1.We are frequently confronted with statement about the alarming rate of loss of language diversity.
2.Globalisation will always have supporters who are blind on the destruction it can cau.
员工礼仪培训3.可爱的英文One problem that has not yet been addresd is the existing infrastructure and facilities fail to meet the demand pod by incread arrivals of tourists.concrete
账户性质4.Children, if grown up in a multicultural society, are more likely to embrace different cultures and values.
5.It is obvious that comparing with its drawbacks, the ri of English as a global language can bring us a lot of benefits.
6.coupleImporting goods from overas might cau a country to depend exceedingly on imports, which mean that it would gradually lo the control on the market.weapon是什么意思
7.It would be not denying that almost every country has its unique culture or art forms that is different from other countries'.谢丽尔的生日
8.Cultural diversity can be viewed both positively and negatively. While some e it as a barrier to effective communication or a cau of miscommunication, the others regard it as an ast.
9. It is undeniable fact thatthe tourism industry has provided a substantial source of income for many countries.
10.I believe that everything has its downside, and the spread of English as a global language in the world is not exception.
11.New immigrants cannot fit into a new environment can happenvery often.
12.Tourism also enables people, not only visitors, but also local dwellers, learn values and features of different cultural backgrounds.
13.Cross-cultural communication occurs between people living in same country but from different cultural backgrounds.
14.In a multi-ethnical society, nationality can a taboo subject and people are embarrasd to talk openly about it.
15.Many donor countries believe that main obstacle to third-world development is lack of capital and that giving poor countries cash to invest can spur rapid grow.
16.The continuing cultural invasion createsproblems and troubles for social solidarity, whether it is
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at the level of nation, community or family.
17.No matter where they come from or what their previous lifestyle is, migrants should ek to adapt to a new culture.
18.The host country provides many social ttings for language acquisition to be taken place.
19.We are not surprising to e that in the coming decades, English language learners will account for the majority of the entire school-aged population in every part of the world.
20.goodafternoonThere can be little doubt that the people who are fluent bilinguals outperform monolingual speakers in the workplace, as the world is increasingly global connected.
21.As our world shrinks and business becomes increasingly increasingly international, people, who can speak two languages fluently, will be taken as a valuable resource to society.
22.The effect globalisation has had on culture is immen and diversity.