Belangrijke woorden | Important words |
Een | A Indefinite article, singular (as in English, no article is ud for the plural indefinite form). E.g., "een kind" = "a child"; "kinderen" = "children". |
Het | The Definite article, singular; ud with a limited group of nouns. E.g., "het kind" = "the child". |
De | The Definite article, ud for the singular form of all other nouns, as well as the plural form of all nouns that can have an article. E.g., het kind, but "de kinderen" = "the children". |
En | And |
Of | Or |
Omdat | Becau |
Ondanks | countrylifeIn spite of |
Daarom | Therefore |
Alle, allemaal | All |
Elke | Every |
Iedereen | Everyone |
Wie? | fitsWho? |
Wat? | What? |
Waar? | Where? |
Waarom? | Why? |
Hoe? | How? |
Ik | I |
Jij | You |
U | You (polite form, 有礼貌的形式单数或者复数singular or plural) |
Hij | He |
Zij (1) | She |
Wij | We |
Jullie | You (plural) |
Zij (2) | They |
Mijn | My |
Jouw | Your |
Uw | Your (polite form, singular or plural) |
Zijn | His |
Haar | Her |
Ons | Our |
Jullie | Your (plural) |
Hun | Their |
Omhoog | Up 上 |
Omlaag | Down 下 |
Links | Left 左 |
Rechts | Right 右 |
Binnen | Inside 里面 |
Buiten | Outside 外面 |
Voor (1) | In front of 前面 |
Achter | Behind 后面 |
Naast | next to |
Bij | Near附近 |
Naar | Towards 向, 朝 |
Vanaf | Away from; 远离 or: Starting at 起始于 |
备忘录英文Eerste | First 第一 |
Laatste | Last 最后 |
Voor (2), or: Voordat | Before 之前 |
Na, or: Nadat | After 之后 |
Veel | Much; many许多 |
Weinig | outstanding是什么意思Little; few 很少 |
Meer | More更多的 |
Minder | Less较少的 |
Meest | Most最多的 |
Minst | Least 最少的 |
Met | 2012年7月28日 With和 |
Zonder | Without没有 |
Dier (*) | Animal 动物 | ||||
Hond | Dog狗 | ||||
Kat | Cat猫 | ||||
Muis, muizen | Mou, mice 老鼠 | ||||
Rat | Rat 老鼠 | ||||
i cry | |||||
Eend | Duck鸭子 | ||||
Zwaan | Swan天鹅 | ||||
Boerderij | farm 农场 | ||||
Kip | Chicken小鸡 | ||||
Haan | Cock 公鸡 | ||||
Paard (*) | Hor马 | ||||
Koe | Cow 母牛 | ||||
Kalf (*) | Calf 小牛 | ||||
Stier | Bull 公牛 | ||||
Geit | Goat 山羊 | ||||
Bok | Male goat 公羊 | ||||
Schaap (*) | Sheep 绵羊 | ||||
Lam (*) | Lamb 羔羊 | ||||
Ram | Ram 公羊 | ||||
out of nowhereDierentuin | Zoo动物园 | ||||
Olifant | Elephant 大象 | ||||
Nijlpaard (*) | Hippopotamus 河马 | ||||
Leeuw | Lion狮子 | ||||
Tijger | Tiger 老虎 | ||||
Aap | Monkey 猴子 | ||||
Vis | Fish 鱼 | ||||
chama | |||||
Inkt (*) | Inct 昆虫 | ||||
Vlinder | Butterfly蝴蝶 | ||||
Rups | Caterpillar 毛虫 | ||||
Mier | Ant 蚂蚁 | ||||
Spin | Spider 蜘蛛 | ||||
Vlieg | Fly 苍蝇 | ||||
Bij | Bee蜜蜂成人英语考试 | ||||
Wesp | Wasp 黄蜂 | ||||
Lichaam (*) | Body | ||||
Hoofd (*) | Head 头部 | ||||
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