ieltssimon填写说明 Instruction for fill
1. 调查表中的供应商基本信息,请务必填写
体恤的意思Basic Information of Supplier must be filled in.
2. 禁用物质,禁止有意添加,法规的豁免应用请注明,限值要求以法规要求为准,含量为均质材料中的含
Restricted Substances must not ud in product provided to POWERCN. Plea remarking if the u is regul according with regulations is the content in homogeneous material.
3. 不使用禁用物质声明必须声明不使用国人规定的所有禁用物质(豁免应用请注明),原则上每个供应商
Restricted Substances specified by GUOREN(instead of tho substances of RoHS directive) should be decla products of the suppliers. Plea providing the scope of product, if the declaration do not aim at all prod 4. 需申报物质,主要针对有意添加,含量限值为1000PPM(有意添加),低于此数值不用申报。
生命中不能承受之轻如果含有需要申报物质,则 If the content of notifiable substance in homogeneous material of the product exceeds 1000PPM(Intentionally added), th Otherwi, the sheet need not be filled in. The threshold level is 1000PPM, the content in homogeneous materials.
5. 所有产品都需要提供材料成分表,考虑到有些产品的部件较多,针对拆分部件较少的产品,如线缆、连
括蓄电池)、拆分部件不超过10个的器件,需要列出物质在均质材料中的含量;针对模块、组装部件、整机等部件较多的产 All products should provid the material component sheet. The sheet should list the content of substances in homogene including tho pruoducts with more than 10 sub-part, the sheet can list the substances and materials in productvictoria acosta
6. 针对高风险材料,作为符合国人环保要求的证明,需要提供符合性测试报告(报告有效期为一年,测试
For the high-risk materials, evidence of compliance should be provided. The evidence can be test report
,测试项目至少包括该种材料的风险点)或者符合性说明信息 evidence can be test report or introduction of compliance.
sale是什么意思>plotremarking if the u is regulation examption. The threshold level 供应商出具一份声明,如果针对具体物料进行声明,那么需要列出HS directive) should be declared. The declaration can include all ration do not aim at all products.12 angry men
1000PPM(Intentionally added), the nocification sheet should be filled in.
homogeneous materials.
缆、连接器、拆分部件不超过10个的结构件、包装材料、电池(包、组装部件、整机等部件较多的产品,可列出物质在整个产品中的含量。ntent of substances in homogeneous materials. For tho asmbly products, nd materials in product