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Standard Specification for
Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip,Plate,and Flat Bar1
This standard is issued under thefixed designation A666;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the ca of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parenthes indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for u by agencies of the Department of Defen.
1.1This specification covers austenitic stainless steels in the annealed and normally required cold-worked conditions for various structural,architectural,pressure vesl,magnetic, cryogenic,and heat-resisting applications.(This revision of Specification A666replaces prior Specifications A412and A177.)
1.2The application of this specification,or the u of material covered by this specification does not automatically allow usage in pressure vesl applications.Only annealed conditions of grades specifically approved by the ASME code are permitted for pressure vesl u.
1.3The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parenthes are for information only.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1ASTM Standards:2brazier
自学英语的方法A370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
A240/A240M Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate,Sheet,and Strip for Pressure Vesls and for General Applications
A480/A480M Specification for General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet,and Strip
A484/A484M Specification for General Requirements for Stainless Steel Bars,Billets,and Forgings
3.Material Test Report and Certification
3.1In addition to the requirements of Specification A480/ A480M,the cold-worked condition(annealed,1⁄4H,1⁄2H,and so forth)shall be noted.
4.Chemical Composition
4.1The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition specified in Table1,and shall conform to applicable requirements specified in the current edition of Specification A480/A480M.
5.Mechanical Properties
5.1The material shall conform to the mechanical properties specified in Table2and Table3,or Table2and Table4.
设计专业考研6.General Requirements
6.1The following requirements for orders for material furnished under this specification shall conform to the appli-cable requirements of the current edition of Specification A480/A480M or A484/A484M:
6.1.2General requirements for delivery,
6.1.3Ordering information,
6.1.5Special tests,
女生的英文名字6.1.6Heat treatment,
6.1.7Dimensions and permissible variations,
6.1.8Workmanship,finish and appearance,
6.1.9Number of tests/test methods,
6.1.10Specimen preparation,
6.1.13Rejection and rehearing,
1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel,
Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
A01.17on Flat-Rolled and Wrought Stainless Steel.
英语在线翻译Current edition approved Sept.1,2010.Published September2010.Originally
approved in1972.Last previous edition approved in2003as A666–03.DOI:
2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,www.astm,or
contact ASTM Customer Service at rvice@astm.For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
*A Summary of Changes ction appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.
6.1.14Material test report,6.1.15Certification,and
6.1.16Packaging,marking,and loading.
7.1Tension and bend-test specimens of sheet,strip,and plate products shall be lected from finished material and shall be lected in the transver direction,except in the ca of strip under 9in.(229mm)in width,in which ca tension test specimens shall be lected in the longitudinal direction.
7.2Flat bar tension and bend-test specimens shall be -lected from the finished material and shall be in the longitudi-nal direction.
7.3Corrosion samples,if required,shall be taken from material after final annealing and descaling and prior to cold working.
8.Number of Tests
8.1For cold-worked product produced in coil form,one tension test shall be made from each end of each coil.One bend test shall be made from one end of each coil.idiosyncratic
8.2For cold-worked flat bar and plate products,two tension test and one bend test shall be made on each size of flat bar and each thickness of plate from each heat in a lot annealed in a single charge or under the same conditions in a continuous furnace.
8.3Annealed material produced to Table 2requirements shall be tested in accordance with Specificati
on A480/A480M .9.Test Methods 9.1Tension Test :
9.1.1The yield strength shall be determined by the offt method as described in Test Methods and Definitions A370.An
alternative method of determining field strength may be ud bad on the following total extension under load:
Yield Strength,min.psi
Total Extension under Load in 2in.
Gage Length,incl.
9.1.2The requirement of this specification for yield strength will be considered as having been fulfilled if the extension under load for the specified yield strength does not exceed the specified valu
es.The values obtained in this manner should not,however,be taken as the actual yield strength for 0.2%.In ca of dispute,the offt method of determining yield strength shall be ud.9.2Bend Test :
9.2.1Bend-test specimens shall withstand cold bending without cracking when subjected to either the free-bend method or the controlled-bend (V-block)method at the condi-tion specified by Table 3or Table 4,respectively.Specimens shall be bent around a diameter equal to the product of the bend factor times the specified thickness of the test specimen.The choice of test method for materials in conditions other than annealed shall be at the option of the ller.
9.2.2Free-bend test specimens shall be bent cold,either by pressure or by blows.However,in the ca of dispute,tests shall be made by pressure.
9.2.3Controlled-bend (V-block)test specimens shall be bent cold by means of V-blocks or a mating punch and die having an included angle of 45°and with proper curvature of surface at the bend areas to impart the desired shape and diameter of bend to the specimen.
