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Customer Loyalty of Amazon
--how to build a long lasting relationship?
Z Aihie Lin, S Yan
Aim: The purpo of the study is to do the rearch that under the e-commerce business model, the impact factors of customer loyalty in an online shopping environment, how to improve the customer loyalty and how to build a long lasting customer relationship.teach是什么意思
Design/Methodology/approach: Through to the questionnaire survey rearch, design and collect sample data, combine with the Amazon Company’s current operating mode and the theoretical, and also got the cond data. In order to make the data become more and mor
e reliable.
Findings: The studying on improving customer loyalty under the B2C e-commerce model is significant for theory and practice. On the background of Amazon company,which is the biggest e-commerce company in America, according to the relevant. literature and field surveys,the paper brings forward the importance of customer loyalty at the e-commerce business. It could come to the conclusion is how to improve the customer loyalty and then how to build the long lasting customer relationship.
Contribution: The paper according to the characters of the online shopping and combine with the literature about the e-commerce and customer loyalty rearch, Put forward a certain hypothesis, through questionnaire survey on customers, and statistical analysis of the relationship between customer loyalty and its influence factors make an empirically evaluation. The paper gives contribution to the e-commerce business, how to build the long lasting customer relationship.
Key words: Customer loyalty; Customer relationship; Satisfaction; Services;
Paper type: Rearch paper
1. Introduction
The paper is consisting of 5 parts. This chapter introduced the background of Amazon and elaborated the importance of the customer relationship and customer loyalty. And then clearly sated the motivation of the paper.
1.1Background Knowledge
1.1.1 About Amazon
/doc/354e6a4180eb6294dd886ceb.html , Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN), a Fortune 500 company bad in Seattle, which is the one of the earliest began to the e-commerce company. It was opened on the World Wide Web in July
1995 and today offers Earth's Biggest Selection. It also included three subsidiaries, they are Alexa Internet、/doc/354e6a4180eb6294dd886ceb.html and Int
ernet MovieDataba,IMDB. /doc/354e6a4180eb6294dd886ceb.html and other llers offer millions of unique new, refurbished and ud items (Amazon, 2011).
Amazon bookstore (/doc/354e6a4180eb6294dd886ceb.html ) is one of the biggest bookstores in the world. It provides 310 million books directory, more than the global any bookstore of storing books to 15 times more above. To run the special business needs neither large buildings nor great numbers of staff. Even though there are only 1600 employees in Amazon bookstore. The sales reach 37.5 million dollars per capita, which are 3 times tho of Bames& Noble, the largest bookstore in the world, which has 27.000 employees (Hamiton, 2008).
The commercial activities of Amazon bookstore focus on marketing and the after rvice. That is, they aim at attracting customers, while building good image for the company. To become a customer-oriented company is the mission of /doc/354e6a4180eb6294dd886ceb.html (He & Zhang, 2003). The bi
光棍节 英文ggest online bookstore—Amazon began to profit in 2002. This is a piece of good news to global electronic commerce development. However, in the following years, electronic commerce suffered from loss. A survey conducted by the Temkin Group revealed that Amazon has been at the highest rates of customer loyalty in America. Three factors were taken into account in the chart of customer loyalty, including hesitation to switch to other company, readiness to buy more goods from the company and readiness to recommend it to others. The survey showed that customer loyalty had fallen to a new low with just 17% companies getting to the 'very strong' mark for loyalty. Thanks to its ability to attract repeat customers, Amazon ranks high on the list of customer loyalty at the rate of 68%. The customers choo Amazon again becau of its ability to get them the right results. Amazon's performance in customer loyalty stands out when most online companies received significantly lower ratings (Grant, 2011).
ewan1.1.2 Customer relationship
CRM is a combination of hardware, software, process, applications and management cocrossroad
mmitment to improve customer rvice, retain customer and provide analytical capabilities (Romano &Fjermestad, 2002). The dynamic process of managing a customer-company relationship such that customer elect to continue mutually beneficial commercial exchanges and are dissuaded from participating in exchanges that are unprofitable to the company (Wiley, 2002)
CRM is not only the implementation of a technology solution about information on their customers, but also CRM could deliver strategic market relationships. It could know all the things about their customers all the time. It could do a perfect data collection work and understand well what customers’ needs (Donaldson & O’Toole, 2007)