1.My neighbours are a friendly bunch一组 of people.我的邻居是一个友好的人堆一组
2.Dave amazed惊讶 his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world.2。戴夫惊讶惊讶他的朋友离开了待遇优厚的工作去周游世界。
3.The employees in this company work an eight-hour shift转移.3。这个公司的员工八小时轮班工作转移。
2013专八4.the professor came to the classroom with a bundle捆 of newspapers under his arm.4.教授来到胳膊下夹着一捆报纸教室。
5.a pasnger asked the driver:”could you drop me off near the post office?I’d like to post a letter.”5一位乘客问司机:“你能在邮局附近下车吗?我想寄一封信。”
6.the little girl’s capacity容量 for learning languages astonished me.6.小女孩的学习能力的语言让我吃惊。 many countries will be participating参与 in the Olympic Games?7.how许多国家将要参加奥运会?
8.I like the typically French style of living.It is so romantic.8我喜欢典型的法国式的生活,它是如此的浪漫。
9.they have made their fortunes from industry and commerce商业.9.他们从工商发财。
10.the threatened to shoot him and rob him of all his posssions.10.威胁要射杀他,夺走他所有的财产。 many cultures, the lion is the symbol of courage.11.在许多文化中,狮子是勇敢的象征。
12.your help was greatly appreciated.We are very grateful to you for ur帮助是极大的赞赏。我们很感激你的。
13.It’s the first time the painting has been displayed显示 to the public.13这是第一次,这幅画是向公众展示的。
2020高考英语试卷14.during the exam,the naughty boy tried to slip悄悄地 a note to his classmate while the t
eacher wasn’t looking.14.during考试,那个淘气的男孩试图把纸条给他的同学趁老师不注意。
辛普森一家24季 the saying goes,conquer征服 the desires,or they will conquer you.15.俗话说,征服的欲望,否则他们将你征服。
16.before the dinner party,mother has ordered a roast from the butcher.16.before晚宴,妈妈命令从屠夫烤。
17.I didn’t wait for you at home becau I figured估计 that you wouldn’t come.17我没有在家里等你,因为我想你不会来了。 this painting,a single red ro stands in rich contrast to与丰富的对比 the grassland在这幅画里,一朵单一的红玫瑰代表着浓郁的草原。
1.The factory workers are expod to poisonous gas and many of them suffer from lung dias.工厂的工人暴露在有毒气体中,他们中的许多人患肺疾病。
2.During the war,the soldier risked his life冒着生命危险 helping others to escape.在战争期间,士兵冒着生命危险去帮助别人逃跑。
3.Do u can have a good timerely on依靠 me to keep your cret.相信我可以依靠我为你保守秘密。
英语六级翻译4.If you are attacked or robbed at knife point 在刀点how would you react then?如果你是在刀点攻击或抢劫,你会如何反应呢?
5.She is such an extraordinary girl that she always stands out 站出来in a crowd.她是一个如此特别的女孩,她总是在人群中脱颖而出
6.Obviously,this foolish idea runs contrary to违背 common n.显然,这种愚蠢的想法与常识背道而驰。
外贸邮件7.I was very tried and had to flag down旗下 a taxi in order to get home early我很努力,不得不放下一辆出租车,以早日回家
8.The mother picks up her children from the kindergarten at 5: Every day.妈妈拿起她的孩子从幼儿园每天下午5:00。
9.The publishers took a gamble赌了一把 on an unknown author,and the books have sold well.出版商在一个不知名的作家的一场赌博,而这些书很畅销。
10.The driver waved to us as he pulled away司机向我们挥手示意他离开了
11.The driver pulled over to the side of the road to e what was wrong with his truck.司机把车停在路边,看看他的卡车有什么毛病。
1.don’t just make a negative complaint about our rvice;give us some positive积极的 advice不要只是对我们的服务提出负面的抱怨,给我们一些积极的建议
2.The noi of the car startled吓了一跳 the birds and the whole flock flew up into the air 汽车的喧闹声惊动了鸟儿,整个羊群飞进了空中
3.Viewed form an international perspective透视.从国际视角看。
4.In this terrible job you have to harden变硬 your heart to pain and suffering在这可怕的工作中,你必须使你的心变的痛苦和痛苦
5.We can have many choices in life and the choices that we make will 乌兹别克斯坦英文mbo是什么意思shape形状 our life我们可以在生活中有许多选择,我们所做的选择将塑造我们的生活
6.Efforts should be made to address the communication problem existing between teenagers and their parents 应努力解决青少年和他们的父母之间存在的沟通问题
7.That couple has endured so many emotional and financial cris 危机.这对夫妇经历了如此多的情感和金融危机
8.Just before the speech contest,he fell ill and was not able to participate in it;he could only cur 诅咒his luck就在演讲比赛前,他病倒了,无法参加比赛,他只能诅咒自己的运气
9.It is incredible简直 不可思议 that her four-year-old boy can write some 600 Chine characters令人难以置信的是,她四岁的男孩可以写一些600个汉字
10.You can add the liquid to the powder, or converly 相反地the powder to the liquid.您可以将液体添加到粉末中,或相反的粉末到液体中。
11.The next big issue 问题confronting the workers is the question of social curity工人面临的下一个大问题是社会保障问题
12.I wrote to them a month ago but haven’t gotten a respon yet我一个月前给他们写了信,但没有得到回应
13.I shall have to refu your invitation becau of a prior先前的 engagement由于事先的约定,我不得不拒绝你的邀请
14.There ud to be various kinds of birds here,but now they are rare稀有的 due to lack of food resources这里曾经有各种各样的鸟类,但现在他们是罕见的,由于缺乏食物资源
15.Is it true that visualizing a task by positive thinking helps to accomplish完成 the task better?它是真的,通过积极的思维可视化的任务有助于更好地完成任务?