TABLE 1Chemical Composition Requirements A
UNS Designation
Carbon Mangane Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Chromium Nickel Other Elements 201S201000.15  5.5–7.50.0600.0300.7516.0–18.0  3.5–5.5N 0.25201L S201030.03  5.5–7.50.0450.0300.7516.0–18.0  3.5–5.5N 0.25201LN S201530.03  6.4–7.50.0450.0150.7516.0–17.5  4.0–5.0N 0.10–0.25Cu 1.00202S202000.157.5–10.00.0600.0300.7517.0–19.0  4.0–6.0N S204000.0307.0–9.00.0400.030  1.0015.0–17.0  1.50–3.00N 0.15–0.30205S205000.12–0.2514.0–15.00.0600.0300.7516.5–18.0  1.00–1.75N 0.32–0.40301S301000.15  2.000.0450.030  1.0016.0–18.0  6.0–8.0N 0.10301L S301030.03  2.000.0450.030  1.0016.0–18.0  6.0–8.0N 0.20301LN S301530.03  2.000.0450.030  1.0016.0–18.0  6.0–8.0N 0.07–0.20301Si S301160.15  2.000.0450.030  1.00–1.3516.0–18.0  6.0–8.0N 0.20,Mo 1.00302S302000.15  2.000.0450.0300.7517.0–19.08.0–10.0304S304000.08  2.000.0450.0300.7518.0–20.08.0–10.5N 0.10304L S304030.030  2.000.0450.0300.7518.0–20.08.0–12.0N 0.10304N S304510.08  2.000.0450.0300.7518.0–20.08.0–10.5N 0.10–0.16304LN S304530.030  2.000.0450.0300.7518.0–20.08.0–12.0N 0.10–0.16316S316000.08  2.000.0450.0300.7516.0–18.010.0–14.0Mo 2.00–3.00316L S316030.030  2.000.0450.0300.7516.0–18.010.0–14.0Mo 2.00–3.00316N S316510.08  2.
000.0450.0300.7516.0–18.010.0–14.0Mo 2.00–3.00N 0.10–0.16XM–11XM–14
N 0.15–0.40N 0.35–0.50
A Types XM–10and XM–19,which appeared in Specification A412,do not appear as XM–10is
no longer produced and XM–19is covered in Specification A240/A240M .B
Maximum unless otherwi indicated.
TABLE2Tensile Property Requirements A
Tensile Strength,min Yield Strength,min Elongation in
Hardness,max psi MPa psi MPa Brinell Rockwell B
201–1B S2010075000515380002604021795 Class1
201–2S20100950006554500031040241100 Class2
201L S2010395000655380002604021795 201LN ...S20400950006554800033035241100 205S205001150007906500045040241100 301S3010075000515300002054021795 301L S30103800005503200022045241100 301LN S30153800005503500024045241100 302S3020075000515300002054020192 ...S3011675000515300002054021795 304S3040075000515300002054020192 304L S3040370000485250001704020192 304N S3045180
000550350002403021795 304LN S3045375000515300002054021795 316S3160075000515300002054021795 316L S3160370000485250001704021795 316N S3165180000550350002403521795 XM–11S21904
< XM–
1⁄16Hard C
Tensile Strength,min Yield Strength,min 50mm,min,% psi MPa psi MPa<0.015in.$
201S20100PSS D9500065545000310404040 FB E7500051540000275 (40)
201L S2010310000069050000345404040 201LN S2015310000069050000345404040 205S2050011500079065000450404040 301S301009000062045000310404040 301L S3010310000069050000345404040 301LN S3015310000069050000345404040 302S30200PSS8500058545000310404040 FB9000062045000310 (40)
304S30400PSS8000055045000310353535 FB9000062045000310 (40)
304L S304038000055045000310404040 304N S304519000062045000310404040 304LN S304539000062045000310404040 316S31600PSS8500058545000310353535 FB9000062045000310 (40)
316L S316038500058545000310353535 316N S316519000062045000310353535
1⁄8Hard C
Type UNS
Designation Tensile Strength,min Yield Strength,min 50mm,min,% psi MPa psi MPa<0.015in.$0.015to
201S2010010000069055000380454545 201L S2010310500072555000380353535 201LN S2015311000076060000415353535 205S2050011500079065000450404040 301S3010010000069055000380404040 301L S3010311000076060000415353535 301LN S3015311000076060000415353535 302S3020010000069055000380353535 304S3040010000069055000380353535 304L S3040310000069055000380303030 304N S3045110000069055000380373737 304LN S3045310000069055000380333333 316S3160010000069055000380303030
<. ....全国英语能力竞赛
10.1austenitic stainless steel;cold-worked stainless steel;stainless steel flat bar;stainless steel plate;stainless steel sheet;
stainless steel strip
This specification defines minimum properties only and does not imply a range.Depending on the work hardening characteristics of the particular grade,either the yield or the tensile strength can be the controlling factor in meeting the properties.The noncontrolling factor normally will exceed considerably the specified minimum.B
Type 201is generally produced with a chemical composition balanced for rich side (Type 201-1)or lean side (Type 201-2)austenite stability depending on the properties required for specific applications.C
Annealed material that naturally meets mechanical properties may be applied.D
PSS means plate,strip,sheet.E
FB means flat

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