Welcome to the University of Edinburgh's Online Application Service With the ability to complete and track progress of your application online, this rvice provides quick and easy access to a range of information about your application and the University. We have provided guidance below to help you prepare for your online application. This provides an overview of the information that we will ask you to supply during the application process, and lists the documentation that you will need to provide to us. Once you have completed and submitted your application, you will be emailed a University Ur Name (UUN), and details that will enable you to track your application and respond to the University via MyEd, the University’s web portal. If you require this document in an alternative large print, on coloured paper etc plea contact: Postgraduate Team Student Recruitment and Admissions e-mail: tel: +44 (0)131 650 4360 | goldilocks |
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Starting your application When you are ready to begin your application, plea click 'Continue' at the bottom of this page. You do not have to complete your application in one ssion You will be nt an email containing an encrypted link to enable you to complete your application at a future date should you so choo; this will be helpful if, for example, the browr connection fails during the application process. It will provide contact details in the event of assistance being required. night terrorsYou will also be able to save your application at any point in the process and return to it when you are ready to continue. Completing the application form The application form is divided into pages. Each page is listed below with an indication of the information you will be asked to provide. hawe∙Plea note that fields that have an asterisk (*) must be completed before your application can be submitted. ∙Plea click on the [+] to expand the guidance or Expand/Collap All [-]1. New Ur Details - Name * - Date of Birth - Email Address * (plea supply one email address only) [-]2. Upload documents You will need to provide us with specified documents in support of your application. We accept electronic copies of documents in the following formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, .txt, .jpg, .xls, .gif, .zip. You are able to upload one file for each specified document, and each document must be no larger than 2mb. If you have a document larger than 2MB we advi either using compression software to produce a .zip file, or parating the large file into smaller files and uploading the as unspecified documents. Plea note that you are only able to upload 2 unspecified documents per application. One document should be uploaded per requirement; plea do not upload all required documents merged into one document. The documents requested will vary depending on the programme applied for but can include: - Degree certificate(s) | if your degree certificate is not available, for example, if you have not yet completed your degree, plea ignore this request and proceed with your application. We will be able to consider your application on a conditional basis and you will have the opportunity to upload the certificate once it is available. All degree certificates should be uploaded (Bachelor level and above) using the additional documents upload if necessary. | - Translation of degree certificate | if your degree certificate is not in English | - Transcript/interim transcript | a certified copy of your degree record containing titles of cours/modules, the number of credits, and the final grades for each. If you are currently a student plea provide a copy of your degree progress and achievement to date (sometimes called an interim transcript). | - Translation of transcript/interim transcript广州华尔街英语 | if your transcript is not in English | - First Reference | | - Second Reference | | - English Language Certificate | if required (or a letter from your institution confirming you were instructed and examined in English) | - Rearch proposal | for rearch programmes only | - Curriculum Vitae potato什么意思 | some Programmes also require submission of a Curriculum Vitae (CV) | | |
You are asked to provide two references in support of your application. You can provide the references to us in one of three ways: Providing us with the referees’ email address; | we will automatically email each referee requesting that they upload a reference for you. This is our preferred approach (if your referee does not respond to the email or if you wish to change a referee, you will be responsible for contacting them to ensure a reference is submitted; you will be able to monitor respons via MyEd). | Uploading the reference; | to do this, plea u the “upload document” functionality provided in the online application process. | Sending the reference to us by post; | plea indicate clearly your full name, date of birth, UUN (your reference number which will be emailed to you after submitting this application) and the programme you have applied for. | | | pisco
In addition, you can upload up to two additional documents that are relevant to your application and not specified if you hold more than one degree you may upload an additional degree certificate. If you wish to upload a document after you have reached the ‘Personal’ page of the application form, you can do so by using the ‘Save and return later’ button. This will nd you an email with an encrypted link. When you click on the link you will be taken to your application and can access the ‘Upload Document’ page and continue with your application. After you have submitted your application, you will still be able to upload documents via MyEd. Plea note: the University rerves the right to request original documentation at any point in the admissions process. [-]3. Personal - Name * - Date of birth * - Gender details * - Nationality * - Residency details * [-]4. Contact urban renewal - Home address * - Contact address *(if different from home address) - Educational Agent(complete this if you have received assistance in making your application from an educational agent or counllor) [-]5. Programme - Personal Statement * This should include why you feel you are qualified to enter the programme and how you think it may affect your career prospects. If you are applying for a Masters programme and your chon programme has more than one area of specialism or theme you should indicate here which area(s) you wish to speciali in(max 3500 chars – approx. 500 words) - Relevant Knowledge/Training Skills * This may include details of required laboratory, computer programming, specialid software packages skills or voluntary work that you have undertaken pertinent to the programme. If you have not yet finished your first degree, plea tell us about the programme of study you are taking (max 3500 chars – approx. 500 words). Rearch programmes only: - Rearch Topic * A brief indication of your likely topic (this is in addition to the full rearch proposal requested earlier in the application form) (max 3500 chars – approx. 500 words). - Rearch Project If you have identified an advertid University of Edinburgh Rearch Project you wish to apply for, plea give the project title here. If you have been asked to indicate a number of projects you would be interested in, plea rank them in this ction in order of preference. melon是什么意思 - Transfer from another institution If you are transferring from another recognid Higher Institution with your supervisor, plea indicate the supervisor name, institution and period of study completed. - Project Arrangements Name of propod supervisor (if known) - Published Work Plea give details (title of article, journal, volume, year of publication) [-]6. Qualifications - Academic qualifications *(institution, title, date, grade) - English Language qualification(if appropriate) - Professional qualifications(if appropriate) (institution, title, date, grade) - Professional registration(if appropriate) [+]7. Employment (if applicable) [-]8. Finance - Have you applied for funding? * - How do you intend to finance your study? * [-]9. Referees - Do you wish us to email your referee? * For each referee: - Title * - First name - Surname * - Institution - Country - Email address(* mandatory if you wish us to email on your behalf) [-]10. Submit - Disability * The information you supply will not affect judgements about your academic suitability, and will be treated in the strictest confidence. - Ethnicity * The information you supply will not affect judgements about your academic suitability, and will be treated in the strictest confidence. - Criminal Convictions * - Submit. When your application is complete, you can submit your application by using the ‘Submit’ button. Once submitted you will not be able to amend details via the online application form. Data Protection The University of Edinburgh holds information about everyone who applies to the University and everyone who studies here. We u the information from your application form to administer your application and to compile statistics that may be published or pasd to government bodies such as the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) or the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). If your application is successful we will also u the information to administer your studies, to monitor your performance and attendance, and to provide you with support. If you have any queries regarding the University's u of your information plea contact the University's Data Protection Officer. Contacts for assistance can be found at www.euclid.ed.ac.uk/student/ What happens after Submission? After you have completed and submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation email. Subquently you will be emailed details about registering with EASE (the University's web login rvice), if you are not already registered. By registering with EASE, you will be able to access EUCLID via MyEd, the University’s web portal. MyEd gives you access to information about your application and other uful information about the University – whenever you want it and wherever you are. You will be able to track your application, respond to requests for further information in support of your application and receive information about decisions. |