procrastination: ten things to know
慢性拖拉症: 应该知道的十件事
is your procrastination hindering you? ten things you should know.
你的慢性拖拉症在妨碍你吗? 这十件事情你应该知道.
city: hara estroff marano
作者: hara estroff marano
翻译: 水平卅三
there are many ways to avoid success in life, but the most acidic - four just might be procrastination. procrastinators sabotage themlves. they put obstacles in their own path. they actually choo paths that hurt their performance.
许多方法可以让人无缘成功, 拖拉症无疑就是一种.拖拉者妨害自己, 给自己设路障, 竟然选择危害自己成
why would people do that? i talked to two of the world's leading experts on procrastination: joph ferrari, ph.d., associate professor of psychology to the de paul university in chicago, and timorthy pychyl, phd, associate professor of psychology to the carleton university in ottawa, canada. neither one is a procrastinator, and both answered my many questions immediately.
为什么他们这么做呢? 我和两个世界顶级专家一起讨论过拖拉症,
他们分别是芝加哥德保尔大学心理学学院的副教授joph ferrari (博士), 和渥太华卡尔顿大学心理学学院的副教授timorthy pychyl (博士).他们两个都快速地回答了我大量问题, 均不是拖拉症患者.
1. twenty percent of people identify themlves as chronic procrastinators. for them procrastination is a lifestyle, albeit a maladaptive one. and it cuts across all domains of their life. they don 't pay bills on time. they miss opportunities for buying tickets to concerts. they don't cash married certificates or checks. they file income tax returns late. they leave their christmas shopping until christmas eve.
有20% 的人确认自己是患慢性拖拉症.对于这些人来说, 拖拉是一种生活方式, 虽然是一种不良的生活生活.拖拉影响到他们生活的每一个方面: 不及时付账单, 错失买音乐会门票的时机, 不兑现礼品券
和现金券, 迟迟才申请个人所得税, 直到圣诞前夜才去购物.
2. it's not trivial, although as a culture we don't take it riously as a problem. it reprents a profound problem of lf - regulation. and there may be more of it in the u.s. than in other countries becau we are so nice; we don't call people on their, you're afraid you're ("my grandmother died last week") even when we don't believe them.
虽然从文化上来讲, 这并不是什么严重的问题, 但也并非琐事.这是一个深奥的自制力问题.在美国也许会更常见, 因为美国人非常 "善解人意", 哪怕并不信拖拉者的借口 ("我的祖母上周去世了"), 也
3. procrastination is not a problem of time management or of planning.
"I want to do it tomorrow," or "under pressure, I work better."". But in fact, they don't have a n of urgency for cond days, or they work best under pressure. And they protect themlves by telling themlves that it is not important. Procrastinators have even fallen to another bigger lie: stress makes them more creative. Unfortunately, they didn't show more creativity at last, it was just their own feelings. They wasted their efforts.
7. Procrastinators actively look for distractions, particularly ones that don't take a lot of commitment on their part. Checking e-mail is almost perfect for this purpo. They distract themlves as a way of regulating their emotions such as fear of failure.
Procrastinators will actively distract themlves, especially when there is no big task. The best way to do this is to check the mail. By distracting yourlf, you can modulate the fear of failure.
The "There's more than one flavor of procrastination. People procrastinate for different reasons. Dr. Ferrari identifies three basic types of procrastinators:"
Procrastination is more than one reason. People are procrastinating for different things. Dr. Ferrari believes there are three types of procrastinators:
busyArousal, types, or, thrill-ekers, who, wait, to, the, last,, minute, for, the, rush., euphoric
Radical. They waited until the last minute in arch of excitement.
Avoiders, who may be? Avoiding fear of failure or even fear of success, but in either ca are very concerned with what others think of them they would rather have others; think they lack effort than ability.
Avoidant. They may be afraid of failure, or even fear of success, but they are very concerned about what others think of themlves. They prefer that other people feel that they have not tried, not lack of ability.
Decisional, procrastinators, who, cannot, make, a, decision., Not, making, a, decision, absolves, procrastinators, of,, responsibility, for,, the, outcome, of, events.
Hesitation type. They can't make a decision. Failure to make decisions is the result of procrastination, and it makes