第58卷 第1期 土 壤 学 报 Vol. 58,No. 1
* 山东省重大科技创新工程项目(2019JZZY010724)资助 Supported by the Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Program in Shandong Province of China (No. 2019JZZY010724 ) † 通讯作者Corresponding author ,E-mail :作者简介:李 涛(1963—),男,山东蓬莱人,学士,研究员,主要研究耕地改良修复、土壤节水技术推广。E-mail :收稿日期:2019–08–30;收到修改稿日期:2020–03–26;网络首发日期(wwwki ):2020–05–18
DOI :10.11766/trxb201908300416
李涛,于蕾,万广华,李建伟,卢桂菊,董艳红. 近30年山东省耕地土壤pH 时空变化特征及影响因素[J]. 土壤学报,2021,58(1):180–190.
LI Tao ,YU Lei ,WAN Guanghua ,LI Jianwei ,LU Guiju ,DONG Yanhong. Spatio-temporal Variation of Farmland Soil pH and Associated Affecting Factors in the Past 30 Years of Shandong Province ,China [J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica ,2021,58(1):180–190.
近30年山东省耕地土壤pH 时空变化特征及影响因素*
李 涛,于 蕾†,万广华,李建伟,卢桂菊,董艳红
(山东省土壤肥料总站,济南 250100)
摘 要:通过研究山东省第二次土壤普查省级汇总(1984年)和省级耕地地力评价(2015年)耕地土壤pH 数据,分析了土壤酸化的总体情况和动态变化,探讨了土壤酸化的自然和人为驱动因素。结果表明,30年来,山东省耕地土壤pH 平均值由7.6降至7.2,降低了约0.4个单位,整体表现为酸性耕地面积明显增加,弱碱性和中性耕地面积相对减少,局部耕地酸化。目前,山东省弱碱性、中性和弱酸性耕地土壤比较多,占92.74%,酸性耕地土壤占7.04%;酸性耕地土壤主要分布于胶东半岛和东南部沿海的威海、烟台、青岛、日照、临沂和枣庄等6个市。不同地市酸碱度变化差异较大,威海变化最大,降低了1.3个单位;其次是泰安、日照、烟台和青岛,分别降低了1.1、1.1、1.0和1.0个单位。全省耕地土壤pH 变化由大到小依次为:水稻土(潮土型)、棕壤、粗骨土、砂姜黑土、褐土和潮土。全省耕地土壤酸化主要影响因素为土壤类型、植物收获以及化肥不适当施用。
关键词:土壤pH ;时空变化;土壤类型;作物收获;化肥施用;山东省 中图分类号:X53 文献标志码:A
Spatio-temporal Variation of Farmland Soil pH and Associated Affecting
Factors in the Past 30 Years of Shandong Province, China
LI Tao, YU Lei †, WAN Guanghua, LI Jianwei, LU Guiju, DONG Yanhong
(Soil and Fertilizer Station of Shandong Province , Jinan 250100, China )
Abstract: 【Objective 】Soil pH is a key index for quality evaluation of cultivated lands. So this paper explored temporal and spatial changes in soil pH of farmlands in Shandong Province in the past 30 years, analyzed overall situation of and dynamic changes in soil acidification, and discusd natural and human-driven factors affecting soil acidification, so as to provide certain scientific references for prevention and control of soil acidification in Shandong Province. 【Method 】Bad on the soil pH data cited from the “Second Provincial Soil Survey in 1984” and the “Provincial Arable Land Fertility Evaluation (PALFE) in 2015”, the soils of the province were sorted into ven grades, i.e. I. Highly acidified soil (pH ≤4.5), II. moderately acidified soil (4.5<pH ≤5.0), III. acidic soil (5.0<pH ≤5.5), VI. weakly acidic soil (5.5<pH ≤6.5), V . neutral soil (6.5<pH ≤7.5), VI. weakly
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alkaline soil (7.5<pH≤8.5) and VII. alkalinized soil (pH>8.5) , in line with the criteria for soil grading in terms of soil pH
(Cultivated Land of Shandong) and in light of the reality of the province. The Kriging method and some other statistical methods
commonly ud in geostatistics were adopted to analyze the data with the aid of ArcGIS, Excel and some other software.【Result】
According to the cond provincial soil survey, the soils of the province was averaged 7.6 in soil pH, and no soils were sorted into
Grade I, Grade II or Grade III. The soils of Grade IV, Grade V, Grade VI and Grade VII were 94.49×104, 259.0×104, 498.8×104
and 1.03×104 hm2 in area or 11.07%, 30.36%, 58.45% and 0.12%, respectively, of the total cultivated land area. The soils of Grade
IV were distributed mainly in 7 cities (Weihai, Yantai, Qingdao, Rizhao, Linyi, Weifang and Tai'an). According to the Provincial
Arable Land Fertility Evaluation, the soils were averaged to be 7.2 in pH, and no soils were sorted into Grade I. The soils of
Grade II, Grade III, Grade IV, Grade V, Grade VI and Grade VII were 7.48×104, 46.09×104, 155.4×104, 202.8×104, 347.3×104 and
1.647×104 hm2, respectively, or 0.98%, 6.06%, 20.43%, 26.66%, 45.65% and 0.22% of the total cultivated land area of the
