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Zircon Group . The zirconium analogue of Thorite and Hafnon . Zircon-Hafnon Series . The low-pressure dimorph of Reidite .
Zircon, zirconium orthosilicate, is found in most igneous rocks and some metamorphic rocks as small crystals or grains, mostly widely distributed and rarely more than 1% of the total mass of the rock. It is also found as alluvial grains in some dimentary rocks due to its high hardness. Zircon has a high index of refraction and, where crystals are large enough, is often ud as a gemstone.
Gilgit, Gilgit District, Northern Areas, Pakistan
© Joph A. Freilich
Show Zircon Photos (899)
Formula:ZrSiO 4
Colour:Colourless, yellow, ...Lustre:Adamantine, Vitreous, Greasy
Name:From the Arabic (and, in turn, from the Persian "azargun") "zar", gold, plus
"gun", coloured, referring to one of the many colors that the mineral may display.
Dimorph of:Reidite Isostructural
Chernovite-(Y), Hafnon , Thorite , Wakefieldite-(Y), Xenotime-(Y)
Classification of Zircon
IMA status:Valid - first described prior to 1959 (pre-IMA) - "Grandfathered"Strunz 8th edition ID:
8/A.09-10 Nickel-Strunz 10th (pending) edition ID:9.AD.30
9 : SILICATES (Germanates)
A : Nesosilicates
D : Nesosilicates without additional anions; cations in [6] and/or greater coordination Dana 8th edition ID:
51 : NESOSILICATES Insular SiO 4 Groups Only
5 : Insular SiO 4 Groups Only with cations in >[6] coordination Hey's CIM Ref.:14.10.1
14 : Silicates not Containing Aluminum 10 : Silicates of Zr or Hf mindat URL:www.mindat/min-4421.html
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discountOccurrences of Zircon
Geological Setting:
An accessory rock in igneous and metamorphic rocks.Physical Properties of Zircon
Lustre:Adamantine, Vitreous, Greasy
Diaphaneity (Transparency):
Transparent, Translucent, Opaque Comment:Greasy when metamict.
Colour:Colourless, yellow, grey, reddish-brown, green, brown, black,Streak:White Hardness (Mohs):7½Tenacity:Brittle
Indistinct on {110}{111}Fracture:Conchoidal Density (measured):
4.6 - 4.7 g/cm 3Density (calculated):
起个英文名4.714 g/cm 3Crystallography of Zircon
Crystal System:Tetragonal
Class (H-M):4/mmm (4/m 2/m 2/m) - Ditetragonal Dipyramidal Space Group:I 41/amd {I 41/a 2/m 2/d}Cell Parameters: a = 6.607(1) Å, c = 5.982(1) Å
Ratio:a:c = 1 : 0.905
Unit Cell Volume:V 261.13 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)
Morphology:Tabular to square prismatic crystals.Twinning:On {101}Comment:May be metamict.Crystal Atlas:
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Zircon no.9 - Goldschmidt (1913-1926) Zircon no.24 - Goldschmidt (1913-1926) Zircon no.66 - Goldschmidt (1913-1926) Zircon no.81 - Goldschmidt (1913-1926) Zircon no.97 - Goldschmidt (1913-
1926) Zircon no.133 - Goldschmidt (1913-1926) Zircon no.137 - Goldschmidt (1913-1926) Zircon - {100}, {301}, {101}
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Hazen R M Finger L W (1979) Crystal structure and compressibility of zircon at high pressure crystal No. 1, 1 atm - before P . American Mineralogist 64:196-201.
Unit Cell | Structure | Polyhedra
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Label Atoms | Off
More Crystal Structures
Click here to view more crystal structures at the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Databa
X-Ray Powder Diffraction:
Radiation - Copper K α
中英文翻译网Data Set:
Horizontal Axis: ° to ° Vertical Axis: % Source Data:
Filtered Data:
Data courtesy of RRUFF project at University of Arizona, ud with permission.
Oaxaca, Mexico 574
X-Ray Powder Diffraction:
d-spacing Intensity
4.434 (45) 3.302 (100)2.518 (45)2.066 (20)1.908 (14)1.712 (40)1.651 (14)
Optical Data of Zircon
Type:Uniaxial (+)
RI values:n ω = 1.925 - 1.961 n ε = 1.980 - 2.015Maximum Birefringence:
δ = 0.055
Chart shows birefringence interference colour range (at 30µm thickness) and does not take into account mineral colouration.
