1. There is little chance that mankind would ___ a nuclear war. C
A. retain B. endure C. survive D. maintain
2. It is not ___ that our team lost this time. C
A. surprisingly B. surprid C. surprising D. surpri
3. In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such rearch is ___the costs. A
A. worth B. worth of C. worthy D. worthwhile
4. This time I was so ___ that not a single error in the essay slipped past me. B
A. critical B. conscious C. alert D. clear
5. The doctor soon made the worried patient feel ___. B
A. for ea B. at ea C. in ea D. on ea
6. _ no means can you hope to learn English without a lot of practice. A
A. By B. In C. On D. For
7. 选出需要改正的一项:A red-hair(A) boy is needed (B) to play the part of Alfred (C)in this(D) new play. A
A. red-hair B. needed C. play the part of Alfred D. this
8. I’d rather you ___ right away. B
丹尼尔英语dimensionalityA. leave B. left C. will leave D. to leave
9. The small company was not ___ of handling such a large order. B
A. suitable B. capable C. probably D. able
10. They talked in detail about the ___ of tting up an experimental school in which each child works at his or her own pace. D
A. suitability B. possibility C. probability D. feasibility
11. ___ a bad habit is formed,it will not be easy to get rid of it. D
提升A. Sincela isla bonita下载 B. Becau C. While D. Once
12. The stairs were very ___. B
A. slip B. steep C. step D. slope
13. I will go to e you___I have finished. A
A. as soon as B. while C. before D. as far as
14. At the ___ moment, no one opened the door to help me. D
A. actual B. important C. fundamental D. critical
15. I move that he ___ discharged for his rious mistake. A
A. be B. is to be C. will D. being
万圣节英文16. I have a 70-year-old patient with a ___ankle. A
A. fracture B. function C. farther D. funny
17. The question is___the book was worth reading. B
A. which B. whether C. what D. that
18. It was just possible to ___the hut on the side of the mountain. C
A. pick at B. pick on C. pick out D. pick up
19. ___got into the room, ___ the telephone rang. B
A. hen B. Hardly when
C. He han D. Not when
20. It is quite natural that my coming late again ___them very angry. D
A. had made B. would make C. makesamico D. make
21. I was fortunate to pick up a wallet ___ on the ground on the way back home, but unfortunately for me, I found my colour TV t. ___ when I got home. A
A. stolen B. stealing C. stolen D. stealing
22. She felt that she was the happiest child___ . C
A. living B. live C. alive D. lively欲望都市疯狂的缠绵
firmicutes23. Many of us visited the industrial exhibition, ___ , to our disappointment, we saw very few high-tech products. A
A. where B. which C. as D. that
24. He ___remembered anything she had said that day. D
A. nearly B. almost C. hard D. barely
25. He ___to the waiter. B
A. demandede B. motioned C. directed D. require