ecgCalcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kina OsDMI3 positively regulates saline-alkaline
孔子语录原文tolerance in rice roots
传宗接代英文想念的英文期刊名称: Plant signaling & behavior
2013北京高考英语答案作者: Lan Ni,Shuang Wang,Tao Shen,Qingwen Wang,Mingyi Jiang
年份: 2020年
me too关键词: Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kina;saline-alkaline stress;Na+ and H+ fluxes;rice roots
crayon是什么意思摘要:Soil saline-alkalization is a major environmental stress that impairs plant growth and crop productivity. Plant roots are the primary site for the perception of soil stress; however, the regulation mechanism engaged in the saline-alkaline stress respon in plant roots is not well understood. In this study, we identified how a rice Ca/calmodulin-dependent protein kina, OsDMI3, confers saline-alkaline tolerance in rice root growth. We measured the OsDMI3 activity by an in-gel kina assay, Na
content by NaHCO3 treatment, and Na and H fluxes by noninvasive micro-test technology (NMT). Furthermore, a real-time rever-transcription polymera chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis was performed to identify the genes upregulated in respon to NaHCO3 treatment in rice roots. The results showed that NaHCO3 significantly