ASTM A313_03

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Designation:A 313/A 313M –03
Standard Specification for
Stainless Steel Spring Wire 1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 313/A 313M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the ca of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parenthes indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e )indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for u by agencies of the Department of Defen.
1.1This specification covers austenitic and age-hardenable stainless steel round spring wire intended especially for the manufacture of springs.
1.2The values stated in inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded parately as the standard.Within the text and tables,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system must be ud independently of the other.Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification.
1.3Unless the order specifies an “M”designation,the material shall be furnished to inch-pound units.
2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:
A 555/A 555M Specification for General Requirements for Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rods 2
A 751Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products 2
E 527Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)32.2Society of Automotive Engineers Standard:J 1086Numbering Metals and Alloys 43.Ordering Information
3.1It is the responsibility of the purchar to specify all requirements that are necessary for material
ordered under this specification.Such requirements may include,but are not limited to the following:3.1.1Quantity (weight),
3.1.2Name of material (stainless steel spring wire),3.1.3Finish (e 8.1),
3.1.4Dimension (diameter),
3.1.5Type designation (Table 1),
3.1.6ASTM designation and date of issue,
3.1.7Supplementary requirements for government procure-ment,and
3.1.8Special requirements.
N OTE 1—A typical ordering description is as follows:
2000lb (1000kg)Stainless Steel Spring Wire,cold-drawn Class 1,bright finish,0.032-in.(0.82mm)diameter,in 100-lb (50kg)16-in.(0.4m)coils,Type 302to ASTM A 313,dated ____.
4.General Requirements for Delivery
4.1In addition to the requirements of this specification,all requirements of the current edition of Specification A 555/A 555M shall apply.Failure to comply with the general requirements of Specification A 555/A 555M constitutes non-conformance with this specification.
5.1Types 302Class 1,304,305,316,321,347,and Grades S20430and XM-28shall be cold drawn to produce the required mechanical properties.
5.2Type 631,Type 302Class 2,and Grade XM-16shall be furnished in the cold-drawn condition ready for fabrication.Following fabrication Type 631and Grade XM-16shall be age or precipitation hardened to produce their maximum strength properties.The tensile strengths to be obtained following the prescribed heat treatment are shown in Table 2and Table 3for hardened wire.Type 302Class 2shall be stress relieved following fabrication and meet the requirements shown in Table 4.The nominal as-drawn tensile strengths are provided as a guide for the spring manufacturer.
6.Chemical Composition
6.1The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table 1.
6.2Methods and practices relating to chemical analysis required by this specification shall be in accordance with Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology A 751.
7.Mechanical Requirements 7.1Tensile Properties :
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys,and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.17on Flat-Rolled and Stainless Steel.
Current edition approved May 10,2003.Published June 2003.Originally approved in 1947.Last previous edition approved in 1998as A 313/A 313M –98.2
Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 01.03.3
Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol 01.01.4
Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE),400Commonwealth Dr.,Warrendale,PA 15096.
*A Summary of Changes ction appears at the end of this standard.
Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.
7.1.1Types 302Class 1and 304shall conform to the requirements shown in Table 5.
7.1.2Types 305,316,321,and 347shall conform to the requirements shown in Table 6.
7.1.3Type 631shall conform to the requirements shown in Table 2when heat treated 900°F [482°C]for 1h and air cooled.7.1.4Grade XM-16shall conform to the requirements shown in Table 3when heat treated 850°F [454°C]for 1⁄2h and air cooled.
7.1.5Grade XM-28shall conform to the requirements shown in Table 7.
7.1.6Type 302Class 2shall conform to the requirements shown in Table 4.
7.1.7Grade S20430shall conform to the requirements shown in Table 8.7.2Wrap Test :7.2.1Wire 0.162in.[4.11mm]and smaller in diameter shall wind on itlf as an arbor without breaking.
