text内文 ca 皮壳 board 板纸 endpaper 衬纸 binding 装订 carton 纸箱pallet卡板 folding 折 2013福建高考英语3-knife trim 三面刀 guillotining 切纸dyline DBL 蓝纸handling fee 码头费muslin 白洋布
film work 出菲林imposition 拼版 shrink wrap 收缩包装matt lamination 过哑胶
gloss lamination 过光胶matt varnishing 过哑油gloss varnishing 过光油
spot varnish 局部过油 limp 封面(平装书)fantasy什么意思 jacket 书套 wing 穿线landscape 横度书 square方度书vclpre-press印前 side wn车侧线(缝纫钉)unwing无线胶装saddle骑马钉foil烫印材料 blocking烫印embossing压纹 开言英语gate-fold勒口gloss art paper双粉纸 matt art paper哑粉纸C1S art paper单粉卡C2S art paper双粉卡PMS专色
Spiral binding 蛇仔装订Cad-in square back精装方脊 Cad-in round back精装园脊Spine书脊 H&T bands头尾带
彩盒纸用纸别以单粉咭 ClS-Coated One Side Board 为主导线, 概括可分为:
1、粉灰咭 Duplex Board
a.CCNB -Clay Coated News Back 灰芯黄底
b.CCWB -Clay Coated White Back 灰芯白底
SBS-Solid Bleached Sulphate 漂白化学木桨
BCTMP-Bleached Chemical Thermal-Mechanical Pulp 漂白化学木桨和热解化学机械漂白木桨
白色底层可分为三种以供印刷效果不同之需, 作为底部加印之用, 分别有白斑底、白底和白
b.粉面黄底咭纸 CTMP-Bleached Thermal-Mechanical Pulp 纯热解化学机械木桨
其他的咭纸类则按个别所需情况而作出恰当的选购, 有:
1、双粉咭 C 2 S-Two Side Coated Board
2、粉面牛皮咭抛出窗外 Coated Kraft Board
3、PE 板纸 PE Board
4、双灰板纸 Grey Chip Board
在装饰用纸上, 其种类也繁多, 但按一般常用或主要适印纸张项目中, 可分为: ammo
1、铝箔纸/咭 Foil Paper i ab/ Card
2、标签/胶底纸 Label / Self-Adhesive Paper
3、包装纸 Covering Paper
a.书皮纸 Embosd Paper
b.充皮纸 PVC Coated Paper
c.真布 Cloth
CUK Paperboard (Coated Unbleached Kraft) 涂布原色牛皮纸板
CUK paperboard is not bleached, which gives the sheet a draft/brown appearance all the way through the sheet. The sheet may be clay coated or uncoated. CUK is compod of "virgin" fiber, making it the strongest of the paperboards, but not the smoothest printing surface. CUK paperboard is two or three ply and can be treated with a moisture barrier to render it uful for beverage carriers.
SBS Paperboard (Solid Bleached Sulfate) 白板纸
SBS paperboard is bleached, which gives the sheet a clean, white appearance all the way through. The bleaching process degrades and weakens the "virgin" fibers, which, in turn, has some effect on the strength of the sheet. The clay coating on the SBS sheet provides a smoother printer surface than CUK or recycled fibers, becau bleached fibers are smooth, clean and pliable. SBS paperboard is usually one ply.
Recycled Paperboards 回收纸板
Recycled paperboards are made from pre- and post-consumer waste. Pre consumer waste is mill conversion waste - in other words, paper products that haven't made it to ma
rket. Post consumer waste consists of paper products that have been ud and discarded. Recycled paperboard is six to nine ply, and has a less desirable printing surface than SBS.
There are four basic grades of recycled papers:
CCNB (Clay Coated News Back)
- Brown or gray (depending on the fiber ud)
- Clay coated (one side)
CCLB (Clay Coated Light Back)
- Light gray
- Clay coated (one side)
CCKB (Clay Coated Kraft Back)
- Brown
- Clay coated (one side)
BC (Bending Chip)
The thickness of a sheet of paperboard is measured in thousandths of an inch, commonly referred to as "points." Our paperboard ranges from .012 thickness or "caliper" to .028.
Paperboard has a "grain direction," which is the direction that the paperboard is machined at the mill. Cross direction is 90 degrees to the grain direction.
illume- Brown
- Not coated
开度 大度开切毛尺寸 成品净尺寸 正度毛尺寸 成品净尺寸
全开 1194×889 1160×860 1092×787 1060×760
对开 889×597 860×580 787×546 760×530
长对开 1194×444.5 1160×430 1092×393.5 1060×375
三开 889×398 860×350 787×364 760×345
丁字三开 749.5×444.5 720×430 698.5×393.5 680×375
四开 597×444.5 580×430 546×393.5 530×375
长四开 298.5×88.9 285×860 787×273 760×260
五开 380×480 355×460 330×450 305×430
六开 398×44.5 370×430 364×393.5 345×375
八开 444.5×298.5 430×285 393.5×273 375×260
九开 296.3×398 280×390 262.3×364 240×350
十二开 298.5×296.3 285×280 273×262.3 260×250
十六开 298.5×222.25 285×210 273×262.3 260×185
十八开 199×296.3 180×280 136.5×262.3 120×250
二十开 222.5×238 270×160 273×157.4 260×40
二十四开 222.5×199 210×185 196.75×182 185×170
二十八开 298.5×127 280×110 273×112.4 1260×100
三十二开 222.5×149.25 210×140 196.75×136.5 185×130
六十四开 149.25×111.12 130×100 136.5×98.37 120×80
B5:182mm×257mm 美容职业培训
corrugated paper
A楞 4MM
B楞 3MM
C楞 3.5MM
E楞 1.8MM
单坑 3±1MM 常用表达方式:K3K,K3A,A3A………
双坑 6±1MM 常用表达方式:K=K,K=A,A=B
三坑 9±1MM 常用表达方式:K三K,K#K都可以