province. Soils of Grade III were found in 6 cities (Weihai, Yantai, Qingdao, Rizhao, Linyi and Zaozhuang) in the Jiaodong
Peninsula and along the southeast coast, and soils of Grade IV in the 12 cities, except for Dezhou, Liaocheng, Binzhou, Heze and
Dongying in the alluvial plain of the Yellow River. According to the Second Provincial Soil Survey, the main types of soils in the
province were sorted, in terms of soil pH, as follows: Fluvo aquic soil>Paddy soil (Fluvo aquic type)>Cinnamon soil > Sandy
black soil > Skeletal bone soil > Brown soil > Fluvo aquic soil, varying in the range from 8.0 the highest to 6.8 the lowest, and
showing a difference of 1.2 units between the highest and the lowest. According to the PALFE, the soils exhibited a similar order,
in terms of soil pH, i.e. Fluvo aquic soil > Cinnamon soil>Sandy black soil>Paddy soil (Fluvo aquic type) > Skeletal soil > Brown
soil, ranging from 7.8 the highest to 6.0 the lowest, and showing a difference of 1.8 units. Comparison of the two datats shows
that the soils of Shandong as a whole dropped from 7.6 to 7.2 in soil pH in the past 30 years, and the area of alkaline arable land
incread slightly, while that of the weakly alkaline and neutral arable lands decread relatively, but the area of acidic arable land
remained increasing significantly, and some of them even were acidified. 【Conclusion】Since the Second Soil Survey of
attendShandong Province, the average soil pH of the cultivated lands had decread by 0.4 units. The drop of soil pH was mostly found
in regions of lands of Grade IV. Changes in soil pH of cultivated lands varied sharply from region to region and from type to type
of the soil. Soil acidification occurred mainly in Weihai, Yantai, Rizhao, Qingdao, Linyi and Zaozhuang, especially, in skeletal
soil and brown loam derived mainly acidic parent material. The Fluvo aquic soil and Cinnamon soil derived from Yellow River
alluvial deposit and limestone were both alkaline, relatively high in pH. Natural acidification, crop harvest and improper u of
chemical fertilizers are the main factors triggering decline of soil pH and even acidification in Shandong.
Key words: Soil pH; Spatio-temporal variation; Soil type; Crop harvest; Fertilizer application; Shandong Province
young man182 土 壤 学 报 58卷
业的迅猛发展使得区域生态环境受到强烈干扰,pH 变化明显。1981―2005年间,烟台市土壤呈现酸化趋势[19],其中招远市棕壤耕层pH变化较大,平均下降了1.6个单位,有60%以上的农田土壤pH低
1 材料与方法
1.1 研究区概况
山东省位于34°22.9′~38°24.01′N、114°47.5′~122°42.3′E之间,土地面积1.579×107 hm2,年平均降水量在550~950 mm之间,多年平均降水量为679.5 mm,由东南向西北递减[22]。境内地貌复杂,大体可分为中山、低山、丘陵、台地、盆地、山前平原、黄河冲积扇、黄河平原、黄河三角洲等9类。境内山脉集中分布于鲁中南山地丘陵区和胶东丘陵
本次研究了棕壤、褐土、潮土、砂姜黑土、水稻土和粗骨土等6种主要耕地土壤类型(图2)。棕壤主要分布于烟台(60.7×104 hm2)、青岛(48.26×104 hm2)、临沂(39.66×104 hm2)、威海(25.99×104 hm2)、泰安(25.33×104 hm2)和潍坊(23.62×104 hm2);褐土主要分布在潍坊(48.51×104 hm2)、临沂(33.17×104 hm2)、济南(27.88×104 hm2)和济宁(25.51×104 hm2);潮土主要分布在菏泽(114.41×104 hm2)、德州(99.4×104 hm2)、聊城(80.41×104 hm2)和滨州(63.39×104 hm2);砂姜黑土主要分布在青岛(23.44×104 hm2)、潍坊(15.14×104 hm2)和临沂(13.61×104 hm2);水稻土主要分布在济宁(5.95×104 hm2)和临沂(5.31×104 hm2);粗骨土主要分布在临沂(46.61×104 hm2)、烟台(41.6×104 hm2)和潍坊(22.52×104 hm2)。
图1 山东省土壤类型分布示意图
Fig. 1 Sketch map of soil type distribution in Shandong Province
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注:鲁东地区:1-青岛,2-烟台,3-威海;鲁南地区:4-日照,5-临沂;鲁中南地区:6-枣庄,7-济宁,8-泰安,9-莱芜;鲁中地区:10-济南,11-淄博,12-潍坊;鲁西和鲁北地区:13-东营,14-德州,15-聊城,16-滨州,17-菏泽。下同。Note :East Shandong :1-Qingdao ,2-Yantai ,and 3-Weihai ;South Shandong :4-Rizhao and 5-Linyi ;South Central Shandong :6-Zaozhuang ,7-Jining ,8-Taian and 9-Laiwu ;Central Shandong 10-Jinan ,11-Zibo ,12-Weifang ;Northwest Shandong 13-Dongying ,14-Dezhou ,15-Liaocheng ,16-Binzhou and 17-Heze. The same below.