7.2.2Wire larger than 0.162in.[4.11mm]in diameter shall wind without breaking on a mandrel having a diameter twice the diameter of the wire.7.3Uniformity (Coil Test):
7.3.1In the as-cold drawn condition,a specimen coil shall be wound on an arbor of the size specified in Table 9to form a tightly wound coil.
7.3.2After winding,the specimen coil shall be stretched to a permanent t four times its as-wound length.After this treatment,the specimen coil shall show uniform pitch with no splits or fractures.
7.4Cast —A loop or ring shall be cut from the bundle and allowed to fall on the floor.The wire shall lie flat and not spring up or show a wavy condition.
TABLE 1Chemical Requirements
UNS Desig-nation A
Composition,B %Carbon
Other Elements
Austenitic Grades
S 24100XM-280.1511.0–14.00.0600.030  1.0016.5–19.00.50–2.500.20–0.45S 302003020.12  2.000.0450.030  1.0017.0–19.08.0–10.00.10S 304003040.08  2.000.0450.030  1.0018.0–20.08.0–10.50.10
S 305003050.12  2.000.0450.030  1.0017.0–19.010.5–13.0S 316003160.07  2.000.0450.030  1.0016.5–18.010.5–13.5  2.00–2.50
S 32100S 34700
Ti 53C min
(Cb +Ta)103C min
Age-Hardenable Grades
S 17700S 45500
Al 0.75–1.50Ti 0.80–1.40Cu 1.50–2.50(Cb +Ta)0.10–0.50
S 20430
...0.15  6.5–9.00.0600.030  1.0015.5–17.5  1.50–  3.500.05–0.25
Cu 2.0–4.0
A New designations established in accordance with Practice E 527and SAE J 1086,Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS).B
Maximum unless range is shown.
TABLE 2Tensile Strength Requirements for Type 631A
Cold Drawn Condition
C,ksi [MPa]Nominal
Condition CH-900B ,ksi [MPa]min max 0.010[0.25]to 0.015[0.38],incl
295[2035]335[2310]365[2515]Over 0.015[0.38]to 0.020[0.51],incl 290[2000]330[2275]360[2480]Over 0.020[0.51]to 0.029[0.74],incl 285[1965]325[2240]355[2450]Over 0.029[0.74]to 0.041[1.04],incl 275[1895]320[2205]350[2415]Over 0.041[1.04]to 0.051[1.30],incl 270[1860]310[2135]340[2345]Over 0.051[1.30]to 0.061[1.55],incl 265[1825]305[2100]335[2310]Over 0.061[1.55]to 0.071[1.80],incl 257[1770]297[2050]327[2255]Over 0.071[1.80]to 0.086[2.18],incl 255[1760]292[2015]322[2220]Over 0.086[2.18]to 0.090[2.29],incl 245[1690]282[1945]312[2150]Over 0.090[2.29]to 0.100[2.54],incl 242[1670]279[1925]309[2130]Over 0.100[2.54]to 0.106[2.69],incl 238[1640]274[1890]304[2095]Over 0.106[2.69]to 0.130[3.30],incl 236[1625]272[1875]302[2080]Over 0.130[3.30]to 0.138[3.50],incl 230[1585]260[1795]290[2000]Over 0.138[3.50]to 0.146[3.71],incl 228[1570]258[1780]288[1985]Over 0.146[3.71]to 0.162[4.11],incl 226[1560]256[1765]286[1970]Over 0.162[4.11]to
0.180[4.57],incl 224[1545]254[1750]284[1960]Over 0.180[4.57]to 0.207[5.26],incl 222[1530]252[1740]282[1945]Over 0.207[5.26]to 0.225[5.72],incl 218[1505]248[1710]278[1915]Over 0.225[5.72]to 0.306[7.77],incl 213[1470]242[1670]272[1875]Over 0.306[7.77]to 0.440[11.2],incl 207[1425]235[1620]265[1825]Over 0.440[11.2]to 0.625[15.88],incl
A When wire is specified in straightened and cut lengths,the minimum tensile strength shall be 90%of the values listed in the table.B
Aged at 900°F [482°C]for 1h and air cooled.
