[常用美国ASTM 纺织品 330 个标准 ]
ASTM D 3217-2023 Standard Test Methods for Breaking Tenacity of Man-Made Textile Fi bers in Loop or Knot Configurations 线圈或打结的人造纺织纤维断裂强度标准试验方法
ASTM拖宕 D 3513-1996 Standard Test Method forthe fifth element Overlength Fiber Content of Man-Made Stap le Fiber 人造短纤维中超长纤维含量的标准试验方法
ASTM D 2497-2023 Standard Tolerances for Manufactured r49bcomOrganic-Ba Filament Single Yarns 人造有机长丝单纱标准公差
ASTM E 2228-2023 Standard Guide for Microscopic Examination of Textile Fibers 纺织纤维的显微镜检验用标准指南
ASTM F 2050-2023 Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Hand-Held Infant Carriers 有关拉链的名词术语
ASTM F 1518-2023 Standard Practice for Cleaning and Disinfection of Flexible Fiber
optic and Video Endoscopes Ud in the Examination of the Hollow Viscera 纺织材料的热传导的标准试验方法
ASTM D 861-1995 Standard Practice for U of the Tex System to Designate Linear Dens ity of Fibers, Yarn Intermediates, and Yarns 用特克斯制命名纤维,纱的半制品,纱和其它纺织品线度的标准操作规程
ASTM D 6775-2023 Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength and Elongation of Texti le Webbing, Tape and Braided Material E(01-p-2023) 测定纺织品厚边带、线带和饰带的拉伸和撕裂强度的标准试验方法
ASTM D 6767-2023 Standard Test Method for Pore Size Characteristics of Geotextiles by Capillary Flow Test 用毛细管流量试验测定纺织物的标准试验方法
ASTM E 2225-2023 Standard Guide for Forensic Examination of Fabrics and Cordage 纺织品和绳索检验论证用标准指南
ASTM E 1684-2023 Standard Specification for Miniature Thermocouple Connectors 颜色
ASTM D 76-1999 Standard Specification for Tensile Testing Machines for Textiles 纺织材料的拉伸试验机
ASTM D 737-1996 Standard Test Method for Air Permeability of Textile Fabrics 纺织纤维透气率的试验方法
ASTM D 6651-2023 Standard Test Method for Determining the Rate of Sorption and Sorpt ive Capacity of Nonwoven Fabrics 无纺织物吸附率和吸附力气测定的标准试验方法
ASTM D 6650-2023 Standard Test Method for Determining the Dynamic 成人英语怎么说Wiping Efficiency
, Wet Particle Removal Ability, and Fabric Particle take your markContribution of Nonwoven Fabric s Ud in Cleanrooms 测定净室中使用的无纺织物动擦除效率、湿颗粒去除力气和织物粒子作用的标准试验方法
ASTM D 6614-2023google学术翻译 Standard Test Method for Stretch Properties of Textile Fabrics - CR E Method 纺织织物拉伸性能的标准试验方法.CRE 法
ASTM D 6613-2023 Standard Practice for Determining the Prence of Sizing in Nylon odefine r Polyester Fabric 测定尼龙或聚脂纤维尺寸的标准实施规程
ASTM D 6545-2023 Standard Test Method for Flammability of Textiles Ud in Children ”s Sleepwear 儿童睡衣用纺织品易燃性的标准试验方法
ASTM D 6544-2023 Standard Practice for Preparation of Textiles Prior to Ultraviolet (UV) Transmission Testing 紫外线(UV)透射试验前纺织品制作的标准实施规程
ASTM D 6413-1999 Standard Test Method for Flame Resistance of Textiles (Vertical Te st) 织物火焰抗性的标准试验方法(垂直试验)
ASTM D 629-1999 Standard Test Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Textiles 纺织品定量分析标准试验方法
ASTM D 6193-1997 Standard Practice for Stitches and Seams 针角和缝合的标准操作规程
ASTM D 5684-2023 Standard Terminology Relating to Pile Floor Coverings 绒面地板掩盖物标准术语
ASTM D 5884-2023 Standard Test Method for Determining Tearing Strength of Internall y Reinforced Geomembranes 内增加土工薄膜扯裂强度测定的标准试验方法
ASTM D 英文新闻5848-1998 Standard Test Method for Mass per Unit Area of Pile Yarn Floor Cover ings 绒头纱线地板掩盖物单位面积质量的标准试验方法
storylineASTM D 584-1996 Standard Test Method for Wool Content of Raw Wool - Laboratory Scale 原毛中羊毛含量试验室标准试验方法