john sculleyA Review
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one in a millionparate是什么意思The article is of nature and pollution,which aims to remind human beings of sustainanle development.As there is environmental crisis,the author appeals to everyone to the inbalance between nature and society.The article can be divided into two parts.One is the nature of environment.The other is the solutions to the issue between man and nature.
At first of the article,the author adopts that people live in two worlds:natural world and our
own creation.The two world are independent and human being are only responsible for our own world.However,with the excessive acts of man,the division has been breached.Many environmental pollution such as the ozone hole,global warming,droughts and radiation indicate that huamn beings are tampering with the environment,which unaware result in disastrous conquences.Therefore,the author points out that the two world:the ecosphere and the technosphere are at war.The war can be reflected through the very different laws dominated in two spheres.One of the basic laws of the ecosphere can be summed up as “Everything is connected to everything el”,but the thousands of different man-made objects have a different relation to their surroundings in technosphere and are hostile to the environment.Take the car and farm for example,the ecosphere and technosphere are at war.The cond law of the ecology—Everything has to go somewhere,express the fundamental importance of cycles in the ecosphere.Everything水利工程建设项目招标投标管理规定 is cyclic and sustainable.However,the technosphere is dominated by linear processs.In the technosphere,the end of the line is always waste ,which is an assault on the cyclical process.The third informal law of ecology is “Nature knows best”.The ecosystem is con
romanticismsistent and harmonious as contrasted to the rapid change and variation of the technosphere.It is also uful to compare the ecosphere and the technosphere with respect to the conquences of failure.In esosphere,the disruption of an ecological cycle leads unavoidably to harmful effects such as Three-Mile Island and Chernobyl.In the technosphere,pollution such as radition has not been cancelled and may result in sickness and death..Since the two world are at war,people are caught in environmental crisis.Only human beings properly understand their interplay can the problem be ead.At last, the author once again stress the importance of understanding the interplay of the two worlds and on the basis of this understanding, making it our task to find ways to make peace with the planet.