7.5Bend Test —When specified in the purcha order,Types 302,304,305,316,321,and 347shall be tested by the bend test.A piece not more than 10in.[254mm]long shall be lected from each test sample.The specimens shall be tested in a bending machine conforming substantially to Fig.1.Bends shall be made at as nearly a uniform rate as possible,not
exceeding 50bends per minute,and in no ca shall the speed be so great as to cau undue heating of the wire.The test specimen shall be bent back and forth through a total angle of 180°until failure occurs.Each 90°movement in either direction shall be counted as one bend.The wire shall withstand the minimum number of bends specified in Table 5and Table 6.
fighting什么意思8.1Stainless steel spring wire is supplied with different types of finish such as bright,copper,lead,oxide,and other.9.Keywords
9.1austenitic stainless steel;precipitation hardening stain-less steel;stainless steel spring wire
TABLE 3Tensile Strength Requirements for Grade XM-16A
Cold Drawn,ksi [MPa]
Age Hardened B ,ksi [MPa]min max 0.010[0.25]to 0.040[1.02],incl
245[1690]320[2205]350[2415]Over 0.040[1.02]to 0.050[1.27],incl 235[1620]310[2135]340[2345]Over 0.050[1.27]to 0.060[1.52],incl 225[1550]305[2100]335[2310]Over 0.060[1.52]to 0.075[1.90],incl 220[1515]295[2035]325[2240]Over 0.075[1.90]to 0.085[2.16],incl 215[1480]290[2000]320[2205]Over 0.085[2.16]to 0.095[2.41],incl 210[1450]285[1965]315[2170]Over 0.095[2.41]to 0.110[2.79],incl 200[1380]278[1915]308[2125]Over 0.110[2.79]to 0.125[3.17],incl 195[1345]272[1875]302[2080]Over 0.125[3.17]to 0.150[3.81],incl 190[1310]265[1825]295[2035]Over 0.150[3.81]to 0.500[12.7],incl
A When wire is straightened and cut lengths,the minimum tensile strength shall be 90%of the values listed in the table.B
Aged at 850°F [454°C]for 1⁄2h and air cooled.
TABLE 4Tensile Strength Requirement for Type 302Class 2
ksi [MPa]
Cold Drawn Nominal Stress Relieved A min max 0.050[1.30]to 0.160[4.00],incl
relieved at 800to 850°F [430to 455°C]for 1⁄2h and air cooled.
Bend Test Minimum Number of
ksi [MPa]
min max Up to 0.009[0.23],incl
...325[2240]355[2450]Over 0.009[0.23]to 0.010[0.25],incl ...320[2205]350[2415]Over 0.010[0.25]to 0.011[0.28],incl ...318[2190]348[2400]Over 0.011[0.28]to 0.012[0.30],incl ...316[2180]346[2385]Over 0.012[0.30]to 0.013[0.33],incl ...314[2165]344[2370]Over 0.013[0.33]to 0.014[0.36],incl ...312[2150]342[2360]Over 0.014[0.36]to 0.015[0.38],incl ...310[2135]340[2345]Over 0.015[0.38]to 0.016[0.41],incl ...308[2125]338[2330]Over 0.016[0.41]to 0.017[0.43],incl ...306[2110]336[2315]Over 0.017[0.43]to 0.018[0.46],incl ...304[2095]334[2300]Over 0.018[0.46]to 0.020[0.51],incl ...300[2070]330[2275]Over 0.020[0.51]to 0.022[0.56],incl ...296[2040]326[2250]Over 0.022[0.56]to 0.024[0.61],incl ...292[2015]322[2220]Over 0.024[0.61]to 0.026[0.66],incl 8291[2005]320[2205]Over 0.026[0.66]to 0.028[0.71],incl 8289[1995]318[2190]Over 0.028[0.71]to 0.031[0.79],incl 8285[1965]315[2170]Over 0.031[0.79]to 0.034[0.86],incl 8282[1945]310[2135]Over 0.034[0.86]to 0.037[0.94],incl 8280[1930]308[2125]Over 0.037[0.94]to 0.041[1.04],incl 8275[1895]304[2095]Over 0.041[1.04]to 0.045[1.14],incl 8272[1875]300[2070]Over 0.045[1.14]to 0.050[1.27],incl 8267[1840]295[2035]Over 0.050[1.27]to 0.054[1.37],incl 8265[1825]293[2020]Over 0.054[1.37]to 0.058[1.47],incl 7261[1800]289[1990]Over 0.058[1.47]to 0.063[1.60],incl 7258[1780]285[1965]Over
