The following numerals shall be ud for the kinds of packaging
1 Drum
2 Wooden barrel
3 Jerrican
4 Box
5 Bag
6 Composite packaging
before he cheats
The following capital letters shall be ud for the types of material:
urbanrenewalA Steel (all types and surface treatments)
B Aluminium
C Natural wood
D Plywood
F Reconstituted wood
G Fibreboard
H Plastics material
L Textile
M Paper, multiwall
N Metal (other than steel or aluminium)
P Glass, porcelain or stoneware
pecuniaryThe following table indicates the codes to be ud for designating types of
六月 英文网络在线英语培训The code shall consist of two Arabic numerals as specified in (a) followed by one
specified in (b); followed, when specified in an individual ction, by an Arabic numeral indicating the category of IBC.
A Steel (all types and surface treatments)
B Aluminium
C Natural wood
D Plywood
F Reconstituted wood
G Fibreboard
美容培训学校H Plastics material
L Textile
M Paper, multiwall
N Metal (other than steel or aluminium) For a composite IBC, two capital letters in Latin characters shall be ud in
英语六级准考证打印入口of the code. The first shall indicate the material of the inner receptacle of the IBC and the the IBC. cond that of the outer packaging of
50 for rigid large packagings
51 for flexible large packagingsdaemon