
更新时间:2023-07-24 05:41:09 阅读: 评论:0

普华永道 Princewater - houCoopers
安永 Ernst & Young
毕马威 KPMG
德勤 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
安达信 Arthur Anderson
安然 Enron
世通 worldcom
国际会计师联合会 IFAC
国际会计师联合会下设的国际审计和鉴证准则理事会 IAASB
美国注册会计师协会 AICPA
中国注册会计师协会 CICPA
审计 audit
学位英语考试网内部审计 internal audit
政府审计 public ctor audit
账项基础审计 accounting number-bad audit
风险导向审计⽅法 risk-oriented audit approach
其他鉴证业务 audit related rvices
accountmanager审阅业务 review
有限责任公司制 limited liability companies, LLCs
有限责任合伙制 limited liability partnerships, LLPs
注册会计师职业道德规范 code of ethics for professional accountants
            Rules of professional conduct
独⽴ independence
客观 objectivity
公正 integrity
专业胜任能⼒ professional competence
应有关注 due care
保密 confidentiality confidence
职业⾏为 professional conduct
技术准则 technical standards
The member is, and is en to be independent
费⽤ fee
佣⾦ commission
经济利益 interest
经济利益的冲突 conflicts of interest
舞弊 fraud: refers to intentional acts which may involve the falsification of documents and records, the misappropriation of asts, or misapplication of accounting policies.
差错 error: refers to the unintentional misapplication of accounting policies, oversights or misinterpretations of fact and clerical errors.
更换会计师事务所 Changes in professional appointments
国际趋同 global convergence /international convergence
鉴证业务 assurance rvices
全⾯质量管理 quality control of audit
      Enforce the ethical guidance
注册会计师的法律责任Professional responsibility
“深⼝袋”理论 deep-pocket theory
创新会计处理 creative accounting
诉讼爆炸 litigation explosion
违约 breach the contract
过失 negligence
北京少儿英语培训欺诈 cheat / illegal acts
审计⽬标 audit objectives
怀疑态度 suspend
财务报表认定: financial statement asrtions
存在 existence
权利与义务 rights and obligations
发⽣ occurrence
与王一夜完整性 completeness
准确性和计价 measurement and valuation
分类和可理解性 classification and understandability
        prentation and disclosure
财务报表循环 cycles
Sales and receivables cycle
Purchas and payables cycle
Wages and salaries cycle
Petty cash cycle
Inventory recording cycle
截⽌ cut-off
审计任务约定书 the letter of engagement
管理层声明书 report of the directors’ responsibilities for the financial statement
审计证据 audit evidence
审计⼯作底稿 audit working paper
审计记录 audit records
计划⼯作 planning
重要性 material: information is material if its omission or misstatementcould influence the economic decisions of urs taken on the basis of the financial statements.
审计风险 audit risk
检查风险 detection risk
重⼤错报风险 risk of material misstatement in audit report
风险评估 risk evaluation
分析复核程序 analytical review procedures
内部控制 internal control
局限性 limitation
控制环境 control environment
信息系统与沟通 information system and communication
boob符合性测试 compliance test
控制测试 control test
报表层次重⼤错报 material misstatement on level of financial statement
认定层次重⼤错报 material misstatement on level of asrtion
实质性程序 substantial procedures
舞弊 fraud
审计抽样 sampling
抽样风险 sampling risk
⾮抽样风险 non-sampling risk
统计抽样 statistical sampling
⾮统计抽样 non-statistical sampling
销售与收款循环审计 Sales and receivables cycle
采购与付款循环审计 Purchas and payables cycle
存货与仓储循环审计 Inventory recording cycle
监盘 physical inspection
筹资与投资循环审计 Investment and finance cycle
货币资⾦审计 Audit of monetary asts
完成审计⼯作 finish the audit work
期初余额 opening balance
期后事项events after the balance sheet date
或有事项contingent evens
试算平衡表trail balance
Audit report
标题 title
收件⼈ receiver
引⾔段 introduction
管理层对财务报表的责任段 management’s responsibility for the financial statements 注册会计师的责任段 auditor’s responsibility
审计意见段 opinion
注册会计师的监管和盖章auditor’s signature
会计师事务所的名称、地址和盖章auditor’s address
报告⽇期 date of the Auditor’s report
⽆保留意见 unqualified audit report
⾮⽆保留意见 modified audit report
保留意见 qualified opinionkds是什么
打错电话⽆法表⽰意见 disclaimer
否定意见 adver

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标签:审计   会计师   循环   国际   注册   风险   鉴证
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