0.063[1.60]to 0.070[1.78],incl 7252[1735]281[1935]Over 0.070[1.78]to 0.075[1.90],incl 7250[1725]278[1915]Over 0.075[1.90]to 0.080[2.03],incl 7246[1695]275[1895]Over 0.080[2.03]to 0.087[2.21],incl 7242[1670]271[1870]Over 0.087[2.21]to 0.095[2.41],incl 7238[1640]268[1850]Over 0.095[2.41]to 0.105[2.67],incl 5232[1600]262[1805]Over 0.105[2.67]to 0.115[2.92],incl 5227[1565]257[1770]Over 0.115[2.92]to 0.125[3.17],incl 5222[1530]253[1745]Over 0.125[3.17]to 0.135[3.43],incl 3217[1495]248[1710]Over 0.135[3.43]to 0.148[3.76],incl 3210[1450]241[1660]Over 0.148[3.76]to 0.162[4.11],incl 3205[1415]235[1620]Over 0.162[4.11]to 0.177[4.50],incl 3198[1365]228[1570]Over 0.177[4.50]to 0.192[4.88],incl 1194[1335]225[1550]Over 0.192[4.88]to 0.207[5.26],incl 1188[1295]220[1515]Over 0.207[5.26]to 0.225[5.72],incl 1182[1255]214[1475]Over 0.225[5.72]to 0.250[6.35],incl 1175[1205]205[1415]Over 0.250[6.35]to 0.278[7.06],incl 1168[1160]198[1365]Over 0.278[7.06]to 0.306[7.77],incl 1161[1110]192[1325]Over 0.306[7.77]to 0.331[8.41],incl 1155[1070]186[1280]Over 0.331[8.41]to 0.362[9.19],incl 1150[1035]180[1240]Over 0.362[9.19]to 0.394[10.00],incl 1145[1000]175[1205]Over 0.394[10.00]to 0.438[11.12],incl 1140[965]170[1170]Over 0.438[11.12]to 0.500[12.70],incl 1龙井茶英语
135[930]165[1140]Over 0.500[12.70]
When wire is specified in straightened and cut lengths,the minimum tensile strength shall be 90%of the values listed in the table.
Diameter,in.[mm]Bend Test Minimum Number of
min max
Up to0.010[0.25],245[1690]275[1895] Over0.010[0.25]to0.015[0.38],240[1655]270[1860] Over0.015[0.38]to0.024[0.61],235[1620]265[1825] Over0.024[0.61]to0.041[1.04],incl8235[1620]
265[1825] Over0.041[1.04]to0.047[1.19],incl8230[1585]260[1790] Over0.047[1.19]to0.054[1.37],incl8225[1550]255[1760] Over0.054[1.37]to0.062[1.57],incl7220[1515]250[1725] Over0.062[1.57]to0.072[1.83],incl7215[1480]245[1690] Over0.072[1.82]to0.080[2.03],incl7210[1450]240[1655] Over0.080[2.03]to0.092[2.34],incl7205[1415]235[1620] Over0.092[2.34]to0.105[2.67],incl5200[1380]230[1585] Over0.105[2.67]to0.120[3.05],incl5195[1345]225[1550] Over0.120[3.05]to0.148[3.76],incl3185[1275]215[1480] Over0.148[3.76]to0.166[4.22],incl3180[1240]210[1450] Over0.166[4.22]to0.177[4.50],incl3170[1170]200[1380] Over0.177[4.50]to0.207[5.26],incl1160[1105]190[1310] Over0.207[5.26]to0.225[5.72],incl1155[1070]185[1275] Over0.225[5.72]to0.250[6.35],incl1150[1035]180[1240] Over0.250[6.35]to0.312[7.92],incl1140[965]170[1170] Over0.312[7.92]to0.375[9.53],incl1135[930]165[1140] Over0.375[9.53]to0.500[12.70],incl130[895]160[1105] Over0.500[12.70]125[860]155[1070] A When
wire is specified in straightened and cut lengths,the minimum tensile strength shall be90%of the values listed in the table.