Surface Relief:Very High
Dispersion:Very strong Pleochroism:Weak
Chemical Properties of Zircon
4Esntial elements:
O, Si, Zr All elements listed in formula:
O, Si, Zr Common Impurities:
Hf,Th,U,TR,O,H,H 2O,Fe,Al,P Relationship of Zircon to other Species
Series:Forms a ries with Hafnon (e here )Member of Group:Zircon Group :MSiO
4Related Minerals
- Nickel-Strunz Grouping):
- + 9.AD.05
Larnite Ca 2SiO 49.AD.10
Calcio-Olivine Ca 2SiO 49.AD.15
Merwinite Ca 3Mg(SiO 4)29.AD.20Bredigite Ca 7Mg(SiO 4)49.AD.25Andradite Ca
3Fe 3+
2(SiO 4)
9AD 25
2+Related Minerals
Hey's Index Grouping:
- +
Hafnon HfSiO 4
14.10.3Zektzerite LiNa(Zr,Ti,Hf)Si
1514.10.4Parakeldyshite Na 2ZrSi 2O 714.10.5Vlasovite Na 2ZrSi 4O 1114.10.6Keldyshite (Na,H)美少女谎言
2O 7
G id
Other Names for Zircon
Circone Meta-Zircon (of Leitz)Oesterdite Ostranite
Other Languages:
Basque:Zirkoi Bulgarian:Циркон Catalan:Zircó Croatian:Cirkon Czech:Zirkon Dutch:Zirkoon Esperanto:Zirkono Finnish:Zirkoni
Jargon de Ceylan German:Zirkon
Azorit Oesterdit Örstedit Örstettit Ostranit Polykrasilith Zirkonit Hebrew:ןוקריז Hungarian:Cirkon
Italian:Zircone Japane:ジルコン
Lyncurion (of Theophrastus)
Lithuanian:Cirkonas Norwegian (Bokmål):
Zirkon Polish:Cyrkon Portugue:Zircão Romanian:Zircon Russian:Циркон Serbian (Cyrillic Script):
Циркон Simplified Chine:鋯石 Slovak:Zirkón Spanish:Zircón
Açorita Azorita Oesterdita Ostranita Zirconita Œrsdedtita Swedish:Zirkon Ukrainian:Циркон
Arshinovite Beccarite Calyptolite Cyrtolite
Hafnian Zircon Hyacinth Jargoon Malacon Matura Diamond Oerstedite Oerstedtite Orvillite Oyamalite Ribeirite
Other Information
neighborhoodFluorescence in UV light:Virtually all zircon is fluorescent, from dull to bright in intensity, and in shades of yellow, golden-yellow and
yellow-brown (SW UV). This property is often diagnostic in identification.
Thermal Behaviour:
Therrmoluminescent Other Information:
Health Warning:No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the databa. You should always treat
mineral specimens with care.
References for Zircon
Reference List:Werner, A.G. (1783), in Romé de l'Isle - Cristallographie, 2nd ed., Paris, 2, 229.
Trofimov, A.K. (1962) The luminescence spectrum of zircon. Geochemistry 1962: 1102-1108.
American Mineralogist (1979): 64: 196.
Pupin, J.P. (1980) Zircon and granite petrology. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology: 73: 207-220.
Watson, E.B. and Cherniak, D.J. (1997) Oxygen diffusion in zircon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters: 148: 527-544.
Wang, R.C., Zhao, G.T., Lu, J.J., Chen, X.M., Xu, S.J., and Wang, D.Z. (2000) Chemistry of Hf-rich zircons from the Laoshan I- and A-type granites, eastern China. Mineralogical Magazine: 64: 867-877.
Parry, W.T., Wilson, P.N., Mor, D., and Heizler, M.T. (2001) U-Pb dating of zircon and 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite at Bingham, Utah. Economic Geology: 96: 1671-1683.
Gucsik, A., Koeberl, Ch, Brandstätter, F., Reimold, W.U., and Libowitzky, E. (2002) Cathodoluminescence, electron microscopy, and Rama spectroscopy of shock-metamorphod zircon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters: 202: 495-509.
Valley, J. (2003) Oxygen isotopes in zircon. Rev. Mineral. Geochem.: 53: 343-385.
Zhang, A.C., Wang, R.C., Hu, H., Zhang, H., Zhu, J.C., and Chen, X.M. (2004b) Chemical evolution of Nb-Ta
oxides and zircon from the Koktokay no. 3 granitic pegmatite, Altai, northwestern China. Mineralogical Magazine:
68(5): 739-756.
Articles/Blogs about Zircon
Article entries:Rout 80 Road Cut,, Mount Arlington New Jery Fred A. Schuster
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Look for Zircon on Wikipedia
Look for Zircon on Mineralien Atlas
Raman and XRD data at RRUFF project
American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Databa
Zircon details from Handbook of Mineralogy (PDF)
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