环境 surroundings
热库 hot source
热源 heat source
冷源 heat sink , cold source
焓 enthalpy
熵 entropy
功 work
热量 heat
能量守恒 energy conrvation
理想气体 idea gas
真实气体 actual gas
沸点 boiling point
凝结 condensation
沸腾 boiling
池内沸腾 pool boiling
膜态沸腾 film boiling
相变 change of pha
压缩 compression
膨胀 expansion
节流 throttling
潜热 latent heat
显热 nsible heat
制冷 refrigeration
氟利昂11 freon 11
氟利昂12 freon 12
氟利昂13 freon 13
氟利昂14 freon 14
氟利昂22 freon 22
制冷剂 refrigerantso easy
氨 ammonia
二氧化碳 carbon dioxide
二氧化硫 sculpture dioxide
甲烷 methane
乙烷 ethane
丙烷 propane
乙烯 ethylene
稳态 Steady state
非稳态 unsteady state
传热学 heat transfer
传热 heat transmission
换热 heat exchange
热流 heat flow
吸收率 absorptive
反射率 reflectivity
熔化 fusion
熔点 melting point
升华 sublimation
三相点bat triple point
临界状态 critical state
临界温度 critical temperature
临界压力 critical pressure
凝固 solidification
凝固点 solidification point
沸点 boiling point
凝结 condensation
摄氏温度 centigrade scale
放气管 air bleeder 按顺序 英文
散气式通风 air blow aeration
鼓风机 air blower
nonn吹气,空气吹污 air blowing
吹气管 air blowpipe
压缩空气瓶 air bottle
空气室 air box
空气制动器 air brake
排气孔 air bleed hole
空气室 air barrel
湿蒸气 wet vapor
过热 superheat
过热蒸气 superheated vapor
过热度 degree of superheat
过冷 sub cooling
过冷液体 sub cooled liquid
文明美德气-液混合物 liquid-vapor mixture
干度 quality
冷凝点 condensation point
冷凝液 condensate
共沸混合物 intropic mixture
共沸性 zoetrope
共沸点 intropic point
辐射 radiation
核态沸腾 nucleate boiling
对流沸腾 convective boiling
膜状凝结 film condensation
珠状凝结 drop condensation
饱和状态 saturation state
饱和温度 saturation temperature
饱和压力 saturation pressure
饱和液体 saturation liquid
饱和蒸气 saturation vapor
饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure
过饱和 supersaturating
过饱和蒸气 supersaturated vapor
热力过程 thermodynamic process
等温过程 isothermal process
等压过程 isobaric process
prototype等容过程 isochoric process
绝热过程 adiabatic process
绝热指数 adiabatic exponent
多变过程 polytrophic process fine什么意思中文
多变指数 polytrophic exponent
等焓过程 inthalpic process
等熵过程 intropic process
可压缩性 compressibility
热流量 heat flow rate
热流密度 density of heat flow rate
温度场 temperature field
导热 heat conduction
导热系数 thermal conductivity
热扩散系数 thermal diffusivity
对流换热 convective heat transfer
自然对流 free convection
强制对流 forced convection
等焓膨胀 inthalpic expansion
热阻 thermal resistance
接触热阻 thermal contact resistance
热滞后 thermal lag
传质 mass transfer
分子扩散 molecule diffusion
对流扩散 convective diffusion
绝热膨胀 adiabatic expansion
多变膨胀 polytropic expansion
节流膨胀 throttling expansion
等焓节流 inthalpic throttling
热力循环 thermodynamic cycle
工质 working substance
热机循环 engine cycle
制冷循环 refrigeration cycle
可逆循环 rever cycle
卡诺循环 Carnot cycle
逆卡诺循环 rever Carnot cycle
朗肯循环 Rankine cycle
斯特林循环 Stirling cycle
空气制冷循环 air refrigeration
池内沸腾 pool boiling
膜态沸腾 film boiling
核态沸腾 nucleate boiling
对流沸腾 convective boiling
膜状凝结 film condensation
珠状凝结 drop condensation
绝热压缩 adiabatic compression
多变压缩 polytropic compression
压缩指数 compression exponent
冰熔当量 ice melting equivalent
理论功率 idea power
指示功率 indicated power
指示效率 indicated efficiency
轴功率 shaft hor power
机械效率萌菌物语动漫 mechanical efficiency
总效率 Overall efficiency
制冷系数 coefficient of performance
空调负荷 air conditioning load
气流组织 air distribution
气流组织 air distribution
空气处理单元 air handling unit
风淋室 air shower
制冷工程 refrigeration engineering
制冷工作者 refrigerationist
制冷工程师 refrigeration engineer
制冷技术员 refrigeration technician
制冷技工 refrigeration mechanic
辐射换热 radiation heat transfer
对流放热系数 the convective coefficient of heat transfer
热力学 thermodynamics
统计热力学 statistical thermodynamic
热力学系统 thermodynamic system
孤立系 isolated system
热力学平衡状态 thermodynamic equilibrium state
制冷剂循环量 circulating mass of refrigerant
可逆过程 reversible process
不可逆过程 irreversible process
热力学第一定律 first law of thermodynamics
热力学第二定律 Second law of thermodynamics
热力学第三定律 third law of thermodynamics
零定律 zero principle
内能 internal energy
理想气体状态方程 idea gas state equation
理想气体常数 perfect gas constant
压缩性系数 coefficient of
压力-比容图 pressure and specific volume diagram
温度-熵图 temperature - entropy diagram
双级压缩制冷循环 two-stage compression refrigeration cycle
氨双级压缩制冷循环 ammonia
two-stage compression refrigeration cycle
氟利昂双级压缩制冷循环 freon two-stage compression refrigeration cycle