小学生英语手抄报TABLE7Tensile Strength Requirements for Grade XM-28A
min max
Up to0.009[0.23],incl325[2240]355[2450] Over0.009[0.23]to0.010[0.25],incl320[2205]350[2415] Over0.010[0.25]to0.011[0.28],incl318[2195]348[2400] Over0.011[0.28]to0.012[0.30],incl316[2180]346[2385] Over0.012[0.30]to0.013[0.33],incl314[2165]344[2370] Over0.013[0.33]to0.014[0.36],incl312[2150]342[2360] Over0.014[0.36]to0.015[0.38],incl310[2135]340[2345] Over0.015[0.38]to0.016[0.41],incl308[2125]338[2330] Over0.016[0.41]to0.017[0.43],incl306[2110]336[2315] Over0.017[0.43]to0.018[0.46],incl304[2095]334[2305] Over0.018[0.46]to0.020[0.51],incl300[2070]330[2275] Over0.020[0.51]to0.022[0.56],incl296[2040]32
6[2250] Over0.022[0.56]to0.024[0.61],incl292[2015]322[2220] Over0.024[0.61]to0.026[0.66],incl289[1995]319[2200] Over0.026[0.66]to0.028[0.71],incl286[1970]316[2180] Over0.028[0.71]to0.032[0.81],incl282[1945]312[2150] Over0.032[0.81]to0.037[0.94],incl277[1910]307[2120] Over0.037[0.94]to0.041[1.04],incl273[1880]303[2090] Over0.041[1.04]to0.047[1.19],incl270[1860]300[2070] Over0.047[1.19]to0.054[1.37],incl265[1825]295[2035] Over0.054[1.37]to0.087[2.21],incl260[1795]290[2000] Over0.087[2.21]to0.120[3.05],incl255[1760]285[1965] Over0.120[3.05]to0.166[4.22],incl250[1725]280[1930] Over0.166[4.22]to0.192[4.88],incl240[1655]270[1860] Over0.192[4.88]to0.225[5.72],incl230[1585]260[1795] Over0.225[5.72]to0.278[7.06],incl215[1480]245[1690] Over0.278[7.06]to0.331[8.41],incl200[1380]230[1585] Over0.331[8.41]to0.394[10.00],incl185[1275]215[1480] Over0.394[10.00]to0.500[12.70],incl160[1105]190[1310]
A When wire is specified in straightened and cut lengths,the minimum tensile strength shall be85%of the values listed in the table.
教师节英语怎么说TABLE8Tensile Strength Requirement for Grade S20430 Diameter,in.[mm]
min max Over0.080[2.03]to0.095[2.41],
215[1480]245[1690] TABLE9Arbor Diameter Size for Uniformity Test
Wire Diameter,in.[mm]Arbor Diameter,in.[mm] 0.034[0.85]and under0.102[2.60] Over0.034[0.85]to0.045[1.20],incl0.145[3.70] Over0.045[1.20]to0.055[1.40],incl0.212[5.40] Over0.05
[3.20],incl0.250[6.40] Over0.125[3.20]to0.180[4.60],incl0.350[9.00]

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