M&E | 销售订单评审作业流程sleepwalk | 年 月 日制定 |
Planning &Scheduling | 课 作成者 阮住锋 | |
1.目的Purpo: 为使业务的销售订单在质量、交货期、数量等方面的要求得到识别和满足,确保公司有能力完成订单。 (In order to making sales orders satisfy with quality, delivery date, quantity and other aspects and make sure company have ability to finish the orders.) mixi2.范围 Scope 凡公司业务接的所有销售订单评审或订单变更或取消皆属之。 (This process is applied to all sales orders from business department of KMTC or the change of orders or cancels the order.)崩溃的英文 bush3.定义 Definition Not have 4.. 权责 Responsibility 4.1 业务提供销售订单; (Business department provide the sales orders;) 4.2 生管负责对销售订单进行评审,并将评审结果回复业务。 (Production controllers are responsible for sales orders’ review, and rely the result of review to business department.) 梦溪笔谈翻译5. 流程 Process Unit Flow Chart 销售订单 Sales Orders 业 务 Business -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 制作《销售订单评审表》 Compile <Review Form of Sales Orders> 常用的会计软件有哪些生 管 Production Controller booby NY Y 录入 《订单汇总表》 Record in <Summary Sheet of Sales Orders> --------------------------------------------------------- 6. 内容Content 6.1业务负责销售订单信息的准确性,如产品型号,交货期,数量,品质等; (Business department is responsible for the corrective of sales orders’ information, such as type of production, delivery date, quantity, quality and so on ;) 6.2生管接到业务新销售订单后,需制作《销售订单评审表》并对订单的要求进行评审。视情况可要求其他相关部门参与(如生产、工程、品保等); nobleza(When production controllers receive the new sales orders from business department, they should compile <Review Form of Sales Orders > and review the requirement of orders. As the ca may require other related departments to participate in.(such as: Production Department, Engineering Department, Q&A Department and so on;) 6.3生管依产能负荷及物料供应对销售订单的交货期及数量进行评审,并将评审结果记录于《销售订单评审表》中; (Production controllers review the delivery date and quantity of sales orders which is bad on load capacity and material supply, and then record the result of review in <Review Form of Sales Orders >; ) 6.4生管接到业务的销售订单需在24Hrs内回复业务评审结果(指在工作日内); (Production controllers should reply the review result to business department during 24Hrs after receiving sales orders from business department;( It means during the work days.)) 6.5业务确认同意评审结果后,生管需将销售订单录入到《订单汇总表》,并列入主生产计划排程; (After business department confirm to agree with the review result, production controllers should record sales orders in <Summary Sheet Of Sales Orders> and enroll in main production plan scheduling. 6.6当业务不同意评审结果时,生管需与业务或生产进行沟通协调,直至双方确认同意; (When business department doesn’t agree with the review result, production controllers needn’t to discuss with business department or production department until they make a compromi. 6.7若业务销售订单发生变更或取消时,业务需发出《订单变更通知单》,由生管评估变更的影响程度(包括物料、交期影响)及应变计划并反馈业务。 (If business sales orders is change or cancel, business department should compile <Notice of sales orders change>, and then production controllers evaluate the degree of influence of the change (include raw material, effect of delivery date) and work out the coping plan and give feedback to business department. 7. 相关文件Relevant document Not have 8.使用表单 Form 武汉北大青鸟怎么样《销售订单评审表》 <Review Form of Sales Orders > 《订单变更通知单》 <Notice of sales orders change> 《订单汇总表》 <Summary Sheet Of Sales Orders> | ||
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