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Mechanical tests 力学性能试验
Tension tests 拉伸试验
Tensile specimen 拉伸试样
Bend tests 弯曲试验
Face bend 面弯sadism
Root bend 背弯
Side bend 側弯
Notch toughness tests 缺口韧性试验
Hammer tests 錘击试验
Peening 錘击
Torque tests 扭曲试验
Carbon steels 碳钢
Alloy steels 合金钢
Stainless steels 不锈钢
Welding process 焊接方法
Gas tungsten –arc welding(GTAW)(TIG) 钨极气体保护焊
Shielded metal –arc welding (SMAW) 手工电弧焊
Submerged – arc welding (SAW) 埋弧焊
Plug weld 塞焊
Surfacing weld 堆焊
Weld metal overlay 堆焊层
Stud welding 螺柱焊
Metal –arc welding(GMAW)(MIG) 熔化极气体保护焊
Plasma – arc welding (PAW) 等离子弧焊
Electroslag welding (ESW) 电渣焊
Electron beam welding (EBW) 电子束焊
Friction welding (FRC) 摩擦焊
Induction welding (IW) 感应焊
Lar beam welding (LBW) 激光焊
Resistance welding (RW) 电阻焊
Resistance spot welding (RSW) 电阻点焊
Oxyfuel gas welding (OFW) 氧—燃料气焊
海贼王2年后图片Oxyfuel gas cutting (OFC) 氧—燃料气割
Backhand welding 右焊法
Forehand welding 左焊法
Post weld heat treatment(PWHT)焊后热处理
Postheating 后热
Preheating 预热
Interpass temperature 层间温度
Sorbite 索氏体
Bainite 贝氏体
Anneal (annealing) 退火 (缓冷)
Temper(drawing) 回火
Reduction 还原
Cooling 冷却
Temper brittleness 回火脆性
Low –temperature brittleness 冷脆性
Hardening 淬火
Modified treatment 调质处理
Crystal lattice 晶格
Crystal nucleus 晶核
Crystal (grain) 晶粒
Grain boundary 晶界
Crystallize 结晶
Recrystal 重结晶
Brazing 钎接
Brazing filler metal 钎料
Specimens 试样
Sectioning test 切片试验
Trimming 清理焊缝
Cast iron 铸铁
Nodular iron 球墨铸铁
Pig iron 生铁
Wrought iron 熟铁
Moulded steel 铸钢
Impact toughness 冲击韧性
Austempering 等温淬火
Fracture 断口
Fracture surface 折断面
Positions of welds 焊接位置载体的意思
be honestPipe 管子
Fixed horizontal (5G) 水平固定
Fixed vertical (2G) 垂直固定
Fixed pipe on 45°(6G) 45度固定
Plate 板材