 | cathode | 阴极 | impresd current | 外加电流 |
cathodic protection | 阴极保护 | sacrificial anodes | 牺牲阳极 | solvency power | 溶解能力 中餐英文菜单 | anti-static | 防静电 |
leveling | 流平性 | Flowing | 流动性 | skid-resistance | 防滑性 | abrasion | 耐磨性 |
wet-edge time | 搭接流平时间 | handling procedures | 运输操作 | laminations | 叠片结构 | construction aids | 建造辅助物 |
heat-affected zones | 热影响区域 | consistency | 结合力 | gloss | 光泽 | sharp edges | 锐利边缘 |
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