图2 山东省17市主要耕地土壤类型面积
睫毛膏怎么卸Fig. 2 Areas of the main types of soils in the 17 cities in Shandong Province
1.2 数据来源
本研究的土壤pH 数据来源于山东省土壤肥料总站承担的山东省第二次土壤普查省级汇总(1984年)和省级耕地地力评价(2015年)。第二次土壤普查省级汇总,采样时间1982—1984年,获得土壤pH 数据3 827个,其中棕壤、褐土、潮土、砂姜黑土、水稻土和粗骨土样点3 222个,采样深度0~20 cm 。省级耕地地力评价,采样时间为2013—2015年,土壤pH 数据3.47万个,其中棕壤、褐土、潮土、砂姜黑土、水稻土和粗骨土样点3.37万个,采样深度0~20 cm 。土壤样品采集与pH 测定:采用多点混合法采集0~20 cm 耕层土壤,经风干过2 mm 筛后采用水土比1︰1(第二次土壤普查省级汇总)
、2.5︰1(省级耕地地力评价),用电极法测定土壤pH 。
1.3 数据处理
速记符号1.3.1 不同水土比测定pH 比较 由于第二次土壤普查省级汇总数据和省级耕地地力评价pH 测定水土比不同,无法进行差值分析。在全省采集主要土壤类型土样60个,其中棕壤15个,褐土15个,潮土30个,按照水土比1︰1和
2.5︰1,分别测定pH 1和pH 2.5。
试验数据表明,pH 1范围从4.07~8.39,平均值为6.67,pH 2.5范围从4.27~8.76,平均值为6.93。经回归分析得到总转换模型为pH 2.5=1.019pH 1+0.138 5(R 2=0.997 2)
将通过模型计算的pH 2.5与实测值进行t 检验,发现二者不存在显著性差异(P >0.05)。对统计模型计算的pH 2.5与实测值,计算相对误差率,相对误差率均在1%以下,说明构建的模型具有可靠性。 1.3.2 耕地土壤pH 分布图制作 山东省第二次土壤普查土壤pH 分布图,是以第二次土壤普查土壤pH 点位数值为基础,以土种图为评价单元,按相同等级勾绘连片形成pH 图斑,经逐级缩编而成;耕地pH 等级面积是将第二次土壤普查土壤pH 分布图进行数字化与土地利用现状图进行叠加获得。山东省
耕地地力评价土壤pH 分布图,是基于2015年省级耕地地力评价的土壤pH 点位数据,采用反距离插值法获得;耕地pH 等级面积是利用耕地地力评价土壤pH 分布图与土地利用现状图进行叠加获得。 1.3.3 分级标准 参考《山东耕地》[26]pH 等级划分标准,根据山东土壤酸碱状况,将全省土壤划分为强酸性、中强酸性、酸性、弱酸性、中性、弱
184 土 壤 学 报 58卷
1.3.4 数据分析采用Excel 2013和 SPSS 19.0软件进行统计分析,采用独立样本t检验对土壤pH 进行差异性检验。连衣裙英语单词
airborne2 结果
2.1 山东省耕地土壤pH的总体变化趋势
表1 山东省耕层土壤pH分级标准
Table 1 Grading of the topsoils of cultivated lands in Shandong Province by soil pH
级别Grade 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 范围Range pH≤4.5 4.5<pH≤5 5<pH≤5.5 5.5<pH≤6.5 6.5<pH≤7.57.5<pH≤8.5 pH>8.5
酸碱性Acidity and alkalinity
Highly acidic
Moderately acidic
Weakly acidic
Weakly alkaline
The Second Provincial Soil Survey
①,②Provincial Arable Land Fertility Evaluation
图3 山东省耕地土壤pH等级面积
Fig. 3 Area of cultivated land in Shandong Province relative to soil
pH grade
2.2 山东省不同地区耕地土壤pH的变化趋势
调查数据(表2)显示,山东省不同地市酸碱度变化差异较大,威海变化最大,降低了1.3个单位;其次是泰安、日照、烟台、青岛和临沂,分别降低了1.1、1.1、1.0、1.0和0.8个单位。济南升高了0.1个单位。其他无显著变化。威海、烟台、日照、青岛、临沂和枣庄6市土壤出现了酸化(图4),其中,中强酸性土壤占比分别为14.82%、3.67%、4.72%、1.22%、1.4%和0.08%,酸化面积分别为13.32×104 hm2、19.51×104 hm2、6.14×104 hm2、8.227×104 hm2、6.207×104 hm2和0.173×104 hm2。
2.3 山东省不同土壤类型pH的变化趋势